Morning Glory Pool, a hot spring that quietly bubbles in Yellowstone National Park, is famous for its dazzling display of colors, starting with blue and green in its center, before bleeding into yellows and reddish oranges at its edge. As beautiful as it might look, its rainbow-like appearance is largely due to contamination from human […]
Scientists Revive 1,000-Year-Old Biblical Tree From Seed Found In A Judean Cave
Researchers have resurrected a strange seed that was discovered in a cave in the Judean desert during the 1980s. According to radiocarbon dating, the seed was over 1,000 years old when it was found, and its DNA links it to a genus of tree that, although lost today, was mentioned in the Bible. Advertisement Named […]
A Paragliding Motorbike Cruises Over Alps In Nerve-Racking “World-First” Red Bull Stunt
In a beautiful blend of physics and human courage, freestyle motocross maestro Tom Pagès has combined motorbike riding with paragliding against the backdrop of the French Alps. The Red Bull athlete recently pulled off the stunt, called ”Ride & Fly”, near the resort of Les Portes du Soleil in Haute-Savoie, southeastern France. Advertisement He began […]
Sometimes, Our Brains Think Infinity Is Smaller Than Real Numbers. What The Heck?
Back in elementary school, infinity made sense. It was the number you used to win arguments: “no, you suck worse, times infinity!” Advertisement Now that we’re older, though, we’d hope to have a more nuanced and technical grasp of the concept. Unfortunately, a recent study has found that most of us… probably don’t. “Traditional cognitive […]
Watch An Unsuspecting Isopod Get Grabbed By A Not-So-Innocent Pink Sea Anemone
Beware the creatures of the deep. While most people worry about the big scary things in the ocean such as sharks and orcas, if you’re an isopod living down there it’s the pink, fluffy-looking animals you’ve got to be wary of, as a new video that even surprised researchers shows. Advertisement On the latest EV […]
Ig Nobel Prizewinner Debunks Supposed “Blue Zones”, Where People Live Exceptionally Long Lives
Do people in supposed “blue zones” really have an above-average chance of living over 100 years? Despite the idea’s popularity, new Ig Nobel award-winning research has kind of killed it (pun most certainly intended). It seems past research into extreme old-age demographics has been riddled with fundamental flaws that have produced distorted conclusions. Advertisement The […]
Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) Is About To Meet The Sun – We Should See It Soon
Bring on Friday! Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) is now speeding towards its closest encounter with the Sun – possibly its one and only encounter with our star. On September 27, the comet will fly a distance of 58.6 million kilometers (36.4 million miles) from the Sun; that is roughly the same as the orbit of […]
New “Ghost Shark” Species Lurks In Deep Seas Of Australia And New Zealand
If you’re thinking of going down the unconventional route for this year’s Halloween costume, we’ve got just the inspiration for you: a brand-new species of chimaera, better known as a ghost shark or spookfish. Advertisement Scientists discovered the new species, which goes by the scientific name Harriotta avia – avia meaning “grandmother” in Latin, in […]
Six Of Nine Earth Planetary Health Boundaries Have Been Broken – And There’s More To Come
Six out of nine key planetary boundaries have been broken, while a seventh is set to be imminently breached, according to a “first-of-its-kind” planetary health check report. Advertisement Each of the boundaries is a bit like a cog in the machine that helps the planet to stay stable and resilient, allowing humanity to continue surviving […]
Male Crickets More Likely To Try To Woo Other Males When Well-Fed
Well-fed male Pacific field crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) show sexual interest in both male and female members of their own species – however, when fed a low-quality diet, they lose interest in other males and focus their attention more on females. Advertisement Some zoologists have been reported to not record data on their observations of same-sex sexual […]
Hand-Reared Guam Kingfishers Released After Being Extinct In The Wild Since 1988
Species are being lost from the wild at an unprecedented rate, and some of the most threatened ones are being protected by conservation projects that either work with or employ local people in the area where the species remains and use ex-situ conservation practices (outside of the species’ natural habitat) to protect species that can […]
Eight Years Ago, A Switzerland-Sized Hole Appeared In Antarctic Sea Ice – But Why?
Antarctica is no stranger to icy shenanigans – look no further than the giant spinning iceberg, or the “fingers of death” that lurk beneath the surface. In 2016, however, scientists were baffled when an unexpectedly massive hole opened up in the ice of the Weddell Sea. Now, we might know why it happened. Advertisement It’s […]
Largest Colony Of Night Parrots, One Of The World’s Rarest Birds, Discovered
An estimated 50 night parrots (Pezoporus occidentalis) survive in a newly discovered colony in a remote area of Western Australia, more than doubling population estimates for colonies of a bird thought extinct for decades. Although the discovery greatly increases the chance of saving the parrot with one of the planet’s most unusual avian lifestyles (despite […]
Slap Fighting: Competitors Show Signs Of Concussion As Fears About The Sport Grow
Medical professionals are worried that an increasingly popular combat sport, known as slap fighting, could be leaving contestants brain damaged. Advertisement Slap fighting is essentially what it says on the tin. Competitors in this largely underground fast-paced sport take turns to strike one another with full force across the face with open hands. The winner […]
Over 100 Anxiety-Associated Genes Identified In Huge New Multi-Ancestry Study
In an analysis of genetic data from over 1.2 million people from different ancestry groups, scientists have been able to pinpoint 115 genes associated with anxiety. Advertisement According to the World Health Organization, anxiety disorders are the world’s most common mental illness, estimated to have affected 301 million people across the globe in 2019. While […]
Octopuses Form Hunting Packs With Fish, But Sometimes Sucker-Punch Their Comrades
Mixed-species hunting packs comprised of octopuses and fish have been observed working together in the wild to improve predation success. It’s been thought that the brainy octopuses would naturally lead the pack, but new research suggests that the chain of command may be more complicated than that. Advertisement Hunting with fish is a particularly curious […]
Are Black Holes Really “Frozen Stars”? New Paper Suggests They Might Be
New research has looked at an alternative idea for what black holes are, suggesting that they might not be what we thought. Advertisement Black holes are an enormous source of gravity, “bubbles“, and headaches. Predicted as a result of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, they contain an outer region known as the event horizon – […]
The Pythagorean Theorem Is Actually 1,000 Years Older Than Pythagoras
Pythagoras was a smart guy: sure, he had some pretty rogue beliefs about beans, but the man knew his triangles, something most of us will have become acutely aware of when high school geometry drummed the Pythagorean theorem into our heads. But did the famed philosopher actually come up with the equation he’s most often […]
Why Is NASA Hoping To Shoot Bullets At The Moon And Mars?
NASA’s Langley Research Center has finally presented a plan to learn about the Moon and Mars, by shooting them with specially designed bullets. We can learn a lot about the Moon through telescope observations, and far more from going there ourselves and taking samples. But nothing, according to a proposed NASA project, quite beats going […]
5-Meter Megamouth Shark Meets Human In Video Of Rare Wildlife Encounter
On June 7 of this year, a British diver had a remarkable encounter with a rare and prehistoric shark. Megamouth sharks (Megachasma pelagios) are hardly ever seen alive, but this 5-meter (16.4-foot) behemoth emerged from the depths to star in some truly remarkable footage. Advertisement The person who can be seen swimming alongside the megamouth […]