After thousands of years in the afterlife you might expect to stink like a moldy old scrotum, but as it turns out, ancient Egyptian mummies are still surprisingly easy on the nose. A credit to their embalmers, the shriveled bodies retain many of the pleasant odors emanating from the aromatic oils and waxes with which […]
“Molecule That Made The Universe” Has More Sources Than We Thought
Trihydrogen cations, or H3+, are not common molecules in our everyday lives – you might not have heard of them before this article, but we are probably here because of them. This peculiar type of ion is likely a crucial ingredient in the formation of stars as well as a catalyst in chemical reactions in […]
Watch As Rare Black Wolves Are Recorded In Poland For The First Time
Rare black wolves have been captured crossing a stream in Poland, marking the first time that black wolves have ever been filmed in the country. ADVERTISEMENT GO AD FREE Recorded on a camera trap that was originally set up to record beavers by the conservation charity SAVE Wildlife Conservation Fund Poland, the footage shows first […]
Two Jurassic Fossils Could Be The Earliest True Birds Ever Found
Two fossils suggest that birds were thriving and diversifying in China as the Jurassic Period closed, new research reveals. Given the contentiousness of avian origins, however, the debate may have a fair way to run. ADVERTISEMENT GO AD FREE Early bird evolution is shrouded in mystery partly because their thin bones fossilize badly, but also […]
Biofluorescence Vs Bioluminescence: What’s The Difference?
The natural world is full of things that glow, but there’s more than one way that they can do so. Some are biofluorescent and others are bioluminescent – but what’s the difference between the two? What is biofluorescence? ADVERTISEMENT GO AD FREE Biofluorescence is a phenomenon in which an organism absorbs light at a certain […]
January 2025 Was The Hottest On Record, Even With A Weaker La Niña
According to all climate metrics, 2024 was a terrifying year. It was so hot that it led to a declaration by the UN that we were witnessing climate breakdown in real-time. January 2025 has not bucked that trend – quite the opposite. January 2025 was the hottest January on record. ADVERTISEMENT GO AD FREE Data […]
This Biohybrid Robot Hand Can Win Rock, Paper, Scissors – Provided You Play Paper
A robot hand powered by lab-grown muscles is challenging you to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors – do you accept? Here’s hoping you choose rock, because a new remarkable biohybrid has just perfected the scissors sign thanks to multiple muscle tissue actuators (MuMuTAs) that are bringing us closer to larger biohybrid limbs (and in […]
Good News, Folks! Your Flow Playlist Is Working
Listening to the right tune can get our hairs standing on end thanks to “frisson”, but can it move us to focus more on something we’re working on? Flow playlists are all over streaming platforms like Spotify, and now new research has backed up their efficacy as a study tool. ADVERTISEMENT GO AD FREE The […]
What Is The Best Image We Have Of Atoms?
Using advanced telescopes, scientists have looked at light that left galaxies 13.5 billion light-years ago, from the distant galaxy JADES-GS-z14-0. So why do we have such trouble looking the other way, down to the tiniest scales? Can’t we use lenses to see atoms? ADVERTISEMENT GO AD FREE The short answer is; no. We will never […]
What Is The Most Intelligent Fish In The Sea?
Fish are often held up as the poster child for poor memory, and yet some fish have passed the mirror test – something that’s considered the benchmark for self-awareness. It seems we’ve been a bit quick to assume their smarts, so who is the brainiest fish swimming in the brine? What is the most intelligent […]
How Satisfied Are You In Your Relationship? Take This Test To Find Out
With February 14 around the corner, what better time to assess your satisfaction in your relationship? Luckily for you, researchers at Stockholm University have just the test – designed to assess key aspects of your relationship such as emotional intimacy, trust, and conflict resolution, in seven simple questions. They even provide helpful tips and tricks […]
4 Ways To Have A Vengeful Valentine’s Day While Helping Out Animals
When it comes to a broken heart, sometimes there’s no better remedy than being incredibly petty. Luckily, zoos have come in clutch with some deliciously vindictive ways to insult your ex (or enemies) this Valentine’s Day, while also doing some good for our animal friends. 1. Dedicate a pile of poop Give someone the gift […]
Misinformation Is A Political Tool Of Radical Right-Wing Populists
Who is responsible for creating and spreading misinformation? The subject has become increasingly concerning in both the public and academic spheres since 2016, where social media is often seen as the driver behind its proliferation. However, a new study takes a different view: misinformation is actually a political strategy adopted by radical right-wing populist parties. […]
Feast Of The Flesh: How Did Cannibalism Become The Ultimate Taboo?
What is the most heinous act a person can commit? There are probably many contenders, but one that is felt keenly by many cultures across the world is the idea of eating human flesh. Cannibalism is often referred to as the ultimate taboo and its violently snackish practitioners – from iconic cinematic villains like Hannibal […]
Highest Energy Neutrino Ever Detected Breaks Record By 3,500 Percent
Information has been released on a neutrino estimated to have an energy of 220 peta electron volts (PeV). The previous record-holder was 6.05 PeV, and while there is a wide error bar on the latest discovery, even at the lower end of estimates it’s an order of magnitude above anything we’ve seen before. The source […]
Reintroduced Wolves Caused A “Trophic Cascade”, Transforming Yellowstone’s Ecosystems
New research has demonstrated the powerful impacts the reintroduction of predators can have on an ecosystem. The presence of wolves in Yellowstone National Park has driven a cascading effect that has literally changed the landscape. ADVERTISEMENT GO AD FREE The new study used data from previous studies on 25 riparian (streamside) sites collected over a […]
Google Adds The “Gulf Of America” To Google Maps For Almost The Entire World
Search giant Google has officially changed the Gulf of Mexico to the “Gulf of America” on Google Maps, following an order by US President Donald Trump to rename the oceanic basin. Rather than a change seen only by users in the USA, the change will affect almost all Google Maps users. ADVERTISEMENT GO AD FREE […]
Prehistoric Wolves May Have Willingly Turned Themselves Into Dogs
Transforming an untamed wolf into an obedient sausage dog or clingy chihuahua requires some serious time and genetic alchemy, yet new research suggests the process may have been simpler than you’d think, unhindered by the factor of time. According to the study authors, ancient wolves that craved the benefits of human companionship would have had […]
Even Condoms Don’t Stop The Transfer Of “Sexome” Bacteria
Genitals have their own bacteria, and the mix is different for every person. The transfer that occurs during sex leaves a metaphorical fingerprint, which scientists may one day use to tell when sexual contact has occurred, and with whom. New research on the topic shows that while condoms reduce this transfer, they don’t stop it […]
US Hits Its Most Corrupt Level, According To International Corruption Index
The US has received its lowest-ever Corruption Perceptions Index score on the scale set up by Transparency International, a well-respected movement working to end corruption across the world. It joins 47 other countries that have received their lowest-ever scores, representing its most corrupt point since the index was established in 2012. ADVERTISEMENT GO AD FREE […]