The Sun emits a stupendous amount of light. Its luminosity is almost 400 billion billion megawatts. The Earth gets less than 0.0000001 percent of that. It’s free energy and there is a way to get it, if you do not mind constructing something vastly beyond humans’ capabilities: a Dyson sphere. Advertisement This is a theoretical […]
Ancient Sunken Cave Bridge Reveals Humans Reached Island 2,000 Years Earlier Than Thought
Figuring out what our ancestors were up to thousands of years ago is no easy task – but in some regions of the planet, it’s made even harder by a lack of archaeological evidence. One such place is the Mediterranean islands. Working out when humans first arrived here has been a tricky puzzle, but it’s […]
This Is Where COVID-19 Cases Are The Highest In The US
It’s been a while since we’ve had a COVID-19 update, hasn’t it? Once upon a time, you couldn’t go a whole day without seeing updated death tolls and infection rates. Now, despite the continuing mutations of the virus into certain FLiRT-y subvariants, we barely hear about these numbers at all. Advertisement So how is the […]
Does The Real-Life Paddington Bear Like Marmalade?
Here at IFLScience, we strive to give you the answers to some of science’s most pressing questions. Are we alone in the universe? Do animals think? But the latest is by far the most important – does the real-life Paddington Bear love marmalade as much as its fictional counterpart? Advertisement The first step in finding […]
Bronze Age Weapons Were Mega Lethal – Scientists Made Their Own To Prove It
The Bronze Age was basically just one long bloodbath, made possible by the invention of new weapons forged from the copper-tin alloy that gives the era its name. While analyzing these ancient armaments using lab equipment can tell us a great deal about their histories, there’s really only one way to figure out how effective […]
What Happens If You Get Sucked Into A Tornado?
A tornado is a rotating column of air that touches the land, often connected to the base of a thunderstorm. The direction of spin is typically influenced by the hemisphere it’s in, but some very rare tornadoes have bucked the trend. With windspeeds sometimes topping hundreds of miles an hour, they can have enormously devastating […]
A Strange Radio Ring Could Be From A New Class Of Astronomical Object
It will be sad when the universe can no longer surprise us, but today is not that day. South Africa’s MeerKAT radio telescope has detected a faint ring almost in the direction of the center of the galaxy – but what it is and where it came from are mysteries we get to explore. Advertisement […]
Major Fish-stinction Ahead? AI Finds 5 Times More Species At Risk Than Previously Thought
They say out of sight is out of mind, and there’s no greater proof of that than the world’s oceans. A new study illustrates this in a particularly grim way, showing through the application of artificial intelligence (AI) models that we’ve drastically undercounted the threat of extinction to marine species – and the true figure […]
Meet The Gallium Anomaly – An (Old) New Challenge To All Known Physics
Gallium is a fun material. It’s solid as long as you are not picking it up with your own hands, because it would turn liquid due to its relatively low melting temperature. For physicists, one of the two stable isotopes of gallium also has another use: it can be employed to study solar neutrinos. And […]
World-First Snakelets Born At Memphis Zoo Using Cryopreserved Sperm
A very special clutch of snakelets have just arrived at Memphis Zoo, USA, born through a methodology that marks a world-first for reptile reproduction. They are Louisiana pinesnakes (Pituophis ruthveni), a species that’s threatened in the wild, but one for which we have crucial samples stored in a “frozen zoo”. Advertisement Cryopreservation, also called biobanking, […]
Bald Eagle Rescued Near Missouri National Park Was Not Injured, Just “Too Fat To Fly”
Next time you do something embarrassing, just think: “At least I’m not a wild bird that had to be rescued, only for the humans to discover I wasn’t hurt, just full.” And if this example seems a bit left-field, boy do we have the story for you. A bald eagle was recently rescued in Missouri […]
Killer Whale Pirates, Hunting Aliens, And Flying Spaghetti Monsters
This week on Break It Down: orcas disable another boat as a new theory is put forward for the behavior, bacteria pass “memories” of perturbed genes to descendants, SETI scans 2,880 galaxies for advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, what you need to know about human parvovirus B19, flying spaghetti monsters sighted on a sea mount expedition, and […]
What Makes Olduvai Gorge So Special?
In 1931, at the age of 28, Louis Leakey made his first trip to Olduvai Gorge, in what is now Tanzania. His goal: to prove that Africa – specifically East Africa, where he had been born and grown up – was the so-called “cradle of humanity”. It was, he had been told, a fool’s errand. […]
New Measurements Of Universe’s Darkness Suggest Fewer Galaxies Are Around
It was the writer Edgar Allan Poe who first proposed a solution to Olber’s paradox: why is the sky dark at night? The reason for the darkness of the night is to be found in the fact that our cosmos has limits, at the very least in time. Since then, astronomers have been searching for […]
Your Backpack May One Day Generate Solar Power Thanks To “Revolutionary” New Material
A newly developed material may be about to revolutionize solar energy. Created using what the researchers call a “multi-junction” approach, the material is already more efficient than many traditional solar panels – while simultaneously being thin and flexible enough to be incorporated into everyday objects. Advertisement As the scholars Flansburgh and Linnell famously explained: “The […]
NASA Has Finally Measured Earth’s Long-Suspected Polar Electric Field
The Earth has an electric field that allows atmospheric particles to escape near the poles. Yet despite the concept being proposed around the time humans were first reaching space, it’s never been verified, let alone measured, until now. In the course of a suborbital flight, NASA’s Endurance rocket has done both. Advertisement Planetary scientists proposed […]
The Primordial Pouch: Why Do Cats Have A Weird Flap?
Does your cat’s big fat belly appear to comedically swing from side to side when it walks or runs? You might just be looking at its primordial pouch, which, despite looking completely ridiculous, provides your feisty feline with a complex evolutionary advantage. All cats – male or female, neutered or intact – have a primordial […]
The Earth’s Oceans Are A Potentially Huge Source Of Energy. Why Aren’t We Harnessing Them?
As the search for ever-more sources of clean, renewable energy continues, it seems like there’s one resource we’ve forgotten to tap into. Not for nothing is Earth known as the “Blue Planet” – with more than 70 percent of the globe being covered by seas and oceans, is there no way we could harness the […]
Rare Fossil Depicts Sea Cows’ Miserable End In The Jaws Of Crocodiles And Sharks
Between 23 and 11.6 million years ago, an unlucky sea cow had a very bad day. It got munched on by not one, but two types of carnivores as it became dinner for both a shark and some kind of ancient crocodilian. The most unfortunate of sandwiches. Advertisement The gruesome scene has been pieced together […]
Bass Invading The Grand Canyon? Cold Water Could Be The Answer
The US Bureau of Reclamation has come up with a plan to prevent invasive smallmouth bass from taking over the Grand Canyon, and it involves turning down the temperature. Advertisement Smallmouth bass are typically native to the eastern and central United States, but they are also highly effective predators that love nothing more than chowing […]