Astronomers studying red dwarf stars have spotted something in the background, which they think explains a signal that has been puzzling astronomers since its detection over four decades ago. If they are right, it could represent an opportunity to improve our understanding of rare astronomical events. Advertisement In the 1970s, the Big Ear telescope, operated […]
AI Models Like ChatGPT Do Not Pose An “Existential Threat” To Humanity
A new study argues that ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) are incapable of independent learning or acquiring skills without human input. This pours cold water on the belief that such systems could pose existential risks to humanity. Advertisement LLMs are scaled up versions of pre-trained language models (PLMs), which are trained on massive […]
Rare 3.7-Meter-Long Deep-Sea “Doomsday” Fish Found Off California Coast
While there’s no chance of you encountering a megalodon on your marine adventures, there are still plenty of other heebie-jeebie-inducing deep-sea creatures out there to run into, as one group of kayakers and snorkelers found out last week when they came across a rarely seen giant – an oarfish. Advertisement The 3.7-meter (12-foot) long, silver […]
The Moon Needs A New Time Zone, Says International Astronomical Union
The push to set up a “Lunar Coordinate Time” is gaining traction. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is the latest organization to call for the Moon to have its own standard clock time in a bid to coordinate future lunar missions. Advertisement A motion to establish a standard Lunar Celestial Reference System and Lunar Coordinate […]
Cosmic Object Speeding At 1 Million Miles Per Hour Discovered By Amateur Astronomers
Citizen scientists working on the hunt for the hypothetical Planet 9 that should lurk at the edge of the Solar System have instead found a cosmic object moving so fast that it will one day leave the Milky Way. It’s the first object with the mass of a small star found moving at this speed. […]
What The Heck Is The Bananapocalypse? Are We Facing A Banana-Free Future?
You may have seen in the news recently that a banana apocalypse is nigh – scientists have heralded an uncertain future for the fruit as it continues to be plagued by a fungal pathogen. It sounds like devastating news for lovers of banoffee pie and banana bread (although maybe not for smoothie fans) – are […]
What Are Those Smooth Patches Out At Sea?
Ever been at one of those oceanside airports where you take off over the sea and noticed that among the choppy waters are smooth patches? These surface slicks are a perplexing phenomenon, and it turns out they’re a haven for a vast diversity of tiny lifeforms. Advertisement What are those smooth patches out at sea? […]
Chinese And Russian Bombers Intercepted Near Alaska In Display Of Their New Friendship
Late last month, Russian and Chinese bombers staged a joint patrol over the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea near the coast of Alaska, prompting American and Canadian forces to respond. Advertisement Two Russian TU-95 “Bear” bombers and two Chinese Xi’an H-6 bombers were tracked flying in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) […]
Ocean Vs. Sea: What’s The Difference?
There’s one question that’s crossed many a mind whilst having a paddle at the beach: am I in the sea or the ocean? Saying you’ve dipped your toes in the ocean certainly sounds more impressive, but is there actually a difference between the two? Advertisement Before we dive into it, it’s important to know that […]
Personalized Brain Stimulation Reduces Parkinson’s Symptoms By 50 Percent In Early Study
A personalized approach to a common Parkinson’s disease treatment may lead to substantially improved results, according to a new study. Deep brain stimulation (DBS), which involves implanting electrodes into the brain to stimulate regions affected by the disease, is usually a standardized treatment – but the study team found that an approach adapted to each […]
This Spring’s Massive Aurora-Sparking Solar Storm Has Given Earth A New Ring
Along with summoning beautiful aurora in the night sky around the world, the gusty solar storm that rocked Earth in May this year left another legacy: a new Van Allen Belt looping around the planet. Advertisement The Van Allen belts are two donut-shaped belts of radiation wrapped around Earth, composed of energetic charged particles trapped […]
The Night Sky Is In Danger And Astronomers Are Stepping Up To Protect It
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has passed a resolution to strengthen the work it does in protecting the Dark and Quiet Sky both on the ground and in space. That the resolution would pass was obvious – you wouldn’t expect turkeys to vote for Christmas – but it matters greatly in showing the commitment of […]
Catfishing Spiders Manipulate Fireflies’ Flashes To Lure More Into Their Webs
The light signals of fireflies appear to have been highjacked by orb-weaving spiders. Scientists believe they have observed the spiders manipulating captive flies so that they flash like females, luring more male fireflies into their trap. Can’t trust anything anymore. The spider is Araneus ventricosus, which is partial to feeding on the firefly species Abscondita […]
May’s Huge Geomagnetic Storm Created A Previously Unseen Vortex in Earth’s Atmosphere
A powerful geomagnetic storm that engulfed our planet three months ago altered the atmosphere in ways that have never been seen before. Among the unique phenomena triggered by the event was the appearance of a huge spiral structure in the thermosphere, as well as the complete obliteration of the ionosphere in the mid-latitude region. Advertisement […]
Good News! Bats’ Incredible Twinkle Toes Glow Under Ultraviolet Light
A group of bats that fly as if they’re very proud of their feet have been vindicated with the discovery that their toes have a remarkable talent. When under ultraviolet (UV) light, the fluffy feet of a certain bat in Mexico glow a spooky hue of green and blue, and it’s possible it could be […]
Why Are There Two Dakotas, Two Virginias, And Two Carolinas?
There are technically 50 states in the USA, but let’s face it: some of them are cheating. Take Alaska, for example – clearly a part of Canada, sorry guys, but look at a map – or Hawaii, which is separated from the rest of the states by about 3,860 kilometers (2,400 miles) of ocean and […]
The Lottery Drew The Same 6 Numbers 4 Days Apart. Here’s Why That’s Not Surprising
On September 10, 2009, the Bulgarian national lottery announced that week’s winning numbers to be 4, 15, 23, 24, 35, and 42. A perfectly unremarkable set of figures, you might think – unless that is, you happened to have seen the draw just four days earlier, in which the exact same combination had been drawn. […]
World First Carbon Capture Facility Could Remove 3,000 Tons Of CO2 From Air Annually
Canadian carbon removal company Deep Sky has announced plans to build the world’s first carbon removal innovation and commercialization center. It’s set to be built in Innisfail, a town about an hour north of Calgary, Alberta. Advertisement The quest for net zero needs to be fought on many fronts. You have your vanguard offense: simply […]
Soaring Birds, Buzzing Bugs – Art And Science Capture The “Hidden Beauty” Of Flight
There is something magical about the flight of the swift. They are quick, almost too quick for us to see. Here one moment, the next they are gone, always chasing bugs. Unlike us land animals leaving footprints with every step, each wingbeat leaves no trace of its passage. That is until Xavi Bou started capturing […]
Pink Noise – The Answer To Your Sleep Issues Or A Buzz About Nothing?
Good sleep is essential for good health, so it’s no wonder you feel crappy when you’ve just woken up at 4.00 am… again. When even a cheeky daytime nap won’t cut it, it’s understandable that people will turn to all sorts of things to try and reach that magic eight hours a night. Some even […]