Astronomers have announced new evidence on a bit of a controversial topic in the field: the number of bright galaxies that existed in the early universe, specifically within the first 600 million years following the Big Bang. Hubble had shown that the number was higher than expected but ground observations disagreed with this assessment. Now, […]
Scientists Drill 1,268 Metres Deep Under The Atlantic Ocean, Scooping Out Huge Piece Of Earth’s Mantle
Humans have drilled a record-breaking 1,268 meters (4,160 feet) into Earth’s mantle, gifting scientists with an extraordinary glimpse into the planet’s deep geology – and possibly the origins of life. The drill hole was made in a volcanically active region of the mid-Atlantic ridge located along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. Advertisement The mantle […]
This Tiny Piece Of Resin Just Rewrote The History Of The Pacific Islands
From the edges of the Arctic to the hottest deserts, humans have eked out survival – flourished, even – in pretty much every corner of the globe. Mapping out exactly how that happened, however, is an ambition that has long evaded researchers – particularly those studying the history of human dispersals across the Pacific Ocean. […]
Dinosaur-Killing Impactor Was Probably A Rare Asteroid From Beyond Jupiter
The minerals left behind when the Chicxulub Crater was created, ending the Cretaceous Era and the dinosaurs’ reign, indicate it was an asteroid, not a comet. However, the same analysis indicates it came from the outer Solar System, rather than the main asteroid belt, knowledge that is useful, if disheartening, in trying to prevent the […]
Cutting-Edge Brain Implant Gives Patient With ALS His Real Voice Back – With A Little Help From AI
A patient with ALS has been given his voice back thanks to a revolutionary brain-computer interface (BCI) that can decode his intended speech with about 97 percent accuracy – and with its inbuilt AI technology, it reads that speech aloud in his actual voice. Advertisement Casey Harrell, a 45-year-old man with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, […]
Up To A Quarter Of Unresponsive Patients May Still Be Conscious
New research suggests that around one in four patients who become unresponsive following a brain injury may in fact remain conscious, with the ability to understand and remember what is being said around them. While this phenomenon – known as cognitive motor dissociation – has been documented in the past, the latest study indicates that […]
Superflares Are Released By Sunlike Stars – Can The Sun Create These Events?
Solar flares are dramatic releases of energy from the Sun. They are associated with sunspots and their magnetic fields, and when the Sun is at its most active during its 11-year-long cycle, we get a lot of them at high energy. The emission of powerful solar flares can create radio blackouts and damage satellites and […]
The USA Has Lowest Life Expectancy Of Its Rich English-Speaking Peers
The US has the lowest life expectancy of high-income English-speaking nations, while Australia continues to lead the pack with the highest. Poverty and poor health are big influences on the differing outcomes, but a major factor is also the number of young Americans dying from drug abuse, car accidents, and guns, researchers say. Advertisement Researchers […]
Man Asks For Help Explaining Why His Neighbors House Is Projected On His Bedroom Wall
A man has turned to Facebook for answers after noticing that his neighbor’s house was projected upside-down onto his bedroom wall. It’s not a sight you expect to wake up to – for one, neighbors’ houses are generally not upside-down, and rarely on the inside of your own house. So, sharing photos of the incident, […]
Worm Preserved For 520 Million Years Still Has A Gut And Brain
A worm larva dating back half a billion years has got a group of scientists very excited, and with good reason. Sitting right at the beginning of the arthropods, its body may contain insights into the evolution of a vast range of animal groups, including insects, arachnids, crabs, and centipedes. The fossil has been named […]
Time’s Arrow Within Glass Appears To Go In Both Directions, Raising Huge Questions
A study on the movement of molecules within glass has found something pretty astonishing, assuming that the results can be replicated. Processes within glass, as well as a few other materials with similar properties, appear to be time-reversible, potentially telling us something interesting about the second law of thermodynamics. Advertisement Have you ever noticed, while […]
WHO Says Mpox Outbreak Now A Public Health Emergency Of International Concern
The mpox outbreak that is sweeping through at least 13 countries in Africa has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO). Just days after the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) made a similar, first-of-its-kind declaration for the continent of Africa, the WHO […]
Wondering How To Get A Song Out Of Your Head? Meet The Earworm Eraser
I was recently lucky enough to attend a choir performance inspired by The Kinks that was even attended by Ray Davies himself. It was a hoot, it was a treat, and it has haunted me every day since. I could not for love nor money get the chorus to The Village Green Preservation Society out […]
Beautiful, Long-Lasting Sky Trains Left By Meteors Occur More Often Than We Thought
Bright meteors are sometimes followed by two effects, known respectively as trails and trains. Trails are well understood, but trains are a different matter. Most trains disappear within seconds, but a rare few can last for up to an hour. Advances in photography have allowed scientists to study this phenomenon is much greater depth, proving […]
We’ve Finally Found The Atlanteans! No, Not Those Ones – They’re Volcanoes
Good news, conspiracy theorists: Atlanteans are real after all. There’s just one catch: they’re actually not a heroic race of people from an ancient and mythical land lost to Poseidon’s wrath. Turns out, they’re volcanoes. Advertisement Discovered in the oceans north of the Canary Islands, the three underwater volcanoes have been named “Los Atlantes” – […]
Stonehenge’s Famous Altar Stone May Be From Scotland, Over 700 Kilometers Away
The Altar Stone at Stonehenge may have been sourced from northeast Scotland, at least 700 kilometers (434 miles) away from its final placement in southwest England. It’s not clear how prehistoric humans managed to transport the 6-ton rock to the other side of the British Isles, but the new research adds further intrigue to the […]
Europe’s Heat-Related Death Toll Topped 47,000 In 2023, And That’s Probably An Underestimate
Sometimes, it can be hard to comprehend the enormity of climate change without seeing any immediate effects. That shouldn’t be a problem for much longer: in a grim sign of the planet’s current condition, last year wasn’t only the hottest on record – it also likely caused more heat-related deaths in Europe than any other […]
Mpox Declared Public Health Emergency In Africa In First-Of-Its-Kind Decree
The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) just declared mpox a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security (PHECS), a first in the agency’s history. The announcement comes as suspected cases of the disease across the continent in 2024 have risen past 17,000, a massive increase on the 2022 and 2023 figures. Advertisement […]
Unique Neanderthal Lair Reveals How They Lived Before Modern Humans Appeared
The discovery of a rare Neanderthal rock shelter from the period before Homo sapiens arrived in Western Europe has provided some surprising new insights into how these extinct humans lived when they were the only hominids in town. Located in the Spanish Pyrenees, the site contains a wealth of animal bones and stone tools, revealing […]
Softball-Sized Tarantulas Are Crossing State Lines In Their Thousands Looking For Love
Ever wondered where baby tarantulas come from? It all starts with a big walk and it’s about to begin in parts of the United States. Around this time of year, males begin marching about in search of mates, sometimes in large groups and traveling significant distances. Who said romance was dead? Advertisement The movement of […]