Earth is not flat, but it isn’t as round as you might think when you look at a globe. First off, we should ask why are planets generally round? Advertisement This is actually somewhat of a circular question. Under the current definition, to be called a planet an object must have a (roughly) spherical shape. Objects […]
Democrats Vs Republicans: Not So Different After All?
A new study suggests that perceived political polarization in the USA is influenced by a focus on difference, rather than similarities. Advertisement In just over three months, US voters will be asked to choose their new President. For most, the question is binary: Democrat or Republican? At the time of writing only 20 percent of […]
Where Have All Of South Africa’s Great White Sharks Gone?
You know that old joke about how the only thing worse than finding a worm in your apple is finding half a worm in your apple? Here’s a question in the same vein: what’s the one thing scarier than having your seas filled with terrifying apex predators? Advertisement How about: those same terrifying apex predators […]
New Map Of “Hydrogen Forest” Supports The Existence Of Dark Matter
A team of astrophysicists have mapped the “Lyman-Alpha Forest”, and provided further supporting evidence that galaxy and galaxy cluster formations are better explained by dark matter than alternative theories. Advertisement While observing the universe, astronomers found that galaxies and galaxy clusters don’t behave in the way we would expect. In short, stars at the edge […]
The “Calendar Riots”: The Myth And Truth Of Britain’s Missing 11 Days
On September 2, 1752, the people of Great Britain went to bed, and didn’t wake up again until the 14th. Advertisement What had happened? No, it wasn’t a country-wide epidemic of very specific comas – it was a change in the law. Two years previously, Parliament had passed the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 – […]
Rongorongo: The Mysterious Writing Of Easter Island Is Still Undeciphered
The distant volcanic island of Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island, is filled with unanswered questions – but few are more mysterious than its unique writing system that’s never been deciphered. Advertisement Located around 3,600 kilometers (2,237 miles) off the coast of Chile in eastern Polynesia, Rapa Nui is one of the world’s most […]
Your Sat Nav Does Not Ping Any Satellites, So How Does GPS Actually Work?
Global Positioning System (GPS) is widespread these days, helping you navigate to your destination, and also revealing when runners may have cheated in marathons by using a car. Advertisement Though it requires you to be able to launch many satellites into space, the idea behind GPS is actually pretty simple, at least mathematically. Orbiting 20,200 […]
Atlas V Carrying Final National Security Mission Launches Today – Watch Here
America’s longest-serving active rocket is about to retire – and today, it is flying the last national security mission. The payload is classified. USSF-51 is a United States Space Force mission, and liftoff will occur from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. The rocket is owned by United Launch Alliance […]
Guelta d’Archei: A Surreal Oasis In The Heart Of The Sahara Desert
If you stumbled across this sight after staggering through the desert for days, you’d assume you were seeing a mirage or a vision of dehydrated delirium. Rest assured, this surreal spectacle is very much real (and not AI-generated either). Advertisement The Guelta d’Archei is an ancient watering hole located in the depths of the Sahara […]
Tipler Cylinders: Using A Gigantic Rotating Tube To Travel Back In Time
Time travel into the future is not only possible, it is practically unstoppable. You may try traveling at close to the speed of light, or parking yourself near a giant gravitational well – but no matter what you try, your clock will keep ticking ever onward, no matter how slowly someone from the outside observes […]
Spotted Coins Hammered Into A Tree Trunk? It’s A Centuries-Old Tradition
If you’ve ever been out walking and seen a metallic, scaly tree trunk covered in coins, you’ve likely seen a wish tree. This product of folklore is thought to have been practiced for hundreds of years, granting wishes and “curing” physical ailments with each hammering of a coin into the trunk of a tree. A […]
Your Face Might Change To Match Your Name As You Age
The way you look may be determined by the name your parents gave you at birth, new research has revealed. After conducting a number of experiments involving adults, children, and artificial intelligence, the study authors found that people’s faces tend to evolve throughout their lifetime in order to suit their names. Advertisement “Children do not […]
Damascus Goats: The Bizarre-Looking Stars Of Animal Beauty Pageants
The internet loves a goat, whether they’re craving that mineral or screaming to Taylor Swift. There’s one breed, however, that’s repeatedly found viral fame not because of its salt-seeking escapades or musical abilities, but because, well, it’s just plain bizarre-looking. Advertisement What is this unusual creature that one TikTok user described as “if you typed […]
What’s The Most Dangerous Toxin On Earth?
When one thinks of deadly chemicals, arsenic, cyanide, and strychnine often come top of the list – but what if we told you there are several chemicals at least a hundred times deadlier, and the one considered most lethal of all gets injected into nearly 3 million people every year? Advertisement The toxicity of substances […]
The Black Dots On Your Windshield Are Way More Important Than You Think
At some point on a long drive, you or a persistent child have probably wondered what the black dots at the top of your windscreen are for. Advertisement They appear to be on most vehicles but, like indicators, almost nobody knows what they are for. You might guess that the black “frit” stretching across the […]
Sapphires Are Cooked Up By Volcanic Fury – And Now We Know How
Sapphires, like many precious gemstones, are formed in the bowels of Earth’s crust, cooked up by immense pressure and intense heat. However, the exact recipe for the stunning blue crystals has previously escaped scientists. Advertisement The main ingredient in sapphires is a form of aluminum oxide (corundum) along with a cocktail of trace elements including […]
First Emission Line In Brightest Ever Gamma-Ray Burst’s Afterglow Probably From Antimatter
The gamma-ray burst (GRB) known as the Brightest Of All Time (BOAT) had an emission line in its afterglow, the first time one has been detected with confidence in any GRB. The astronomers who discovered the line suspect it is the product of matter and antimatter particles annihilating each other in the aftermath of the […]
Tiny Charles Darwin’s Frogs Like To Breed Upside-Down
If you thought humans were the only ones capable of getting creative in the baby-making process, think again. In the forests of India’s Andaman Islands, there’s a small species of frog with a unique breeding behavior that involves them being upside-down. Advertisement The frog in question is Charles Darwin’s frog (Minervarya charlesdarwini), named after the […]
Whale Shark “Rio Lady” Tracked For Record-Breaking 4 Years In Gulf of Mexico
Rio Lady is a whale shark (Rhincodon typus) and a swimming superstar. By following her movements with different trackers for almost two decades, including a record-breaking four-year streak, scientists have learned a lot about whale sharks and their habits. Advertisement For such big fish – Rio Lady is nearly 8 meters (26 feet) long – […]
Antarctica’s Largest Land Animal Is Smaller Than A Pea
Antarctica might conjure up images of snow-capped peaks and intrepid explorers, but against these romanticized views of one of Earth’s harshest environments are the species that have to survive there. While seals and penguins might be more well-known, what about the largest land creature on the continent? It’s time to meet the Antarctic midge (Belgica […]