After going extinct in the wild in the 1960s, Przewalski’s horses are now beginning to make a comeback to their native home of the plains of Central Asia. In order to help with conservation efforts, researchers from the University of Minnesota have successfully mapped the entirety of the species’ genome. Advertisement Genomics, the study of […]
Right Now The Earth Is Technically *Not* Orbiting The Sun
Diagrams and animations showing the orbits of the planets are lying to you a little bit. Or to put it more accurately, they are simplifying the orbits of the planets so that teachers don’t have to explain barycenters to children who are still coming to grips with Earth not being the only planet that exists. […]
126 Bird Species Declared “Lost” – Could You Help Scientists Find Them?
There are 126 species of birds that have been lost to science according to a new analysis. “Lost” species are defined by not having had a confirmed sighting in at least a decade, but you could help find some of them as researchers are calling on citizen scientists to be their eyes and ears. Advertisement […]
Long COVID Risk Factors Revealed In Data From Nearly 5,000 People
Analysis of data from 4,700 people recovering from a bout of COVID-19 has revealed more insights into who may be most at risk from lingering chronic illness. Referred to as long COVID, scientists are still not clear on exactly what causes the debilitating symptoms – with possibilities numbering into the hundreds – but this new […]
Meet The Sei Whales: Speedy And Sizeable, But Somehow Forgotten
In the whale world, a few species get all the glory; the blue whale is the world’s largest, and then there are humpbacks, leaping out of the ocean to the delight of film crews and tourists. Beluga whales might be famous for their unusual appearance and killer whales for sinking yachts (and not actually being […]
There Are 6 Kinds Of Depression That Can Be Identified With Brain Scans
Treatment for depression has historically taken a “one-size-fits-all” approach, but this may be about to change as new research has found six kinds of depression that are identifiable through brain scans. The different kinds, or “biotypes”, respond better to some treatments than others, and could aid us in delivering more effective care for people living […]
Bird Flu Pandemic Just “A Question Of When”, Says Ex-CDC Director
A former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) told a US cable news network that a bird flu pandemic is “very likely”. Robert Redfield, a virologist who served as director of the agency from 2018 to 2021, also noted that bird flu in humans is associated with “significant mortality”, and that […]
Record-Breaking Heatwave Forecast As Sizzling Temperatures Set To Hit US This Week
The US looks set to face scorching temperatures this week, as the first significant heatwave of the season gets underway. Much of the Midwest, Great Lakes, Northeast, and Mid-Atlantic are forecast to see potentially record-breaking heat lingering throughout the first half of the week. The longevity of the extreme temperatures expected in some locations has not […]
Antarctica’s Recent Ice Loss Was A “One-In-A-2000-Year Event” Without Climate Change
Once viewed as a surprisingly stable bastion, the South Pole is starting to show some worrying signs of change. Antarctic sea ice reached historically low levels last year and climate change is almost certainly to blame. Advertisement In 2023, the Antarctic had 2 million square kilometers (772,204 square miles) less ice cover than usual during […]
Hot Air Rises, So Why Is It Colder On Mountaintops?
That hot air rises is one of physics’s most widely known principles. If you live in a house with more than one story you’ve felt how air conditioning can be almost essential for survival upstairs, but a luxury below. Yet the tops of mountains are the first places to get snow; that’s if they’re not […]
New Kind Of Cement Could Turn Homes And Roads Into Giant Batteries
Concrete is, to put it mildly, really bad for the environment. It’s the most-consumed product on the planet, outside of water, and its carbon footprint bears that out: on its own, the production of cement and concrete accounts for a whole eight percent of global CO2 emissions, or more than four billion tonnes of the […]
Internet Panics After Hearing Leaked Audio From The ISS, African Elephants Call Each Other By “Names”, And Much More This Week
This week, an “alien” signal from Mars received just over a year ago has finally been decoded, with just eight confirmed individuals, polar-grizzly bear hybrids are “extremely rare”, and it turns out a trip to space could (temporarily) reverse aging. Finally, we meet (literally) the enormous and stinky corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanium. Advertisement Subscribe to […]
There’s A New COVID Variant, KP.3 – These Are The Symptoms
It’s been over four years since COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic, and despite best efforts, the virus that causes it is still very much kicking about. That’s in large part thanks to it evolving into multiple different variants, the latest of which has been dubbed KP.3. Advertisement KP.3 is one of the FLiRT variants of […]
Over 160 Whale Sightings, Including Endangered Species, Recorded Off New England Coast In One Day
On a recent aerial survey off the New England coast, researchers from NOAA Fisheries made 161 whale sightings in a single day, a vast proportion of which were of the rare and endangered sei whale. Advertisement The flight took place on May 25 and saw the team cover an area south of Martha’s Vineyard and […]
Flight MH370: Can Underwater Sound Signals Solve Aviation’s Greatest Mystery?
Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 disappeared on March 8 2014 with 239 people on board. Despite extensive search efforts, the final location of the aircraft remains unknown. It has become one of aviation’s greatest mysteries. Our new research explores the possibility of detecting underwater acoustic signals generated by aircraft crashes, such as MH370’s presumed impact, to […]
Fresh Vs. Frozen Vegetables: Is One Better For Us Than The Other?
With the cost of living rising, many people are switching up their supermarket habits in order to save money, particularly when it comes to vegetables. Frozen veg is often on the cheaper side, but some might believe that fresh is inherently “better” for you – so which really packs more of a nutritional punch? Advertisement […]
Tiny Algae Hold Hope For Renewable Energy With Negative Carbon Emissions
With the reality of climate change pushing society to consider alternatives to fossil fuels, a potential new source of renewable energy has appeared in a somewhat unusual form: algae. Advertisement A highly diverse group of organisms, algae are also photosynthetic, meaning they use sunlight, water, and carbon to produce oxygen and energy. If scientists are […]
Planet Vulcan: The 19th Century’s Forgotten Ninth Planet, Disproved By Albert Einstein
In 1846, astronomer and mathematician Urbain Le Verrier sat down and attempted to locate a planet that had never been seen before by humans. Uranus (growing up) had been moving in unexpected ways, as predicted by the Newtonian theory of gravity. Advertisement Though the discrepancies were small, there was a difference between the observed orbit of […]
This Site Reveals 120 Million Years Of Earth’s History
Putting together the puzzle of Earth’s history is made all the more difficult with the knowledge that pieces will inevitably be missing – or so palaeontologists thought. A team led by researchers from Stanford University has discovered a single site that records the development of life over an astonishing 120 million years. Advertisement Paleontologists’ view […]
The Universe’s Biggest Explosions Made Some Of The Elements We Are Composed Of. But There’s Another Mystery Source Out There
After its “birth” in the Big Bang, the universe consisted mainly of hydrogen and a few helium atoms. These are the lightest elements in the periodic table. More-or-less all elements heavier than helium were produced in the 13.8 billion years between the Big Bang and the present day. Stars have produced many of these heavier […]