Over the past few years, images have circulated of kangaroos sitting in shallow water with their heads above the surface, seemingly inviting you in for a beer to chill. Unfortunately, this is Australia we’re talking about, so a betting person would say that it’s trying to kill you in one way or another. Following the […]
Orca Seen Caring For Baby Pilot Whale For First Time But Is It Adopting Or Abducting?
A female orca has been giving a newborn long-finned pilot whale an easy ride in the waters off western Iceland, as if the youngster was her own calf. However, the biologists who observed the event are cautious as to whether this is a case of cross-species lifeline for an animal that would have died otherwise, […]
How Do Whales Sleep?
Whales and dolphins have long captivated humankind but our planet’s biggest animals still retain some mystery about how and when they sleep. Here, we take a deep dive into the world of cetacean sleep patterns. How do whales sleep? First of all, whales, dolphins, and porpoises are collectively known as cetaceans, they are mammals (not […]
Neanderthals, Denisovans, And Modern Humans Might Have Intermingled In Iran
The presence of archaic genes within the modern human genome tells us that Homo sapiens once interbred with other hominin species such as Neanderthals and Denisovans, although where and when these ancient rendezvous occurred is difficult to say. Seeking to solve the mystery, the authors of a new study have retraced the potential dispersal routes […]
Feeding Mice Coca-Cola And Pepsi Increases Their Testicle Size, Study Finds
A new study looking at the effects of carbonated beverages on mice has found that feeding them Pepsi and Coca-Cola increased the size of their testicles and boosted their testosterone concentrations. However, as the authors note, this goes against previous findings that have found harmful effects of carbonated drink consumption on reproductive health. One survey […]
“Microdiamonds” And Meteorite Crater Discovered Under French Vineyard
One winery in the South of France has an especially unique selling point that has been bottled up for decades: it lies within the impact crater of an ancient meteorite. After over 70 years of speculation, the discovery was made thanks to a new analysis of the rock and soil, which contained so-called “microdiamonds”. The […]
Mysterious Object Is Being Destroyed By Our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole
At the center of the Milky Way sits Sagittarius A*, a supermassive black hole that weighs 4.6 million times our Sun. It is orbited by several stars and a few peculiar objects including the mysterious X7. It’s possible X7 is not long for this world and could become food for Sagittarius A* within the next […]
Spiky Armored Ankylosaurs May Have Sounded Like Birds According To Rare Fossil
A rare fossil has revealed new insights into the evolution that saw some of the oldest dinosaurs give rise to the ancient ancestors of birds, telling us that some of them may have been making bird-like vocalizations back in the Cretaceous. It’s the oldest laryngeal fossil known to science, say researchers on a new paper, […]
Kids With Frequent Nightmares May Be At Higher Risk Of Parkinson’s Later
Kids who experience frequent nightmares are more likely to be diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease later in life, according to a new study. While the research shouldn’t cause parents to freak out – after all, up to 50 percent of children experience nightmares from time to time – it’s not the first time that bad dreams […]
Genetically Modified Trees Are Growing In US Forests For First Time
The Southeast US will soon be springing with genetically modified (GM) trees that have been tweaked to turbocharge their ability to photosynthesize. The idea is that the fast-growing trees will become even more efficient at soaking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help ease the climate crisis. The project is the brainchild of the […]
Earth’s Largest Land Predator Is 3 Meters Tall And Ambushes Its Prey
The planet is teaming with top-of-the-food-chain predators, and while humans are easily the biggest consumers we are by no means the most impressive hunters. For this, we must look to the cunning behemoths of the animal kingdom as Kodiak bears and Siberian tigers make us look like puny naked monkeys. But who is the greatest […]
US Intelligence Agencies Further Divided On “Lab Leak” Theory Of COVID-19 Origins
New intelligence has led the US Department of Energy to conclude that the coronavirus pandemic was likely caused by a Chinese laboratory leak, but the White House claims that American intelligence is still deeply divided on the subject. The conclusions, which were first reported by The Wall Street Journal, represent a change in the Department […]
As California’s Explosive Superbloom Looms, Officials Beg “Don’t Doom The Bloom”
Deborah BloomfieldSource Link: As California’s Explosive Superbloom Looms, Officials Beg “Don’t Doom The Bloom”
Mexican President Shares Photo Of What He Believes To Be A Mythical Maya “Alux” Creature
The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (who goes by AMLO), has posted a photo of what he believes to be an “alux”; small mythical creatures believed in folklore to be invisible in general, but that occasionally take on physical form, dressing in tiny traditional Maya clothing when they do so. “I share two […]
Rumors Of The Milky Way’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated
For decades, astronomers’ estimations for the rate at which new stars are being formed in the Milky Way have been ponderously slow, but a new study argues the true value is ten times that. If so, it would overturn the way we view our galaxy and how it compares to others. Astronomers divide galaxies between […]
Long COVID Linked To Higher Risk Of Cardiovascular Complications, Huge Study Finds
Suffering from long COVID can dramatically increase your risk of cardiovascular complications, a new study and meta-analysis have revealed. More than three years into the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re starting to get a much better handle on the disease which has so far claimed the lives of over a million people in the US alone. Advertisement […]
Situation “Worrying” After Two Cases Of Human Bird Flu Confirmed In Cambodia
The World Health Organization (WHO) is working with Cambodian authorities to investigate two confirmed human cases of H5N1 bird flu in the country, officials announced this week. But while the situation has been described by the WHO as “worrying”, experts have noted that there is not yet any evidence that the disease has adapted for […]
“Forbidden” Giant Planet Around Dwarf Star Challenges What We Know About Planetary Formation
Red dwarfs are the most common type of stars out there. They are smaller and less luminous than our Sun and live for much longer. They are also a great place for planets to form, but not every type of planet: current models suggest that they are an unlikely place for gas giants to form. […]
The Surprisingly Gross Reason New York Brownstones Look Like That
New York’s brownstones are practically a city landmark all on their own: those tall townhouses, complete with iconic “stoop” leading up to the elevated door, which are found throughout the city. But have you ever wondered exactly why they have such a particular look? What made a bunch of architects more than 100 years ago […]
When We Turn Down The Default Mode Network, The Ego Dissolves
The ego is a difficult concept to define, but can roughly be equated to an awareness of oneself as a distinct entity from the rest of the universe. It’s through this perspective that we all experience life, effortlessly recognizing the boundary at which we end and the outside world begins at all times. Determined to […]