Hands up if you’ve heard this one before: “I can’t drink tonight, I’m on antibiotics.” We’ll be the first to tell you that if you’re dealing with an infection that requires antibiotic treatment, a night on the sauce is not going to benefit your recovery. But not all of these drugs are the same, and […]
Watch Thirsty Rattlesnakes Drink Rainwater From The Heads Of Their Neighbors
Surviving in harsh climates is part and parcel of life in the animal world and coming up with adaptations to make life easier in very dry habitats can lead to some pretty remarkable features. Now, researchers have taken a closer look at the behavior of rattlesnakes to work out not just how their bodies are […]
Behold Big Carl: The World’s Largest Land Crane Can Hoist 5,000 Tonnes
Meet SGC-250 – known as “Big Carl” to his friends – the biggest land-based crane in the world. Fully upright, Big Carl can reach heights of up to 250 meters (820 feet), according to Sarens, the Belgian construction company that owns the crane. The heavy lifter is able to hoist up an impressive 5,000 tonnes […]
The SKA Observatory Is Set To Revolutionize Astronomy – We Visited For A Glimpse Into The Future
The 2020s are certainly roaring when it comes to astronomy. The launches of JWST and eROSITA have brought incredible new insights into infrared and X-ray astronomy respectively. More revolutionary observatories are coming online soon, such as the Extremely Large Telescope in 2028 and the Square Kilometer Array Observatory (SKAO) in just two years. SKAO will […]
Do Ancient Hangover Cures Still Stand Up?
Picture the scene: a disheveled man stumbles through the Forum, his wine-stained toga bundled haphazardly around his torso. At his feet, a smattering of empty amphorae lie strewn across the floor, their contents greedily imbibed by the convivium’s attendees. Saturnalia has been wild this year, but the December festivities are drawing to a close and […]
Found Some Weird Yellow Goo On A Tree? It Might Be “Witch’s Butter”
If you’re out wandering in the woods one day and you spot what looks like a little yellow brain splatted onto a branch, you might have just stumbled across witch’s butter. The curious fungus was once said to be a sign that a witch had placed a curse on a family if it appeared on […]
Over 3,000 Billion Liters Of Water Flooded Out Of A Glacial Lake In Just 18 Days
In a little over two weeks, more than 3,000 billion liters of water recently flooded out of an ice-dammed lake in East Greenland. It’s the first time scientists have closely documented such an event and their insights could help to uncover how outburst flooding could wreak havoc elsewhere in the world. The incident unfolded earlier […]
Having A White Christmas? Be On The Lookout For Hair Ice And Frost Flowers
Delicate whorls of ice are blossoming on rotten wood in parts of the planet experiencing freezing temperatures this month. The unusual structures, known as hair ice and frost flowers, are the result of how wacky water can get when frozen in just the right way, and if you keep your eyes peeled we know just […]
Flat-Earthers Travel To Antarctica To Test Theories, But Are Quickly Humbled
A group of flat Earthers has ventured to the southernmost land of Antarctica in an attempt to “end the debate over the shape of the Earth” – although we’re pretty sure that was already achieved by astronomers from Ancient Greece, the Islamic Golden Age, the Renaissance, etc, etc. The trip was part of a project […]
What Does “Laser” Stand For, Anyway?
Lasers are one of those things you imagine have been around for a long time, perhaps since the invention of electricity. But they are only 60 years old, and green lasers far younger than that, with the first “true” green laser being demonstrated for the first time in 2009. So, what exactly is a laser? […]
The Sun’s Poles May Have Started To Flip This Year. Why Do They Do That?
In case you’ve missed it, the Sun has been particularly active over the past year, unleashing powerful solar flares and causing radio blackouts on Earth. This is all part of an 11-year cycle of solar activity that also sees the Sun’s poles gradually reverse around its peak. The Earth’s poles too can flip over the […]
If A Bird Flies Inside A Truck, Does The Weight Of The Whole Truck Go Down?
Say you have a truckful of birds, happily sitting on the floor of your truck (or lorry, if you prefer). The doors and windows are closed for convenience, and to prevent bird escape. If these birds were to begin flying around in the back of your truck, would the overall weight of the truck go […]
Astronomer Captures Moment Unknown Object Lights Up The Moon
An astronomer based in Japan has captured the moment when an unknown object – believed to be a meteor, and possibly one of the Geminids – struck part of the Moon. The Geminids – first observed lighting up our skies annually in the mid-1800s – are an unusual meteor shower, coming from an asteroid that […]
Tail-Breathing Killifish Can Travel 6,000 Times Their Body Length On Land
In Trinidad, there’s a fish that can breathe through its tail. It’s a nifty trick, and one that comes in handy when it starts leaping around on land, marking one of nature’s most epic adventures that features in the new Apple TV+ series, The Secret Lives Of Animals. Most killifish will hatch, live, and die […]
In 1961, A Computer Sang A Song For The First Time – And It’s Nightmare Fuel
Computers found their voice in the early 1960s with the IBM 7094, the first computer that was used to program and produce a computer-synthesized voice. The pioneering ditty has recently gained a reputation for being oddly ominous, although many forget it did manage to capture the attention of the esteemed sci-fi writer Arthur C. Clarke […]
Slingshot Spiders Hurl Webs At Nearly 1 Meter Per Second To Catch Buzzing Prey
Hate the whine of buzzing mosquitos? Well, the slingshot spider (Theridiosoma gemmosum) has found a way to make it useful by listening out for the sound to cue its attack. These spiders pull the center of their webs back so that it’s primed to fire like a slingshot when a mosquito is in range, and […]
Snowflake Obsidian: An Aptly Festive Rock Forged By Earth’s Volcanic Eruptions
Snowflake obsidian is a form of volcanic glass that features white or grayish “snowflake” shapes made of embedded cristobalite. These pretty patterns are not artificially added as a cheap holiday gimmick – they’re a natural consequence of the unique geological forces that create the material. Like other igneous rocks, the glossy glass originates from molten […]
The US Has The World’s Largest Gap Between Lifespan And Healthspan
New research has found that the gap between lifespan and “healthspan” – the years of life lived in good health – in the USA is the widest in the world. Using data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the study authors found that the average American will live 12.4 years with disability and/or illness, up […]
Brand New Magic Mushroom Species Suggests Shrooms Reached America On Bison Poop
Mycologists in southern Africa have discovered the closest wild relative of domesticated magic mushrooms, revealing new insights into the genetic history of psychedelic fungi. Describing the new species in an as-yet un-peer-reviewed study, the researchers say their discovery challenges the assumption that shrooms spread around the world alongside domestic cattle, suggesting that the mind-altering specimens […]
Why Are Christmas And New Year Not On The Same Day?
If you were raised in a Christian country or have learned anything about Christianity, you will know that on December 25 Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. You will also know that our calendar system separates the years into two eras – before Christ (BC) and Anno Domini (AD), or “in the year of […]