Once every thousand years or so carbon-14 production high in the atmosphere surges spectacularly creating potentially devastating radiation storms. Astronomers have theories about what could cause this, but the most comprehensive study of these events yet appears to rule all the likely ones out, leaving the cause more mysterious than ever. High energy particles hitting […]
Air Pollution Linked To Low Birth Weight
Pregnant people exposed to certain air pollutants are significantly more likely to give birth to lighter babies, a new study has found. The pollutants are PM2.5 and PM10 (terms referring to the miniature, incredibly inhalable size of the particles) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) – and the higher the levels of pollution, the stronger the link. One time in […]
Don’t Throw Away The Leaves On Your Lawn This Fall, Say Experts
Experts say don’t get rid of those fallen leaves on your lawn this time of year, as if you remove them you will be missing out on lots of free vitamins for your soil. Leaves are full of important nutrients including nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, and potassium. This natural fertilizer is great for your lawn and […]
Earth’s Plate Tectonics And Pole Flips Were Already Happening 3.25 Billion Years Ago
A group of geologists investigating early Earth have killed two birds with (literally) one stone. Studying rocks in the Pilbara Craton in Western Australia – one of the oldest and most stable pieces of the Earth’s crust – they found the earliest evidence of a rapidly moving crust, a hallmark of plate tectonics. And that’s […]
Feeling Crappy After Your COVID-19 Vaccination May Indicate A Better Immune Response
For about half of us who kept up with our COVID-19 vaccinations over the past couple years, the jabs came with no significant side effects whatsoever. The rest of us, though, could expect to experience anything from a sore arm and head to – in albeit extremely rare cases – anaphylactic shock. Which group you […]
26-Year Titanic Mystery Solved As Cause Of Sonar Blip Near Wreck Revealed
The cause of a puzzling sonar “blip” that has gone unidentified for 26 years has finally been solved. First noticed in 1998 by Titanic diver PH Nargeolet, the blip was seen neighboring the Titanic wreck 2,900 meters (9,514 feet) deep in the North Atlantic Ocean. First suspected to be a second shipwreck, OceanGate’s 2022 Titanic […]
Biblical Battle Tales Confirmed Using Variations In Earth’s Magnetic Field
The Earth’s magnetic field is not constant. The flips where it suddenly reverses direction are a crucial tool in dating geological events. Now, some researchers claim they can use even brief changes in the field’s strength to precisely date the destruction of cities, and then use these dates to test Biblical accounts. The second book […]
Common Respiratory Viruses Observed Fusing Into Hybrids Never Seen Before
For the first time ever, a pair of common respiratory viruses have been observed fusing to form a hybrid virus. According to new research, influenza A and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can combine (in human lung cells at least) to create not one but two never-before-seen hybrid viruses with the potential to evade the immune system. […]
Thought Turtles And Caecilians Were Silent? New Audio Recordings Say Think Again
New vocal recordings have revealed that 53 species previously thought to be non-vocal do in fact make sounds. The noisemakers include wiggly caecilians, turtles, and fish. The fact they make their own sounds shows that acoustic communication could have first emerged in a shared ancestor around 407 million years ago. As mouthy vertebrates, humans can […]
Just 6 Percent Of US Plastic Trash Is Recycled, Says Greenpeace Report
Less than 6 percent of plastic household waste in the US was recycled last year, according to Greenpeace USA. In their new report released this week, the environmental NGO even argues that plastic recycling is a “myth” used by big oil, industry groups, and major corporations – Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestlé, Unilever, and the like – […]
Your Cat Knows You’re Talking To It, But Just Doesn’t Care
Cats may be the masters of indifference, but new research suggests that they are in fact fully aware when they are being directly addressed by their human. The fact the aloof floofs don’t always react may reflect a personal choice to ignore us rather than an inability to recognize that they are being spoken to. […]
IFLScience Meets: Grassroots Conservationist And Tusk Awards Nominee Dismas Partalala Ole Meitaya
Grassroots conservationist and programme coordinator for the Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT), Dismas Partalala Ole Meitaya, joins a select and prestigious few names in the running for the 10th Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa. Indigenous communities are at the forefront of his work, which has been instrumental in securing land rights for the local […]
The Power Of Swearing: How Obscene Words Influence Your Mind, Body, And Relationships
Swearing was long dismissed as a topic of serious research because it was assumed to be simply a sign of aggression, weak language proficiency or even low intelligence. We now have quite a lot of evidence that challenges this view, prompting us to reconsider the nature – and power – of swearing. Whether we are […]
If You Want Your Child To Be More Resilient, Get Them To Join A Choir, Orchestra, Or Band
One of the most important qualities for a young person to develop is resilience. This involves their ability to overcome adversity. Resilience is perhaps more important now than ever. Today’s young people have been facing adversity on a mass-scale, thanks to COVID and all the disruptions to their education and social, home and working lives. […]
First-Ever WHO Report Lists Which Fungi Are Biggest Threat To Public Health
Fuelled by climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, the threat of pathogenic fungi is on the rise. Despite the growing risk, the world spends a minuscule amount of money on fungal disease research funding compared to bacterial, parasitic, or viral diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that needs to change, publishing its first-ever list […]
Four Ways To Spot Hints Of Alien Life Using The James Webb Space Telescope
The study of exoplanets, worlds which orbit stars other than our sun, is currently being transformed by the new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We will shortly gain our first insight into conditions on rocky, potentially Earth-like worlds beyond our solar system. One of these distant worlds might host life. But could we detect it? […]
Lightest Known Neutron Star Might Be A Strange New Stellar Object
When stars with a mass between 10 and 25 times that of the Sun go supernova, they leave behind a neutron star: an object so dense that a teaspoon of its material weighs like a mountain. Astronomers report new measurements of HESS J1731-347, a record-breaking neutron star. With an estimated mass of just 0.77 times […]
IFLScience Meets: Ambassador For Elephants And Tusk Award Nominee David Daballen
The shortlist for the prestigious Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa has welcomed finalist David Daballen, Samburu Operations Director at Save The Elephants, Kenya. Over the last two decades, he has been an ambassador and warrior for elephants, an endeavor that’s seen him wade into crocodile territory to keep sleepy trunks out of river water. […]
How Science Helped Catch The Golden State Killer
Deborah BloomfieldSource Link: How Science Helped Catch The Golden State Killer
How Live-Tweeting Air Pollution Data Is Saving Lives
In 2008, Beijing had some of the worst air pollution in the world. The city’s US embassy acquired a monitor capable of giving up-to-the-minute information on the concentration of ozone and PM2.5 particulates in the air. Then, it started doing something that seems small – but, if one study is right, turned out to be […]