Antarctica’s Lake Enigma has become slightly less enigmatic. It was once assumed the faraway lake was frozen solid from top to bottom, but scientists have now discovered a massive hidden body of unfrozen water beneath its chunky ice surface. Here, amid the frosty waters, they found a unique ecosystem teeming with life. Lake Enigma is […]
456P/PANSTARRS: New Rare Comet Confirmed In The Main Asteroid Belt
The Solar System has a new confirmed comet, after repeated observations of candidate 456P/PANSTARRS showed it is an active, icy body. The object, discovered in 2021 and given the temporary name 2021 L4, orbits between Mars and Jupiter in the main asteroid belt, taking 3,956 days (10.83 years) to do so. When it was first […]
Glowing Wood Now An Option Thanks To A Curious Fungus’s Ghostly Bioluminescence
A team of scientists have created a new kind of wood that glows in the dark thanks to the presence of a fungus that exhibits bioluminescence. It sounds like a building material fresh out of Avatar, but this ghostly glow is seen in nature as what’s known as “foxfire” – a phenomenon that inspired the […]
Vote On The Final Seven Names For Earth’s Quasi-Moon
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is getting close to announcing the official name of (164207) 2004 GU9, one of Earth’s quasi-moons. Members of the public have proposed multiple names for it, and now the public has once again been called upon to help, with the chance to pick the winning one among seven selected by […]
The World’s Plastic Pollution Talks Were A Major Flop – Why?
Efforts to build a global treaty to combat plastic pollution fell apart over the weekend. While international agreements are rarely straightforward, many believe powerful forces were working to undermine the talks: big oil and countries hellbent on fossil fuel production. Almost 200 nations recently met in Busan, South Korea, for the fifth session of the […]
The Arctic Ocean Could Have “Ice-Free” Days This Decade
The Arctic Ocean could have a period effectively devoid of ice as soon as summer 2027, new research shows. The exact date is not a prediction; there is enough annual variation and uncertainty that the near complete absence of ice may take many years longer. One way or another, however, we are heading for summers […]
“Game-Changer” Drug Is First New Asthma Attack Treatment In 50 Years
For the first time in half a century, scientists have hit on a new treatment for asthma attacks. Clinical trial results have shown that a drug called benralizumab is effective at treating acute attacks of both asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and it works better than the current standard steroid treatment. Asthma is […]
Where Do Trees Get Most Of Their Mass From? Because It Isn’t The Ground
There are plenty of great tree mysteries out there, from the beech tree masting mystery to why all Cook pine trees lean toward the equator no matter where they are on Earth. But before you check out those, let’s start with some plant basics; where do they get their mass from, or the matter that […]
This Incredible Islamic Fountain From The 1300s Might Have Actually Been A Clock
The Fountain of the Lions in the Alhambra has amazed people for centuries. It’s a beautiful, ornamental water feature sitting preeminently at the center of the now-infamous Court of the Lions. Twelve lions hold a basin, and from their mouths, water spouts into a 12-sided canal that spreads in four channels across the courtyard. Twelve […]
Birmingham Blade: Wind Turbine Tailored To Specific Cities Designed With AI’s Help Unveiled
The world’s first urban wind turbine designed to be tailored to the various wind conditions of specific geographic areas has been unveiled, created by a joint team of AI design specialists and precision metal fabricators. The “Birmingham Blade” has been designed by EvoPhase and KwikFab to address a substantial problem for green energy production – […]
Gold Coins Worth Over $1 Million Stolen From 1715 Shipwreck Recovered – But More Are Out There
It sounds like the plot of a modern crime drama, but it’s very real. In 2015, contractors working off Florida’s Treasure Coast as salvage operators for a company hunting for lost historical artifacts once contained in sunken Spanish fleets made a remarkable discovery: 101 gold coins. But rather than report the whole discovery, the operators […]
Newly Approved Schizophrenia Drug Could Eventually Treat Alzeimer’s-Related Psychosis
A drug that has recently been approved for the treatment of schizophrenia could one day be prescribed to Alzheimer’s patients. Researchers are trialing Cobenfy to see if it effectively treats Alzheimer’s-induced psychosis. However, there is still a fair way to go before we see if it will be approved as a treatment option for this […]
Climate-Induced Poisoning Likely Behind Those 350 Elephant Deaths In Botswana
In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, 350 African elephants died suddenly and mysteriously in northeastern Botswana. Many theories have been put forward to explain what exactly caused this mass die-off. Now, research not only confirms the statements put forward by officials closer to the time but highlights the tragic effect of climate change […]
Intrepid Cat Journeys 1,450 Kilometers Home From Yellowstone To California
Earlier this year, a little gray cat called Rayne Beau (pronounced rainbow) embarked on an epic adventure, traveling 1,448 kilometers (900 miles) from Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming back home to California. The fearless feline got lost in America’s oldest national park while visiting with his family during a camping trip. Against all the odds, […]
Iconic Prehistoric Hand Print Craze Was Likely A Neanderthal Invention
Kids have always loved fingerpainting, and you could probably count on one hand the number of preschoolers who don’t enjoy slapping their colorful palm prints onto paper – or better yet, walls. Amazingly, new research suggests that this universal artistic craze pre-dates our own species, with evidence pointing the finger at Neanderthals as the instigators […]
Why Are Salad Vegetables Linked To Foodborne Illness So Often?
It’s not been a great year for salad lovers; both the US and the UK have seen significant outbreaks of foodborne illness linked back to salad vegetables. But what is it about our favorite crisp and fresh ingredients that can make them a potential source of such unpleasantness? How often do these outbreaks happen? The […]
Surprise Anomaly In Gravitational Wave Background Hints At Supermassive Black Hole Collision
Researchers have announced that they have constructed the current best map of the background of gravitational waves across the universe. They did so using the incredible MeerKAT radio telescopes in South Africa. But this map has an unexpected feature: there is a possible anomaly in the gravitational waves washing across our galaxy, linked to the […]
We Need To Redraw The Biology Textbooks About Brain Cells, Claims A New Study
A provocative study is claiming that biology textbooks are going to need some major revisions – although not everyone is convinced. The axons of a neuron – the arm-like structures that stretch out and exchange signals with other brain cells like wires – are often depicted as sausage-like cylindrical tubes, but new imaging suggests they […]
Fruit, Vegetables, And Depression: Insights From A Study of 3,483 Twins
A study of thousands of twins has suggested what your grandmother preached all along: eating more fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of depressive symptoms. Scientists led by a team at UNSW Sydney looked at 3,483 twins (all aged over 45) from Australia, Denmark, Sweden, and the US to see how their […]
The World’s Smallest Owl May Be Adorable, But Don’t Underestimate It
If you’re as addicted to TikTok as we are, then you may well have recently seen a video of a teeny tiny owl serving absolute face. “Hoo” is this diva? It’s none other than the elf owl, the smallest owl in the world. Little raptors When it comes to their size, elf owls live up […]