Across the globe great animal gatherings are taking place that make the footfall at a Taylor Swift concert look like a kid’s party. The motivations driving these mass gatherings can be the need to flee, feed, or… reproduce, and while the gatherings can be crucial for the survival of a species, there are some examples […]
The World’s Rarest Goose Only Lives Wild In One Part Of The US
The nēnē, or Hawaiian goose, is the world’s rarest goose, and can only be found living in the wild in one part of the planet: the Hawaiian Islands. There, the species was once on the brink of extinction – but it’s been making one hell of a comeback. The rarest goose Perhaps best known as […]
Isa Lake: The Only Lake That Flows Into Both The Atlantic And Pacific Ocean
Yellowstone’s Isa Lake is a fairly unremarkable pond except for one unique quality: it’s the only lake in the world known to drain into both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Located in the Yellowstone National Park between the Old Faithful and West Thumb geyser basins, Isa Lake sits directly on the Continental Divide of North […]
Divers Thought They’d Found A Shipwreck, But This Giant Shadow Is Alive
The world’s largest coral colony has been discovered in the Solomon Islands, measuring a whopping 34 by 32 meters (112 by 105 feet). This thing is so huge it’s even visible from space, and yet it’s been hiding away from human eyes for around 300 years. The coral sits at a depth of 12 meters […]
A Laser Beam Has Blocked Light – Are Lightsabers Next?
To ask if a beam of light can make a shadow sounds like a sort of Zen paradox, but physicists have demonstrated the possibility. They used a laser beam to block another laser beam, albeit with some crystalline assistance. They say the work has the potential to allow one laser to control another, but if […]
Scientists Took Semen Onto A “Vomit Comet” Flight, And The Results Were Concerning
Right now, space travel is limited to trained astronauts and cosmonauts, and the super-wealthy. This means there is little opportunity for having a little zero-g intercourse unless you don’t mind doing it in very close proximity to Jeff Bezos and Captain Kirk. However, that might not be the case forever. Assuming humanity survives for long […]
The Partisan Divide Still Impacts American’s Trust In Scientists And Their Role In Public Policy
Should scientists have a role to play in public policy, and do you trust them to make decisions that are in the public’s interest? These are some of the questions at the heart of a new report by the Pew Research Center, which found that the majority of Americans have confidence in scientists, which has […]
Fire Vs Ice: Dazzling Footage Shows Lava Oozing Over Snow In Iceland
Incredible footage shows the meeting of lava and snow as molten rock from an Icelandic volcano creeps across the snowy terrain. The video was captured by Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove during the eruption of the Sundhnúkagígar Volcano in February 2024. The flurry of volcanic activity was associated with the larger Sundhnúkur eruptions of 2023–2024, which destroyed buildings […]
Claims Of UFO Crash Sites And Reverse Engineering Shake Up Congress Hearing
A bunch of startling and wild allegations were made in the latest US congressional committee on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), or UFOs as they’re more commonly known. While the public hearing suggests that attitudes on the subject are starting to change in the US government, evidence for some of the bolder claims was lacking. The […]
Goodbye Fatbergs: There’s Light At The End Of The Sewer
Seven years ago, the world was both horrified and enthralled by the announcement of a giant “fatberg” in the London sewers composed of human waste, cooking fat, sanitary products and items that carry specific instructions not to be flushed. That case drew attention to a growing problem worldwide, but two chemical engineers think they have […]
Mesmerizing Video Captures A Seadragon Dad Carefully Holding 250 Eggs On His Tail
Mesmerizing footage of a weedy seadragon carrying his eggs was recorded recently by a diver in Australia. Jules Casey, who regularly documents the incredible creatures she finds on her journeys around Australia’s coast, was diving at Flinders Pier on the Mornington Peninsula, south of Melbourne. Casey spotted two weedy seadragons (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus) and quickly realized […]
Our Universe Is Not The Most Likely To Form Intelligent Life, New Formula Hints
We do not know if there is life elsewhere in the universe. It is likely, given that we are here, that there are other beings out there too. We also do not know if the characteristics of our planet are the best there can be to make life – some might be better. However, a […]
What Really Happened To The “Unluckiest Person In History” At Pompeii?
Back in 2018, the world was briefly fascinated by the remains of a particular victim of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. Victims of the eruption suffered some of the most awful deaths imaginable – with such horrible deaths taking place, it’s hard for a single one to stand out as “unlucky”. But […]
Part Of The Bronze Age “Treasure Of Villena” Appears To Have An Extraterrestrial Origin
Parts of the “Treasure of Villena” found in the Iberian Peninsula appear to have originated from space, new research has revealed. First discovered in 1963, the Treasure of Villena is a haul of 66 items largely made of gold and silver. The treasure – including bracelets, bowls, bottles, and other ornaments – was a significant […]
China Unveils New Prototype Space Shuttle To Restock Tiangong Space Station
China has unveiled the design for its new reusable space shuttle, set to ferry cargo between Earth and the country’s Tiangong Space Station. While we hear a lot about the International Space Station (ISS), it’s not the only science laboratory orbiting our planet. China operates the smaller Tiangong Space Station, which launched its core module […]
Black Hole Found Devouring Matter At A Rate 40 Times Greater Than The Eddington Limit
A team of astronomers believe they have found a black hole in the early universe gobbling down matter at a rate of 40 times greater than the Eddington limit. The team, led by International Gemini Observatory and NSF NOIRLab astronomer Hyewon Suh, took a look at a sample of galaxies from the Chandra X-ray Observatory’s […]
Watch A Deep-Sea “Disco Worm” Sparkle Off The Coast Of Chile
The deep sea is home to a lot of weird creatures. Some are brand new species living in the midnight zone, while others are recorded visiting the depths of the ocean in something of a surprising move. The deep sea gives rise to all sorts of adaptations and in the case of this recently recorded […]
Early Attempt At Human Flight Came 900 Years Before The Wright Brothers. It Did Not End Well
In 1903, the Wright brothers made the first sustained human flight, flying the first plane above Kitty Hawk, North Carolina for a then-impressive 12 seconds. Before that, on November 21, 1783, in Paris, France, the first hot air balloon ride took place. But there were other attempts at flight that came before that – and […]
Hanford Site: The “Apocalypse Factory” At The Heart Of The Manhattan Project
The atomic explosion that struck Nagasaki in 1945 can be traced back to the Hanford Site, an unsuspecting desert in Washington state where colossal quantities of radioactive material were produced in the 20th century. Its days of pumping out plutonium are long gone, but the site has left a nuclear hangover that continues to curse […]
E-Waste Is Set To Explode Over The Next Decade. We Still Have Time To Change That
Visibility of, and investment in, generative AI – programs such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other large language model (LLM) based technologies – has exploded in the past couple of years, bringing with it a whole host of benefits and drawbacks. But amongst all the existential dread and alarming levels of misinformation, there’s one far more […]