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“Barbie Pigs” Among Possible New-To-Science Species Discovered, Potentially Fatal Consequence Linked To Upcoming Total Solar Eclipse, And Much More This Week

This week, the first image of the magnetic fields around Sagittarius A* has been taken using the Event Horizon Telescope, male and female crab spiders may be using cooperative mimicry to resemble a full flower in a world-first, and climate change is affecting the shape of the Earth which may impact global timekeeping. Finally, we ask if women really are less likely to be psychopaths than men.

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“Barbie Pigs” Among Strange And Possibly New-To-Science Species Discovered In The Pacific

Barbie-pink sea pigs, rattail fish, and a unicumber: these were the unexpected stars of a recent expedition into the Pacific Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) where scientists are studying biodiversity. The region’s animal life is of particular interest because it’s also the proposed site of deep-sea mining, being home to a huge volume of “sea potatoes” that contain the precious metals we need for the green revolution. Read the full story here


Incredible First View Of The Magnetic Fields Around Our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole

The team that gave us the first-ever image of a black hole has released a new image of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, this time seen in polarised light for the first time. The image has captured the magnetic field structures spiraling around the black hole, similar to those seen around M87*, suggesting “strong, twisted, and organized” magnetic fields might be common among black holes. Read the full story here

Male And Female Spider Perfectly Resemble Flower In Potential Cooperative Mimicry World First

Mimicry is pretty common in the animal kingdom. It might involve species mimicking the coloration of trees to better hide from predators, or in some cases, predators mimic the surroundings to better ambush unsuspecting prey items. One new potential example of mimicry in crab spiders, where the male and female together resemble a complete flower, could be the first cooperative mimicry to be observed. Read the full story here

Potentially Fatal Consequence Linked To Upcoming US Total Solar Eclipse

With April’s total solar eclipse fast approaching, we’ve had our fair share of warnings already, from potential air travel disruption to expected difficulties accessing food, water, and fuel. Now, according to new research, we may also need to beware of a spike in potentially fatal road traffic crashes. Read the full story here

Earth’s Changing Shape May Cause A Global Timekeeping Crisis

Unless we take action, global timekeeping could be heading toward a major problem that will upset everything from computer networks to financial markets. New forces are starting to emerge that could meddle with Earth’s rotational speed and upset global timekeeping. The culprit, oddly enough, is melting polar ice caused by climate change. Read the full story here

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Feature of the week: 

Are Women Really Less Likely To Be Psychopaths Than Men?

Think of all the famous psychopaths you know, both real and fictional. Chances are, for every Bonnie you’ve got about 10 Clydes. That’s because we tend to think of psychos as being criminally insane men. It’s only in recent years that our understanding of the psychopath has become more nuanced, highlighting how the label might apply to greater numbers of unexpected individuals, including women. Read the full story here

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Source Link: "Barbie Pigs" Among Possible New-To-Science Species Discovered, Potentially Fatal Consequence Linked To Upcoming Total Solar Eclipse, And Much More This Week

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