Ever heard of fanged frogs? Well, over 80 species of these toothy anurans that belong to the genus Limnonectes are hopping about Southeast Asia, and now their ranks have grown even further with a new species described in the mountains of the Philippines. At the moment there are 11 species of fanged frogs known to live […]
Ancient DNA From Rapa Nui Shows Polynesians And Native Americans Interbred
The population of Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island, interbred with Native Americans before Europeans arrived, despite 3,700 kilometers (2,300 miles) between them, ancient DNA suggests. The islanders, once the poster child for a people who brought about environmental collapse through overharvesting of resources, also appear to be innocent of this charge, according to […]
What Food Did Neanderthals Eat To Survive In The Ice Age?
Neanderthals and other prehistoric humans have a reputation for being bloodthirsty brutes, existing on a diet of megafauna meat and the flesh of their enemies. But it wasn’t just flame-grilled scraps of mammoth on the menu. A wealth of evidence shows that Neanderthals had a taste for meat, but also understood the value of fine […]
It Is Surprisingly Easy To Build Your Own Particle Detector At Home
While you’re walking around you don’t notice it, but muons are passing through your body at the rate of about 10,000 muons per minute. Advertisement These fermions, identical in most respects to electrons except for their higher mass and baffling magnetic moment, are created in the Earth’s atmosphere as cosmic rays collide with it. Despite […]
Meet Thorin: A Cave-Dwelling Population Of Neanderthals Were Isolated For 50,000 Years
A fossilized Neanderthal skeleton unearthed in France may have belonged to a previously undescribed lineage that split from other Neanderthals around 100,000 years ago. Just like modern humans, it looks like Neanderthals were a diverse and varied bunch. The remains were discovered in 2015 within a cave system of France’s Rhône Valley that was known […]
NASA Switches Thrusters On Voyager From 24,630,000,000 Kilometers Away
After a bumpy few years, we have good news about NASA’s Voyager 1 mission to share. NASA has successfully switched thrusters on the aging spacecraft from an impressive 24,630,000,000 kilometers (15,310,000,000 miles) away. Advertisement Voyager 1 has traveled further than any human-made object, crossing the heliopause and heading into interstellar space. While doing this, it […]
Supermassive Black Hole Pair Found Just 300 Light-Years Apart, The Smallest Ever Separation
A pair of supermassive black holes have been observed on the road to merging as their galaxies come together. The pair, seen by both the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory are 300-400 light-years apart, which for most purposes is a great distance, but makes for the least separation ever confirmed between behemoths like […]
Are Grand Canyon Deaths On The Rise? Fatalities Already Nearing Annual Average
It was announced this week that a fatality had been reported at Poncho’s Kitchen in the Grand Canyon National Park. It marked the seventh death in little over a month, bringing the count for 2024 to just shy of the annual average. As the National Parks Service (NPS) updates its website with warnings of exceptional […]
ESA Spacecraft Heading To Jupiter’s Moons Detects Signs Of Life On Earth
The Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission run by the European Space Agency (ESA) has made its first detection of the ingredients of life. Advertisement JUICE has a long mission ahead of it. Launched in April 2023, the spacecraft has to make several gravitational assists before it reaches its target of Jupiter and three of […]
Footprints Reveal Big Theropod Dinosaurs Lived Close To The Antarctic Circle
Footprints made by large theropod dinosaurs have been found on Australia’s south coast, from a time when the region was still connected to Antarctica. The prints prove that big dinosaurs lived there when it almost touched the Antarctic Circle, putting the area in near-total darkness for months at a time. Advertisement The Wonthaggi Formation southeast […]
A Close Encounter May Explain The Strange Orbits Of Objects Beyond Neptune
A new study suggests that the Sun may have had a close encounter with another star, explaining the unusual orbits of objects in the outer Solar System. Advertisement “When we think of our Solar System, we usually assume that it ends at the outermost known planet, Neptune. However, several thousand celestial bodies are known to […]
Chinese Radar Spots Plasma Bubbles Over The Pyramids Of Giza
The higher atmosphere is full of peculiar phenomena and an important one for communication and navigation is equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs). These are hot pockets of superheated gas that form at low latitudes, usually after sunset. They remain poorly understood, and given that they impact Earth’s connection to space, it is important to know what […]
World’s First Serious Rabies Outbreak In Marine Mammals As Cape Fur Seals Test Positive
Cape fur seals at popular beaches across South Africa have been exhibiting uncharacteristically aggressive behavior, including biting beachgoers and other animals along a roughly 650-kilometer (404-mile) stretch of coastline. With more and more seals tested for diseases as a result of this, experts are concerned about the rise of rabies within the species. Advertisement As […]
Auroras Forecast Over New York After Sun Spits “Dark Plasma” At Earth
A moderate geomagnetic storm is predicted to engulf Earth’s atmosphere tonight, with the northern lights likely to become visible further south than usual. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), the aurora may reach as low as New York, and it’s all thanks to a wave of “dark plasma” […]
Deadly Tropical Storm Yagi Has Become A Super Typhoon – What Does That Mean?
Typhoon Yagi has become one of the most intense typhoons to ever hit Vietnam, and it has left behind death and devastation, not only in that country but across the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China. This is the 11th named storm of this year’s typhoon season, which started in late May, and the […]
Ancient Iranian “Saltmen” Mummified In Mine 2,500 Years Ago Depicted In New Images
Within the depths of an ancient Chehrābād salt mine in Iran, multiple miners met a grisly end thousands of years ago. Over the last few decades, their mummified remains, some of which show the terror they faced at the time of their deaths, have been excavated by archaeologists. Now, recent research has offered fresh insights […]
Adolescent Girls’ Brains Prematurely Aged More Than Boys’ During COVID Lockdowns
According to a new study, adolescents who lived through the COVID-19 lockdowns experienced rapid premature brain aging due to the social restrictions, but girls were more significantly impacted than boys. The results indicate that female brains are more vulnerable to changes in lifestyle resulting from pandemic lockdowns. Advertisement The COVID-19 virus caused illness and death […]
Scientists Have Slowed Light Down To An Embarrassing 38 Miles Per Hour
The speed of light in a vacuum is the absolute speed limit of the universe. Nothing will go faster than 299,792 kilometers per second (186,000 miles per second), according to Einstein’s work, as it would require an infinite amount of energy to do so. Advertisement However, that doesn’t mean that light can’t be beaten in […]
First Ever 50,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Bone Spear Point Shows They Were “Flexible” Crafters
Archaeologists have found an extremely unusual Neanderthal artefact at an excavation site in Spain, which is forcing them to rethink what we know of these extinct humans and their technologies. The researchers found the only known example of a horse bone spearhead, which shows that these ancient hominins could make hunting weapons out of such […]
Great Lake In North America Turns A Lively Green Due To Toxic Algae Takeover
With summer drawing to a close, an algal bloom in Lake Erie that began forming around June is still going strong, bursting with a glow of emerald green (or should that be blue?). Advertisement The Landsat-9 satellite snapped images of the algal bloom in Lake Erie on August 13, revealing it covered approximately 830 square […]