Millions of people saw the spectacular aurorae in May, when multiple coronal mass ejections hit our planet in the largest geomagnetic storm in decades. Tonight it looks like we might have a comparable spectacle, so if you missed that one you’ve got a chance to see it again. The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has […]
Saturn Likely Just Sent A Comet Hurtling Out Of The Solar System
A team of astronomers has attempted to explain an unusually high-speed comet, finding that it was likely sent on its hyperbolic trajectory following a close encounter with Saturn in 2022. Advertisement On June 14, 2024, Comet A117uUD was first spotted by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS). Over the next month, astronomers made 145 […]
Do Women Cheat For The Same Reasons As Men? It’s Complicated
Why do people cheat? Psychologists reckon they have a good handle on this question when it comes to men, but for women the picture is less clear. A new study surveyed people from 19 countries to explore this question, but there were no simple answers to be found. Advertisement Being cheated on can be among […]
Shipwreck Loaded With 100 Bottles Of Champagne Found In Baltic Sea
A 170-year-old shipwreck overflowing with Europe’s finest champagne and mineral water has been found off the coast of Sweden. Advertisement Around 100 bottles of the bubbling booty were discovered earlier this month by the Baltictech diving group just 37 kilometers (20 nautical miles) south of the Swedish island of Öland in the Baltic Sea. “The […]
Kepler’s Sunspot Sketches Could Solve A Longstanding Solar Mystery Four Centuries Later
Sketches of the Sun made by Johannes Kepler in 1607 may tip the scales in an important debate about the nature of solar cycles, perhaps even helping us predict future solar activity. The fact that Kepler thought he was drawing Mercury, instead of a cool patch on the Sun, doesn’t matter. Advertisement Once Galileo had […]
COVID-19 Virus Found In 6 Backyard Animals – And Humans Are The Cause
With rising case numbers, COVID-19 seems to be everywhere right now. But did you know the virus might also be literally lurking in your back yard? A new study from scientists at Virginia Tech found SARS-CoV-2 in six of Virginia’s most recognizable animal species, many of which can be found across the United States. Advertisement […]
New Zealand’s Flightless Birds Are Retreating To Extinct Moa Graveyards
Researchers have found that New Zealand’s current endangered flightless bird species are seeking refuge in the places where six species of moa lived before they went extinct. The results could have significant conservation benefits. Advertisement Moa (Dinornithiformes) are a group of large flightless birds that were once endemic in New Zealand. However, current fossil evidence […]
Long COVID Fatigue May Be Down To A Protein That We Could Target With Drugs
A protein released when there’s inflammation in the brain could be behind the severe muscle fatigue seen in people with long COVID, revealing a potential target for new treatments for the condition. Advertisement Fatigue and exercise intolerance are among the most debilitating symptoms of long COVID. Scientists have learned that this goes far beyond feeling […]
Not Having Enough Sex May Have Deadly Consequences
Women who have sex less than once a week may be more likely to die early than those who engage in more regular intercourse, according to the results of a new study. While this same impact was not observed in men, the researchers did note that more frequent sex reduces the chances of an early […]
Why Is It Colder At Higher Altitudes, Despite Being Closer To The Sun?
It’s a well-known rule that the higher you go on Earth, the colder it gets. But there are a few people who haven’t quite grasped why this is the case, with some asking why it is that the tops of mountains are colder when hot air rises and others asking why the tops of mountains […]
Is There Wind On The Moon? Or Was There Once Upon A Time?
Back in the day, we simply learned that the Moon has no atmosphere. However, schools, institutions, and museums have correctly started to point out that scientists have measured an extremely thin atmosphere on the Moon. Nothing like Earth’s or even Mars’s, which is 100 times less dense than our planet’s. But it is measurable. So […]
Rock Art Shows Early Humans In South America’s Contact With New World’s Animals
When people first set foot in the Amazon Basin thousands upon thousands of years ago, they were greeted by countless never-before-seen animal species. Remarkably, a smattering of the early encounters between humans and beasts were documented in the ancient rock art of Colombia. Advertisement In a new study, researchers report the wealth of animals depicted […]
Videos Of Chimps Saying “Mama” Fuel Debate Around Speech Capabilities In Non-Human Apes
What separates us from animals that share 98.8 percent of our DNA? While there might be many varied and valid answers, something that has been at the forefront of this debate is the lack of speech from chimpanzees. Two theories exist as to why chimpanzees might not be able to make human speech sounds: either it […]
Around 4,200 Years Ago, Humans Started To Spread Domesticated Horses Across Eurasia
Around 4,200 years ago, in the third millennium BCE, humans in the western Russian steppes began a new era in human history by entangling their lives with another species of animal. Recent research has argued that, at this time, the numbers of domesticated horses bred by people expanded quickly, which introduced unprecedented changes. Horses not […]
Male Dragonfish Exhibit An “Extremely Rare” Trait To Date In The Dark
A deep-sea predator has raised a few eyebrows after revealing that, when looking for love, the eye size of males increases significantly. It’s only the second time sexual dimorphism in the visual system has been established in fish, making the male dragonfish something of an anomaly among vertebrates. Advertisement Bioluminescence is a crucial means of […]
Superflares, First Galaxies, Protecting The Sky, And More – International Astronomical Community To Meet In South Africa
In a matter of days, thousands of astronomers will head to Cape Town and thousands more will log in to participate in the International Astronomical Union General Assembly. This event has already drawn headlines for the proposal of a new definition of a planet, improving the one that redefined Pluto at another general assembly 18 […]
The First New US State Park In 10 Years Is A “Journey Into The Past”
A new State Park has recently opened in California, offering visitors a “journey into the past” that shows how the Central Valley looked before modern agriculture. Advertisement Dos Rios officially opened to the public on June 12, 2024, marking the first state park created since Eastern Kern County Onyx Ranch State Vehicular Recreation Area in […]
Toynbee Tiles: What’s With These Plaques About Resurrecting The Dead On Jupiter?
Across the United States and even as far as South America, plaques bearing a strange message can be found embedded in the street. Their message? “Toynbee idea in movie 2001 resurrect dead on planet Jupiter”. Advertisement Well alright then. Exactly where the tiles came from, who created them, and what their messages mean aren’t clear, […]
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Is Shrinking Due To A Possible Change In Diet
The Great Red Spot is a storm larger than our whole planet. It is clearly visible on the Southern Hemisphere of Jupiter, even to small telescopes, and we have been observing it for centuries. It became clear in the last few years that it is shrinking. Now, new research suggests that the cause of this […]
One Twin Going Vegan While The Other Ate Meat Revealed A Curious Shift In Biological Age
A new study has looked into the influence of switching to a vegan diet in twins, finding that even a short-term change in meal choices appeared to alter biological markers of aging. The observational study raises interesting questions about the influence of diet on biological age, including what the long and short-term effects of a […]