Shards retrieved from the alchemy laboratory of 16th Century scientific pioneer Tycho Brahe have traces of unexpected elements, not truly discovered for almost two more centuries. This and other elemental traces may give some insight into what Brahe was doing in his basement laboratory, although many questions may never be answered. Advertisement In an era […]
Why Does My Shower Curtain Always Blow Inwards And Attack Me?
So, there you are, scrubbing away, belting out your favorite tunes, when suddenly… you’re attacked! By a flimsy piece of waterproof fabric. We’ve all been there at some point, grumbling as we try to un-stick ourselves from the shower curtain that’s randomly decided to billow in at us – which kind of raises the question: […]
Why Are Birds Attacking Your Windows?
Birds are weird little creatures. They used to be the most terrifying predators the world has ever seen, and now they just spend their time getting drunk, facetiming their pals, and occasionally killing one in three humans across the globe. Oh – and, of course, tweeting. Advertisement And every so often, they go crazy and […]
When …9999999999 = -1: The Weird World Of 10-adic Numbers
What’s the biggest number you can think of? A googol? TREE(3)? Fourteen? Advertisement How about an infinite number of nines? No, we’re not being facetious – in higher math, that’s not just a legit possible answer, but it’s also a really bad one. Why? Because an infinite number of nines is actually equal to negative […]
The One Good Reason You Should Never Take Your Shoes Off On An Airplane
When the ancient Greeks told the legend of Icarus, doomed to forever be a warning against flying too close to the sun, they couldn’t have known that the real dangers at such heights would be athlete’s foot and strangers’ pee. Advertisement But here we are – because, apparently, some of you need telling: don’t take […]
Do Animals Think? Find Out More In Issue 25 Of CURIOUS – Out Now
Issue 25 (August 2024) of CURIOUS is out now, bringing you science highlights for the month plus deep dives into intriguing topics, interviews, exclusives, diary dates, and explanations for some of Earth’s most perplexing natural phenomena and landscapes. Read Issue 25 of our digital magazine now by clicking below! Use the arrows to navigate or […]
NASA Will Soon Launch An Artificial Star Into Orbit, First-Ever “Let’s Go” Recordings From Elephants, And Much More This Week
This week, “dark oxygen” appears to be made from natural batteries found on the deep ocean floor, the most complete Neanderthal skeleton ever found still can’t be excavated, and the record for the hottest day has been smashed twice this week. Finally, we ask which events animals would win if they could compete in the […]
The People We Like Can Influence The Connections Our Memory Makes
Memory is so much more than a storage unit in our minds. The people involved in memories influence what we recall, and, as our study shows, the connections we make between memories. Advertisement Our memory helps us learn from experiences and develop new knowledge by integrating and updating information. This process goes beyond recalling individual […]
Why Do Some People Always Wake Up At 3am Or 4am?
The modern world is so marked by sharp political divides and rampant misinformation that it’s led to the creation of a new term to describe the phenomenon: the “reality gap.” Advertisement But even if we can’t agree on things like whether the entire country is being run by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles or not, there are some […]
Cortisol: Is The “Stress Hormone” Really The Health Villain It’s Made Out To Be?
Anyone who’s stumbled onto the “wellness” side of TikTok recently will no doubt have seen some sort of video about cortisol, with a whole bunch of people claiming that an imbalance of the oft-dubbed “stress hormone” is responsible for all sorts of health problems. Should we really be worried about it, or is this yet […]
Florida’s Population Just Passed 23 Million For The First Time
As Florida’s population passes 23 million for the first time ever, the Sunshine State may have to change its name to the Twilight State someday soon – not for a sudden influx in sparkly vampires, but retirees. Advertisement According to a report released Friday by the state’s Demographic Estimating Conference, there were 23,002,597 people living in […]
Is There A New “Language” Developing In The US?
If you find yourself in certain parts of Miami, you may well come across a distinct new dialect that’s been developing in the city – a unique combination of Spanish and American English that’s been dubbed “Miami English”. Advertisement Over the last decade, researchers at the city’s Florida International University (FIU) have been closely following […]
KP.3 Is The Dominant COVID Variant In The US – What Are The Symptoms?
Over four years since it was officially declared a pandemic, COVID-19 is yet to be consigned to the usual gang of winter-circulating respiratory bugs. Instead, cases are currently estimated to be on the up in the US, with one variant of the virus dominating – KP.3. Advertisement “As of July 23, 2024, we estimate that COVID-19 infections […]
What Happened To The Flags And Objects That Were Left On The Moon?
It’s an iconic piece of imagery: an astronaut plonking down a flagpole with the Stars and Stripes on the lunar surface. But decades after those flags were first placed, many are curious to know – have they stood the test of time? Advertisement Keeping an eye on the flags on the Moon is easier said […]
What Is The Oldest Message In A Bottle Ever Found?
Dropping someone a quick DM on Instagram might be a much more efficient way to communicate in the modern day, but there’s something to be said about the longevity of much older ways of sending a message, none more so than a good ol’ message in a bottle – of which the oldest ever found […]
Why Does It Feel So Strange When You Hit Your “Funny Bone”?
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Element 120 On The Horizon As New Way To Synthesize Element 116 Found
Element 116 has been made with a new method – a step towards synthesizing element 120, a hypothetical element hypothesized to be in the long-predicted “island of stability”, in the lab. Advertisement Elements are defined by the number of protons in their nucleus, with hydrogen having one, helium having two, and uranium has 92 protons. […]
Brazil Reports World’s First Deaths From Oropouche Fever – Here’s What To Know
Brazil’s Ministry of Health has just confirmed the deaths of two women as a result of Oropouche fever, a viral illness that is spread by midge and mosquito bites. While over 7,000 cases of the infection have been reported in the country in 2024 alone, these are the world’s first recorded deaths. What is Oropouche […]
Five Really Interesting Facts About Antarctica
Ever since New Zealand was finally discovered in about 1300 CE – a mere 47,000 years after its larger neighbor Australia – humans have been the ultimate cosmopolitan species. Comfortable, or at least able to survive, in every habitat from the Arctic circle to the Sahara Desert, there’s not a continent on Earth that hasn’t […]
Is Planting Trees The Solution To The CO2 Problem?
Carbon dioxide. CO2. It fills the air you breathe out. It is the product of the violent oxidation of carbon that we call burning – and we’ve been burning a lot of carbon. The CO2 accumulated in the atmosphere is one of the main greenhouse gasses responsible for global warming. Carbon fixing is the process […]