COVID-19 has been overtaken as the deadliest infectious disease on the planet. According to a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO), tuberculosis (TB) is now once again the biggest killer among infectious pathogens, having previously held the top spot before being surpassed by the virus in 2020. Collating data from 193 countries, WHO […]
Fish That Climb Trees, Firefly Squid, And Poisonous Sea Bunnies: Welcome To “Asia”
If you find yourself facing down the barrel of winter, the good news is you can escape to Asia every Sunday for the next seven weeks, all without leaving your living room. The BBC and Sir David Attenborough are providing some eye-balm in ultra-high-definition 4K with Asia, a seven-part series that will take you from […]
Towers Of Silence: Why Humans Have Fed The Dead To Vultures For Over 3,000 Years
Humans have been burying their dead for millennia, but it’s not the only way we’ve utilized nature to help us transform corpses. In Tibet, birds of prey play a pivotal role in Sky Burials, and elsewhere, Zoroastrian tradition saw the erection of Towers Of Silence, a place where corpses are arranged so that carnivorous birds […]
World’s First Ever Artificial Energy Island Set To Power Up To 3 Million Belgian Homes
You know, they say that complicated problems require creative solutions, but inventing a never-before-seen type of island and then building it off the coast of Belgium is definitely a new one to us. Nevertheless, that’s precisely what’s happening: the European Investment Bank (EIB) has approved a €650 million (around US$705 million) loan for the construction […]
Cat Accidentally Discovers First Of A New, Exotic Virus In The US
Thanks to some inadvertent feline fieldwork, scientists have detailed the first-ever jeilongvirus to be found in the US – and it also happens to be the first of its kind ever to have been identified at all. It began when a cat named Pepper strolled into his home in Gainesville, Florida, and dropped a dead […]
Humans Just Stared At The Universe. The Universe Is Staring Back
An almost galaxy merger has been caught looking like a pair of eyes staring back at us from the depths of space. NGC 2207 and IC 2163 are a pair of galaxies engaged in the celestial tango that will end up in their eventual fusion into a single object. For the last few million years, […]
The World’s “Largest Ever” Alligator Was Never Officially Verified – It Was Just Too Big
There have been some whopping great animals that have crawled, waddled, flapped, and even swum their way over planet Earth across many thousands of years. While the biggest animal to ever live is still swimming about in our oceans, some individual species go unrecognized in the history books for their achievements. Meet the (allegedly) largest […]
Even Uranus Might Be Hiding An Ocean World
Ocean worlds, such as Europa around Jupiter and Enceladus around Saturn, are recent and fascinating discoveries. These moons hide, far beneath their icy crusts, a deep liquid ocean. Other moons and dwarf planets also hide liquid oceans underneath, and the latest candidate is Miranda – the smallest of Uranus’s five round moons. Miranda might be […]
Pineapple Express: An Atmospheric River That Feeds Rain To The US West Coast
The Pineapple Express is a stream of moisture in the atmosphere that delivers humid air from the tropical Pacific to the West Coast of North America. If there’s heavy rain in California, Oregon, Washington, or British Columbia, there’s a good chance the Pineapple Express is at play. Not to be confused with the 2008 stoner […]
These 10 Spooky Science Stories Explain The Unexplainable
This Halloween, join us as we explore the spooky science behind the “feeling” of being watched, why wolves howl at the Moon, and how the smell of death affects human behavior. Plus, in our spooky season special, IFLScience investigates the paranormal at Chillingham Castle, one of England’s most haunted locations. The team tested ghost hunting […]
Failed Stars Might Be Able To Form Planets, Cosmic First Observations Suggest
Nature loves to break the neat little boxes we use to classify stuff. In astronomy, one of these box breakers is brown dwarfs. These objects have both stellar and planetary qualities, existing on the cusp of both. New research continues to blur the line and the latest observations are no different. Brown dwarfs in the […]
US Imperialism Is Full Of Shit. No, Seriously
The USA is, by pretty much all metrics, the most powerful country in the world right now. It has by far the largest nominal GDP and GDP per capita; the strongest and best-funded military; a leading role in just about any international organization or process, and frankly incredible cultural cachet. It wasn’t always this way. […]
Where Do The US Presidential Candidates Stand On Climate Change?
Political and scientific news at the moment can seem like they are coming from parallel worlds. On the one hand science reporting is full of coverage of the – mostly disastrous – consequences of a hotter world. What gets published to a non-scientific audience is a tiny fraction of the research reaching the same conclusions. […]
We Visited The UK’s Most Haunted Castle – And This Is What Happened
As we walked through the twisting corridors of the ancient castle, the rain continued to fall outside. It had been raining heavily since we arrived, but now a full-blown storm had rolled in. Water trickled into some rooms from cracks barely hidden behind ornate paneling, while the wind, whistling and moaning, slammed doors in distant […]
Do Spiders Sleep?
Yes, spiders do sleep (or at least enter a sleep-like state that’s very similar to our form of slumber). Much like us, spiders need a deep rest state to keep their brains functioning and their bodies healthy. Given the vast differences in brain structure and evolutionary history between humans and arachnids, it’s no shocker to […]
Most Detailed 3D Tumor Atlases Reveal Immune “Hot Zones” And Cancer “Neighborhoods”
In a new package of 12 detailed papers, scientists have unveiled 3D “blueprints” of multiple different tumor types, giving researchers a close look at how cancers develop and progress. “These 3D maps of tumors are important because they finally let us see what, until now, we have only been able to infer about tumor structures […]
World’s Second Smallest Vertebrate Is A New Species Of 7-Millimeter Teeny Tiny Toad
Few can resist the appeal of an adorable animal; from diddy chameleons to cute baby cows, the world is full of species that make you go “awww”. Now, it seems the ranks of impossibly small and incredible creatures have been bolstered by one new addition: a brand-new species of flea-toad that is the world’s second […]
The Oldest Known Tadpole From 161 Million Years Ago Is Absolutely Massive
When we think of the Jurassic, images of giants come to mind. Giant dinosaurs, giant pterosaurs, giant frogs… If the latter had never occurred to you, might we offer up the oldest known tadpole on record? And yes, it’s an absolute giant. A fossil tadpole has been found that dates back 161 million years, an […]
Animals Like Getting Drunk More Than We Realized, But We Don’t Know Why
Animals are even more partial to fermented fruits than had been assumed, indicating ethanol has a big attraction to a great many of the creatures with which we share the planet. In particular, species for which fruit or nectar are a big part of the diet are more likely than not to indulge in a […]
Africa’s Lion Cavern Hosts The World’s Oldest Ochre Mine, Dated At 48,000 Years Old
The world’s oldest mine has been discovered in southern Africa by bombarding ancient materials with neutrons inside the reactor core. Dated at around 48,000 years old, the mine shows the colossal amount of significance that prehistoric humans placed on ochre. Ochre might be one of the most important materials in human history. It’s a natural […]