Who can resist a good news rescue story, and when it features a pair of the Earth’s most extraordinary-looking animals what more is there to ask for? Two beluga whales have been rescued from an aquarium in the region of Kharkiv in Ukraine and safely transported thousands of miles to a safe home in Valencia, […]
“Halo Drive” Could Achieve Relativistic Speeds By Firing Light Around A Black Hole
If we one day want to explore the galaxy (let alone the rest of the universe) we have a speed issue. In late 2023, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe achieved the highest speed ever achieved by a human-made object, clocking in at 635,266 kilometers (394,736 miles) per hour. Advertisement While impressive, that’s only 0.059 percent of […]
Welcome To Hotel Wombat: Burrows Provide Shelter For Many Small Animals In Need
In 2019-20, at the height of Australia’s most devastating bushfires, a claim that wombats were herding other animals to safety in their burrows went viral on social media. Sadly, it was too good to be true. Nevertheless, evidence quickly emerged that while wombats were not displaying the altruism of the post, their burrows were used […]
These Monkeys Had A Stable Society – Until A Hurricane Forced Social Change
The monkeys of Cayo Santiago were known for their aggression – until Hurricane Maria struck in 2017. Although the humans of nearby Puerto Rico were harder hit, with 3,000 deaths, the resource depletion the monkeys suffered changed them in ways that have continued to this day. Advertisement Cayo Santiago is a unique site, greatly valued […]
Saturn Has A Massive Energy Imbalance And It’s Creating Giant Storms
Saturn’s energy budget has been found to be severely unbalanced. The extent of the difference between energy in and energy out has surprised planetary scientists, even though the cause has been known since Kepler. An analysis of the imbalance has suggested it contributes to the planet’s giant storms, and raised questions about whether something similar […]
Kevin Jonas Has Basal Cell Carcinoma – Here’s What To Know About This Skin Cancer
American musician Kevin Jonas, best known as the lead guitarist of the Jonas Brothers, has recently revealed that he was diagnosed with and received surgery for a form of skin cancer known as basal cell carcinoma (BCC). In a video posted to Instagram, Jonas showed the cancerous patch of skin on his forehead. Advertisement “So […]
Chimpanzees Self-Medicate With Antibiotic Plants From The Forest Pharmacy
Chimpanzees intentionally seek out medicinal plants with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties when they are sick or wounded, new research has suggested. By documenting the primates’ incredible pharmaceutical practices, the study authors shine a light on the complexities of chimp behavior while also revealing potential new sources of vital medications for humans. Advertisement The idea of […]
Summer Solstice Is “Jaw-Dropping” Solution To Beech Tree Masting Mystery
Beech trees across Europe have been mystifying plant scientists. Around the middle of June, trees across different cities, areas, and even countries and time zones would perfectly sync up and all together perform their reproductive behavior. Quite how the trees knew how to do this remained a mystery to scientists, until now. Advertisement Masting behavior […]
Shepherd’s Graffiti Suggests An Ancient Temple Once Existed Where The Parthenon Now Stands
Archaeologists have found a rock engraving 20 kilometers (12 miles) from Athens depicting what appears to be an unknown temple that stood where the famous Parthenon is now found. The graffito is at least 50 years older than the Parthenon and uses a term that had confused archaeologists for a while: Hekatompedon. Advertisement As translations […]
The World Will Soon Witness “One Of The Rarest Space Events Of Our Lives”
It’s been a pretty good decade so far for witnessing cosmic events. As well as the total solar eclipse and the Sun approaching its peak in activity, creating stunning auroras on Earth, we will soon see an event first recorded in a medieval manuscript, when T Coronae Borealis goes nova. Advertisement The decade has a […]
Microplastics Have Been Found In Human Penises For The First Time
Adding to a growing list of body parts in which microplastics have been found, researchers have now, for the first time, identified the problematic particles in human penises. Advertisement Microplastics are fragments of plastic less than 5 millimeters (0.2 inches) in length and can come from a variety of sources, such as plastic manufacturing or […]
What Actually Happens At Stonehenge During The Summer Solstice?
Today, June 20, is the solstice, the day with the longest day and shortest night in the Northern Hemisphere. It came a little earlier than usual (actually the earliest since the late 1700s) and it means that we are entering summer everywhere north of the Equator. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the opposite. Advertisement […]
World’s Oldest Deep-Sea Shipwreck Discovered 1,800 Meters Beneath The Waves
A Bronze-Age ship that sank around 3,300 years ago has been discovered on the Mediterranean Sea floor, along with its cargo of hundreds of intact jars that once stored merchandise. Located around 90 kilometers (56 miles) off the northern coast of Israel and at a depth of 1,800 meters (6,000 feet), the ancient vessel is […]
Baboons Appear To Do Statistics The Same Way You Do
We often take it for granted that animals can be smart. Corvids have distinct cultures, can cheat death, and will hold a grudge. Elephants refer to each other by name. Dogs will throw children into rivers to score a tasty snack. You know – normal signs of intelligence. Advertisement But still, you probably wouldn’t want […]
The Differences Between Mammoths And Mastodons
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Just Because You’re Recycling, Doesn’t Always Mean It’s Sustainable
Keeping water pure is important in many aspects of society, from protecting drinking water and for hygiene to less obvious situations, such as the water that scientists use in their experiments. In laboratories, untreated water can cause contamination in scientific experiments, which can lead to wasted hours and potentially have a negative monetary impact. Laboratory […]
YouTubers Build Impressive And “Potentially Dangerous” Retractable Lightsaber
A team of YouTubers have put together an impressive retractable lightsaber they describe as “potentially dangerous”. Advertisement In a new video, HeroTech explained that they wanted to construct a lightsaber that retracted like a real lightsaber from the Star Wars movies, rather than the extended blades on sale to the public. Advertisement “When we decided […]
Why You Should Never “Rescue” Baby Deer You Find Alone In The Wild
While out walking in deer country, you just might come across what some call “lost fawns”. These deer babies are often found curled up at the base of a tree or beneath a bush, but they do not need you to rescue them. Adult deer with babies in tow have evolved a smart way to […]
First-Ever “Plasma Fireballs” In The Lab Create Ways To Study Cosmic Jets
Jets of plasma are produced by a variety of astrophysical sources. The more extreme the object, the faster these jets can move. Studying them at a distance has provided a lot of insights, but if we could create them in the lab, we’d know a lot more about them. Scientists have now been able to […]
The Shores Of Titan’s Lakes Appear To Be Shaped By Waves
The lakes of liquid methane and ethane on Titan have shorelines that appear to have been shaped by waves on those hydrocarbon lakes, new evidence suggests, potentially settling an old argument. It could also shape the forthcoming mission to Saturn’s giant moon. Advertisement When it comes to finding a world we can study for its […]