Scientists at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) have released a report on the recent rise in orcas ramming boats off the Iberian Peninsula. Advertisement Since 2020, a small group of orca off the Iberian Peninsula (known as Iberian killer whales) have interacted with vessels off the coast of Morocco, Spain, and Portugal at least 673 […]
Greenpeace-Backed Block Of “Golden Rice” In Philippines Will Cost Lives, Scientists Suggest
After years of campaigning by Greenpeace, a court in the Philippines has revoked the permit to grow “Golden Rice”, a genetically modified crop designed to combat malnutrition. The move is a highly controversial one, with some scientists saying the decision could potentially cost “thousands and thousands” of lives. Advertisement The Philippines became the first country […]
Male Birth Control Pill That’s Safe, Reversible, And Hormone-Free Could Be Inching Nearer
When it comes to birth control, there’s a bit of an imbalance between products targeted at women and those assigned female at birth, and products targeted at men. And when we say “imbalance”, we mean that nearly all the effective, reversible methods are designed around the female reproductive system. There’s long been a drive to […]
Volcanoes On Venus Might Still Be Erupting In Widely Spread Locations
Two lava flows on Venus show signs of being very recent, suggesting volcanic activity on Earth’s evil twin may be ongoing, providing exciting opportunities for future study. Advertisement It’s hard to believe today, but in the middle of the last century, hopes for life or future colonies on Venus were as high as for those […]
Manhattanhenge Is Coming: What It Is And How To See It
The Met Gala? That’s old news. The most Instagrammable event in Manhattan during May is something anyone can get a ticket to if they happen to be in the city, thanks to an unexpected partnership between the Sun and the street grid known as Manhattanhenge. Advertisement What is Manhattanhenge? Yes, Manhattanhenge sounds like a made-up […]
Undercooked Bear Meat Sparked Rare Parasitic Worm Outbreak At Family BBQ
What started off as a family reunion with a big barbecue to boot wound up with six people infected with rare parasitic worms and three of those people ending up in hospital. The source? Undercooked black bear meat. Advertisement The story began to unravel when a 29-year-old man was admitted to hospital in July 2022 […]
Alzheimer’s Disease With No Symptoms? 12 Very Unusual Cases Are Showing How
A handful of puzzling cases in a brain bank of over 5,000 donated samples – these are the people identified in a new study from the Netherlands as having had asymptomatic Alzheimer’s disease. These individuals are known as “resilient” to the disease, and scientists are only just beginning to uncover the secrets inside their brains. […]
Man Finds Three Mammoth Skeletons In His Wine Cellar
The remains of three Stone Age mammoths have been uncovered within a wine cellar in Austria, providing incredible new insights into how ancient humans may have hunted the extinct beasts. Describing the find as the most significant of its kind in over a century, researchers have said that the bones are probably 30,000 to 40,000 […]
The Vatican Is Set To Recognize The First Millennial Saint – So How Do I Become One?
Forget breaking into the housing market or the millionaire class – millennials have officially just reached even headier heights. Specifically, heaven. The Vatican announced recently that Carlo Acutis, a London-born and Milan-raised boy who died from leukemia in 2006 aged just 15, now qualifies for canonization – in other words, he’s ready to be declared […]
“Echidnapus” Among Three New Species That Reveal A Lost Land Of The Monotremes
Monotremes, now known only from the platypus and a handful of echidna species, were once a much more successful order, with three new species now identified from a single geologic formation. Yet while their diversity has dwindled, the egg-laying mammals appear to be onto a good thing. Indeed, their body design has changed so little […]
Plastic Bottle Caps Across Europe Are Changing – But Why?
Over the last few months, a small but pretty noticeable change has been creeping into plastic bottles across Europe. No longer is it as easy to throw away the lid: it’s now tethered to the bottle, and it’s all part of preparing for a new rule that’s about to come into force in the European […]
Up To $24 Billion Of “Invisible Gold” Could Be Sitting In South Africa
South Africa’s Witwatersrand Basin could be sitting on a bundle of “invisible gold” reportedly worth up to $24 billion – and one young scientist believes he knows how we can get our hands on it. Advertisement Witwatersrand in South Africa was the site of a giant Gold Rush in the late 19th century that was […]
Pluto’s Heart Hides An Ocean As Dense As Utah’s Salt Lake
A new mathematical model provides insights into what may lie under the icy surface of the most famous dwarf planet: Pluto. Sputnik Planitia, the scientific name of its heart, looks dramatically different from the rest of the distant world. New modeling suggests what is likely to lie beneath it, and its properties. Advertisement When New […]
Mars’s Doomed Moon Phobos Might Not Be What We Thought
A team of researchers analyzing previously unpublished images of Mars’s moon Phobos have found hints that the unusual moon is not what we once thought. Advertisement Mars’s moons Phobos and Deimos are a little different from the other moons of the solar system. While not as strange as the Earth’s possible “ghost moon” (aka a […]
Kīlauea Reveals A New “Stomp Rocket” Type Of Volcanic Eruption
In May 2018, Kīlauea volcano in Hawai’i erupted repeatedly in quick succession, driving ash more than 9,000 meters (30,000 feet) into the sky. Although the damage to the towns below swallowed by lava looked tragically familiar, the eruptions had features so unusual that volcanologists have been studying them for six years, eventually identifying a new […]
How Many Eyes Does A Spider Have?
Eyes come in just about every form in the animal world – from unusually shaped pupils, to bright colors, and even some animals that have evolved to do without. But what about the creatures that crawl across planet Earth? When you’re used to seeing the world from the safety of a web or from behind […]
Dead Hand Or Something Else? A Possible Explanation For Strange Numbers Station UVB-76
Imagine for a moment you’re a ham radio enthusiast, alone at night, idly working your way through the radio spectrum when you come across a broadcast on a disused shortwave channel, where usually there would be nothing but static. Advertisement The broadcast is a tune, or a buzz, or sometimes cartoon character Yosemite Sam saying […]
Louisiana Becomes First State To Make Abortion Pills Controlled Substances
After making it through the state legislature, a bill that reschedules two medications used in abortions as “controlled dangerous substances” has now been signed into Louisiana state law, making it the first US state to make such a move. Under bill SB 276, mifepristone and misoprostol have been reclassified as Schedule IV substances – a […]
Birth Of The Earliest Galaxies In The Universe Seen For The First Time
Astronomers have used the JWST to cast their eyes farther into the past than ever before, witnessing some of the earliest galaxies ever actively forming between 400 and 600 million years after the Big Bang. The space telescope was able to determine that these objects are surrounded by a lot of gas. Images from the […]
A Giant Untapped Source of Lithium Has Been Found Under Pennsylvania
Colossal quantities of lithium – a metal that’s vital for the world of tomorrow – could be sourced from wastewater that’s been pumped out of a Pennsylvania fracking site. In a new study, scientists at the National Energy Technology Laboratory and the University of Pittsburg worked out that 38 to 40 percent of the country’s […]