It’s easy not to give a second thought to our nails beyond keeping them clean and tidy, but keeping an eye on them can actually be pretty important. Though they only make up a small part of our body, a change to our nails might be an important sign of what’s going on inside. Growths […]
We Now Know When Humans And Neanderthals Hooked Up, Human Head Transplant Machine Concept Unveiled By Startup, And Much More This Week
This week, a fossil of dinosaur skin has revealed it had both scales and feathers, a new study could explain why hundreds of stars have vanished without a trace, and a 1-million-year-old skull from China may belong to the “dragon man” lineage. Finally, we explore the global impact of “dark extinctions”. Subscribe to the IFLScience newsletter for […]
Proboscis Monkeys’ Bulbous Noses Send Females Wild At The Sight – And Sound – Of Them
Although hideously ugly to humans, male proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) use their noses to woo their mates, both through the sounds they make and visual appeal, new evidence reveals. Humans have a way of appreciating nature, even if we don’t always show it. We umm and ahh at the adorability of many species, but the […]
Large Chunk Of SpaceX Rocket Crash Lands On Canadian Farm
A farmer in Canada has found an enormous piece of space junk in a field that is believed to have fallen from a SpaceX mission. The piece is 2 meters (6 feet) wide and weighs 40 kilograms (90 pounds). It landed on the farm of Barry Sawchuk in Saskatchewan province, northeast of the city of […]
Daily Cannabis Use Overtakes Drinking In The US For The First Time
The number of people who use cannabis on a daily basis now exceeds the number of daily alcohol drinkers in the US, new research reveals. Overall, more people continue to consume booze than weed across the country, yet the proportion of high-frequency stoners has skyrocketed, overtaking regular alcohol use for the first time. Study author […]
Apparently We Have To Say This But Do NOT Try And “Body Slam” An Orca
Human-wildlife conflict is one of the biggest issues relating to the ability of the world’s wildlife and people to coexist. Whether it’s living through a cicadapocalypse, having your crops stolen by hungry elephants, or the impact of war on wildlife, there are basic rules when it comes to living side by side with the creatures […]
Want To Seduce A Cicada? Let David Attenborough Show You How
The cicadapocalypse is now upon us, with potentially up to a trillion insects set to rise up, make a whole bunch of noise and cicada babies, and then die – all within the space of about a month. But why so noisy? That’s called seduction in Cicadaville, and it turns out we can mimic it. The […]
Digital Decay Has Claimed Nearly 40 Percent Of Webpages From 2013
Have you been looking for an article you read several years ago but just cant find it? If it was written in 2013, there is a good chance it has simply disappeared from the internet. That’s according to new research from the Pew Research Centre which found that nearly 40 percent of all webpages created […]
Newly-Discovered Exoplanet Could Be Like Earth – Or Its Evil Twin
Two different groups of astronomers have reported the discovery of an exoplanet that might be an Earth twin, or maybe a Venus-like world. This world is a fantastic target for exploration and it might provide crucial insights into rocky planets like our own – and their habitability. The planet is called Gliese 12 b and […]
Google’s AI Overviews Is Returning Bizarre And Even Dangerous Results
Google has launched AI Overviews. And it is not going too well. The feature was launched in the US last week and it will spread globally by the end of 2024, but results so far suggest that it is a mess. Users on social media were quick to point out the funny answers until several […]
Acid Baths And Bacterial Egg Painting: How Birds Ran With Their Dinosaur Ancestry
Birds are dinosaurs. That’s how the Natural History Museum, London kicks off its exciting new exhibition, Birds: Brilliant & Bizarre. From the very first Tyrannosaurus rex fossil dug up, through to the most peculiar adaptation of the dinosaurs’ only extant relatives, the exhibition displays the remarkable diversity of one of Earth’s most successful animal groups […]
Chernobyl’s “Wild Boar Paradox” Has Finally Been Cracked
Chernobyl’s wild boars have been the subject of a long-standing scientific mystery. While the radioactivity of deer in the region has predictably decreased over the decades, the wild boar remained surprisingly radioactive. It turns out that these Ukrainian hogs aren’t only being irradiated from the infamous disaster of 1986, but also the atomic bomb testing […]
Textbooks Say A Wombat Can Outrun An Olympic Sprinter. Is It True?
If you were assigning animals to sporting contests based on looks alone, you wouldn’t send a wombat to track and field. With short legs and a mighty butt, wrestling might be a more obvious choice, or perhaps weightlifting. Yet wombats can produce a surprising turn of speed. Some even propose carrots strategically placed at the […]
We’re Due An “Extraordinary” Atlantic Hurricane Season In 2024, NOAA Warns
The latest forecast from the NOAA National Weather Service predicts that the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season will be a freakishly busy one and could even rival 2005 – the year of Hurricane Katrina and Rita. The NOAA forecast says there’s an 85 percent chance of an above-normal season, a 10 percent chance of a near-normal […]
Just 10 “Superspreaders” Are Responsible For Over A Third Of Misinformation On Twitter
According to a new study, just 10 “superspreaders” were responsible for over a third of the misinformation posted on Twitter (now X) during an eight-month period in 2020. Misinformation has become a serious concern in recent years. On the face of it, this type of content may appear to be simply irritating, but it can […]
Alaska’s Rusting Rivers Are Turning Orange And As Acidic As Vinegar
Dozens of rivers and streams in the far reaches of Alaska have turned from crystal clear to a rusty color, some looking “like a milky orange juice.” According to a new study, the culprit is likely to be warming temperatures causing permafrost to thaw and leak metals into the waterways. Needless to say, the researchers […]
Parasocial Relationships = Healthy? YouTubers Might Make Us Happier Than Our Friends Do
If you like to use your lunch break to catch up on a bit of YouTube, you’d be far from the only one. Some people, however, invest far more time and energy in the online personalities they watch – despite the fact the other party has no idea they exist. Such a one-sided relationship might […]
We’re About To Witness A Stellar Event Potentially First Recorded In A Medieval Manuscript
The world is about to see a stellar event that was likely first recorded in 1217; a nova explosion of T Coronae Borealis (T CrB), also known as the Blaze star. The star – actually a binary star system comprising a white dwarf and a red giant – is for the most part not visible […]
Microsoft’s New AI Product Sounds Like A Dystopian Nightmare
It’s been a big couple of days for Microsoft. The company’s annual Build conference, held from May 21-23 in Seattle, has seen a slew of announcements on upcoming tech, with much of it centering on integration of AI into future devices. But there’s one announcement in particular that has already proven controversial – and might […]
Cicadapocalypse May Have Peculiar Effect On People With Tinnitus
Trillions of cicadas are set to erupt across parts of the US this spring, bringing a deluge of high-pitched buzzing to the Midwest and the Southeast. One group of people that could be unexpectedly impacted by the so-called “cicadapocalypse” will be those with tinnitus, a condition that involves hearing an unwanted ringing, buzzing, or whooshing […]