Science is great for innovation and improving our lives, but let’s face it: there are some things we’ve pretty much got down pat. You wouldn’t expect, for example, that we could improve on something like… like counting. So it may come as a surprise that a group of computer scientists have done just that: found […]
Super Rare Pacific Footballfish Washes Up On Oregon Beach – And It’s Terrifying
Beachcombers just south of Cannon Beach, Oregon, came across a Pacific footballfish (Himantoliphus sagamius) washed up on the shore. While this might look like a monster from the deep – and in fact it is – Pacific footballfish sightings and specimens are extremely rare. Seaside Aquarium shared the news on their Facebook page, writing that […]
How “Dark Extinctions” Are Silently Erasing Life On Earth
There’s something missing on our planet, but we don’t know what it is. Like trees that fall in the silence of an empty forest, entire species are vanishing with no one to witness or record their existence – or their demise. It’s a phenomenon known as “dark extinction”, and it severely undermines our ability to […]
We Now Know Exactly When Humans And Neanderthals Hooked Up
Despite disappearing around 40,000 years ago, Neanderthals continue to live on in the DNA of most modern humans. The persistence of these ancient genes indicates that our distant ancestors had a thing for stocky, big-nosed hominids, and new research has revealed exactly how these interspecies sexy times played out. It’s estimated that between 1 and […]
Supermassive Black Hole’s Spin Measured For The First Time With Destroyed Star
Tidal disruption events (TDEs) are bright releases of energy caused by a supermassive black hole having a snack. The snack in question is usually a star that got so close it was ripped apart. Part of the snack is thrown out, but the rest of the stellar plasma forms a hot accretion disk around the […]
Mysterious Babies: The Animals Humans Have Never Seen Give Birth
Eel reproduction was a famous animal mystery that was solved back in 2022, but did you know that there are lots of animals that humans have never seen give birth? For some species like snow leopards, we’ve been able to witness births in captivity, but for other animals we don’t have the first clue where […]
In 2018, Astronomers Spotted A Possible “Ghost Moon” Between The Earth And The Moon
Quick pop quiz: how many moons does the Earth have? If you said one, you are correct – but Earth occasionally picks up quasi-moons, which are not gravitationally bound to our planet but share our orbit for a time and are influenced by our gravity during their orbit around the Sun. But as well as […]
Brain “Ripples” Could Explain What’s Happening When Your Mind Wanders
A distinctive pattern of brain activity that fires up when we let our minds wander has been identified in a new study. The researchers found that patterns called “sharp-wave ripples”, which originate in the brain’s memory centers, seem to happen more often when our brains are left to start making stuff up. The human brain […]
Hair-Raising Human Head Transplant Machine Concept Unveiled By Startup – But Is It Realistic?
On May 21, startup BrainBridge unveiled its concept for a world-first head transplant system, promising to combine artificial intelligence with the latest in robotics to literally remove a human head and put it on a new body. If everything works as intended, once the head is in place, the person will apparently be able to […]
Scales That Led To Hair And Feathers Evolved Before Reptiles, 300-Million-Year-Old Fossils Hint
Corneous scales are a type of skin appendage most associated with reptiles, but they are thought to have made fur and feathers possible, thus playing a big part in our own evolution. A new fossil provides evidence they evolved in the Permian era, before the first major split in land-dwelling vertebrates’ family tree. Few things […]
Which US State Is The Most Religious?
The US remains a deeply religious – and deeply Christian – place, especially compared to other high-income “Western” countries. However, dig into the data and you’ll find the nation’s religiosity varies wildly from state-to-state and contains a fair amount of diversity. According to the 2020 US Religion Census, the states with the highest percentage of […]
69 Percent Of Gamers Admit To “Smurfing”, Despite Hating It
A new study on toxicity in gaming has found that 69 percent of gamers admit to smurfing, despite hating it when others smurf against them. The uninitiated may be wondering what smurfing is, or perhaps are envisioning 69 percent of gamers daubing themselves in blue and replacing all their verbs with “smurf” for the duration […]
The Future Of Earth Is An Uninhabitable Hell World
The planet Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years, give or take, and it’s changed a lot in that time. What started as a ball of molten, churning magma eventually chilled out and developed a few small tectonic plates; a few billion years later or so the planet was bedecked in various formations of […]
Striking “Salty Licorice” Cats Are The Result Of A Unique Mutation
Cats come in a glorious variety of colors and coat patterns, and back in 2007, a brand-new flavor of feline appeared in Finland, looking like the black printer ink had run out. Named after a type of licorice popular in the country, scientists have now figured out the genetic basis for these distinctive and delicious-looking […]
Pulsed Plasma Thruster Funded By NASA Could Enable One Of The Coolest Space Missions Imagined
NASA is, as always, looking into the next generation of thrusters to enable ever-more-ambitious space missions. One idea currently moving to phase II of the NASA Innovative Advanced Concept (NIAC) program is a Pulsed Plasma Rocket (PPR). The PPR “uses a fission-based nuclear power system to rapidly cause a phase change in a fuel projectile […]
Mastering Freezer Monitoring: A Guide To Avoiding Laboratory Disasters
Freezers are important inventions. Whether they are in a domestic environment or a professional scientific laboratory, freezers play a vital role in helping preserve objects and substances that would otherwise perish beyond use. It is no surprise that a faulty freezer can cause catastrophic loss if not caught quickly. As with any technology, freezer failures […]
Does Cosmological Natural Selection Explain Why The Universe Seems Fine-Tuned For Life?
There is a problem (or not, for fans of being alive) within physics, in that the universe appears finely tuned for life – at least of the kind we find on Earth – to emerge and thrive. If gravity was substantially weaker than it is (and it’s already pretty weak, just ask any magnet), stars […]
Puppy Dog Eyes Are Not Exclusive To Pets, African Wild Dogs Make Them Too
Any dog owner will know that when their four legged friend looks up at them with big puppy dog eyes it’s pretty impossible to resist. Research from 2019 suggested that dogs evolved more complex facial muscles compared to wolves and other wild canid species so they could mimic the expression of their humans to encourage […]
Kids And Babies In South Korea Are Suing Government Over Climate Change
Over 200 people, including more than 60 children and infants, have entered a landmark legal battle against the South Korean government over their response (or lack thereof) to climate change. Four cases between 2020 and 2023 were merged and put in front of South Korea’s Constitutional Court last month. As reported by Nature, the South […]
Mysterious 1-Million-Year-Old Skull From China May Belong To “Dragon Man” Lineage
In 1989 and 1990, a pair of 1-million-year-old skulls belonging to an unknown human species were unearthed in Yunyang District of Hubei province, Central China. A third similar skull was found nearby in 2022, but the mystery didn’t become any less hazy; were they Homo erectus or early Homo sapiens? Might they even be related […]