As you read these words, do you hear them being narrated inside your head? If so, whose voice are you listening to? Chances are you probably do experience each word as though it were literally being read to you by some miniature being who lives inside your brain. Research has shown that the majority of […]
New Insights Into The Enigmas Of General Anesthesia Discovered After 180 Years
General anesthesia has been performed countless times since it was first developed in the late 1840s. Its introduction into medicine was revolutionary, allowing surgeons to perform increasingly complicated procedures on patients who no longer had to endure painful surgery while awake. However, would you believe me if I told you that, 180 or so years […]
70-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Is A New Species, And It’s Got Ridiculously Tiny Arms
Behold, the tiny arms of a new species of abelisaurid dinosaur, Koleken inakayali. Retrieved from La Colonia Formation in Patagonia, it dates back 70 million years and has an impressively miniature set of arms. Think T. rex’s were mini? You ain’t seen nothing yet. The new tiny-armed species looks similar to the iconic “meat bull” […]
Free Bella: Activists Urge To Release Captive Beluga From Mega Mall In South Korea
At a flashy mall in South Korea’s capital, shoppers can gather round for selfies with a lonely beluga as she swims around her tank. Despite promises the whale will be released as soon as possible, campaigners are continuing to push for her release before she suffers the same ill-fate as her former tankmates. Bella the […]
Point Nemo: The Voyage To The Oceanic Pole Of Inaccessibility
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People Appear To (Incorrectly) Believe The Pyramids Were Eroded By A Great Flood
The pyramids in Egypt attract a lot of conspiracy theories. We sort of get it – they are ancient structures covered in hieroglyphics, containing the mummified bodies of pharaohs, as well as various long-lost chambers that are only just now being discovered thanks to new imaging techniques. It is perhaps not surprising that there are […]
The Core Of A Super-Fluffy Planet, Exposed By JWST
A major planetary mystery appears to have a solution. The so-called “cotton candy planets” are worlds with such an extremely low density that they were challenging our theories of planet formation. Now astronomers seem to have worked out how they came to be, and it was made possible by observing what goes on inside one […]
NASA Wants To Use The Sun As A Giant Telescope To View The Surface Of Alien Planets
In 1936, Albert Einstein published what he described as a “little calculation”, showing how the Sun could one day be used as a gigantic telescope. Incredible as it may sound, the concept is not so far out of our reach, and one idea for how to practically achieve it is at phase III of NASA’s […]
“Hidden Gem” Fossil Of Dinosaur Skin Preserved Like Glass Reveals It Had Scales And Feathers
A new fossil of the partially feathered dinosaur Psittacosaurus has revealed that these animals had bizarre skin that included both bird-like feathers and reptile-like scales. The first-of-its-kind fossil provides new insights into the evolution from scales to feathers, demonstrating that these animals exhibited “zoned development” in their skin. The first Psittacosaurus fossil was discovered in 1922, […]
Brain Implant Helps Paralyzed Man To Speak Again – In Two Different Languages
A single brain implant has been used to help recover the speech of a paralyzed man in both his native Spanish and English. Even though he learned English much later in life, the brain-computer interface (BCI) was able to pick up which language he was trying to speak without having to program it in advance […]
OpenAI Removes New AI Voice After Scarlett Johansson Notes It Is “Eerily Similar” To Her Own
Artificial intelligence (AI) company OpenAI has removed a new voice from their latest product, after actor Scarlett Johansson noted it was “eerily similar” to her own. Advertisement Earlier this month, OpenAI announced they were releasing a new model, dubbed GPT-4o. The product allows for text, audio, and image outputs, and can respond using image, text, […]
What Are The Symptoms Of The New COVID-19 Variants?
COVID-19 is very much still with us – and if you’re anything like us, you’ll have noticed more and more people complaining that they’re getting sick over the last couple of weeks. We know that there are some new COVID variants doing the rounds, but what are the symptoms to look out for? Advertisement The […]
Lungless Frog Is Lungless No More As Scientists Find Tiny Respiratory Organs
The only lungless frog in the world has been exposed as a fraud, in fact being the secret owner of a tiny pair of lungs and glottis – respiratory organs that had previously been declared as absent in the rare Bornean flat-headed frog. New research looked at museum specimens using a high-resolution micro-CT scanner and […]
Turtle’s Unusual Gait Reveals An Explorer Far From Home
When Janet and Stephen Boxall saw a sea turtle on Campwin Beach in Queensland, Australia, they realized this was not a species they had seen before. Months later, they learned it was an olive ridley turtle, never known to nest on Australia’s east coast despite decades of observations. In the process, they may have rescued […]
Nightmares And “Daymares” Could Be Signs Of An Autoimmune Disease
Nightmares and “daymares” could be an early warning sign of an autoimmune disease according to a new study. Troubling dreams and daytime hallucinations could provide advance warning of the arrival of diseases like lupus, and a greater awareness of them both from patients and doctors could lead to improved management of a person’s autoimmune conditions. […]
Gaze Into The Colossal Craters Of Mars And They Will Stare Icily Back
Freshly released images show a bird’s eye view of the colossal craters that scar the surface of Mars. Not only do they make for a pretty sight, but the images provide clues about whether life has ever lived on our closest planetary neighbor. The images were captured by the Trace Gas Orbiter of ExoMars, an […]
Five Fascinating Facts About Neanderthals That Could Change How You See Them
Once upon a time, humans were just one of quite a few hominid species roaming the planet, just trying to eke out a survival with nothing but an overgrown frontal lobe and a stubborn attitude to their name. Advertisement Today, we’re alone – and those evolutionary cousins are a mystery. But here’s the thing: we […]
Forest Health Depends On The Personality Of Small Mammals
Healthy ecosystems are known to require diversity, but a study from the forests of Maine reveals there’s an aspect of this ecologists have been overlooking: the personality of pollinators and seed dispersers. If the work proves applicable to other environments, it suggests that the richness and sustainability of the planet depends on having some animals […]
Ed Dwight, NASA’s First Black Astronaut, Finally Just Reached Space 60 Years Later
Ed Dwight is truly a modern-day Renaissance man. At the age of 90 years 8 months and 10 days, he was able to add another achievement to his illustrious and varied CV. He got to space, traveling on a suborbital spaceflight, Blue Origin’s New Shepard NS-25. He beat actor William Shatner to the record of […]
How Does War Impact Wildlife?
The impact of war on the migration of an endangered species has been revealed for the first time. The study looked at the migration of the greater spotted eagle through Ukraine, before and after it was invaded by Russia back in 2022. The investigation into the effects of war came about unexpectedly, as the team […]