We live in (or at least, perceive, with various branches of string theory including up to 26 dimensions) a universe with three dimensions (plus time), and there are reasons to suspect why we find ourselves in a 3D world. Advertisement Scientists and mathematicians have suggested universes with more than three dimensions would be unpredictable and […]
The Incredibly Stupid Conspiracy Theory That The Solar System Has Two Suns
Another day, another incredibly stupid conspiracy theory resurfaces on the Internet. According to various – for want of a better word – numbskulls, the Solar System has a second sun, hiding behind our real Sun. Advertisement In the latest iteration of the conspiracy theory, posted to the Facebook group “Nibiru Followers Anonymous”, their evidence appears […]
Ancient Maya May Have Blessed Their Ballcourts With Chilli Peppers And Hallucinogenic Plants
The construction of a ballcourt in the ancient Maya city of Yaxnohcah was probably consecrated with a ritual involving chilli peppers and hallucinogenic morning glory seeds, new research has revealed. Despite decomposing centuries ago, this ceremonial offering has been identified within a layer of sediment beneath the court using environmental DNA analysis. Advertisement As in […]
Newly Spotted Complex Molecule Is Among The Largest Ever Discovered Outside The Solar System
Astronomers have discovered a complex molecule in a star-forming region known as the Cat’s Paw Nebula. The molecule in question is 2-methoxyethanol which on Earth is a pretty toxic chemical solvent, dangerous to health even in small doses. But in space, it might be crucial to the formation of stars and planets. Advertisement It is […]
Alpaca Sex Is So Weird, It’s Never Been Seen In Another Mammal
Alpacas have weird sex lives: they are the only mammal we know of in which the penis enters the uterus to directly deposit sperm. It’s a reproductive strategy that’s never been confirmed in any other mammal before, and new research suggests it may help the kinky camelids’ chances of pregnancy. Advertisement Alpacas (Vicugna pacos) – […]
What Are Megaliths?
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NASA And ESA Prepare For Close Approach Of Near Earth Object Apophis
NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) are preparing for the close approach of near-Earth object, asteroid 99942 Apophis. Advertisement In 2029, Apophis – believed to be one of the most hazardous asteroids to Earth when it was first discovered in 2004 – will come within 32,000 kilometers (20,000 miles) of the Earth’s surface, giving […]
Rejoice! Biodiversity Loss Really Can Be Halted And Reversed By Conservation Efforts
Fantastic news has dropped, as a first-of-its-kind review has concluded that conservation action does have a meaningful impact on biodiversity loss. The global meta-analysis uncovered how in two-thirds of cases, conservation efforts either improved the state of biodiversity or at least slowed its decline. Advertisement It’s the strongest evidence to date that nature conservation is […]
We’ve Found Where On Our First Moon Our Second Moon Came From
Three years after evidence emerged that the quasi-moon known as Kamo’oalewa is formed from a chunk of Earth’s one true Moon, we may know just where it comes from. Besides showing the rapid progress in knowledge about the exceptionally recent field of quasi-moons, the discovery honors a scientist who believed in the plurality of worlds. […]
Humans Are Changing Earth Kilometers Deep Below Us, Not Just At The Surface
The changes that our species is making to the planet are deeper than initially thought. Not only are the impacts of human activity changing the surface and climate of the Earth, but new research suggests that we have also changed the deep subsurface, a zone located hundreds of meters to several kilometers beneath where we […]
FLiRT – All You Need To Know About The Latest COVID-19 Variants
There’s a family of new COVID-19 variants in town, and at least one of them looks set to begin jostling for position at the top of the transmission stakes. They’ve been nicknamed the FLiRT variants, for reasons that will soon become clear. Here’s what we know about them so far. Advertisement If you’re thinking it’s […]
Bird Flu: What’s The Latest And How Worried Should We Be?
Bird flu seems to be perennially in the news at the moment, and with more and more species succumbing to the virus, concern around it is rife. While the infection normally spreads in avian species, it can also spill over into other animals, including humans, which has sparked fears of a global animal pandemic. What […]
Orangutan Seen Treating A Wound With A Medicinal Plant In World-First Observation
A wild Sumatran orangutan has been seen chewing the leaves of the Akar Kuning plant and applying the juice to a wound on his cheek, the first time this has been reported. The process went on for seven minutes, until the wound was entirely covered, making clear it was deliberate, and the orangutan continued to […]
New Evidence Ancient Mars Was More Earth-Like Than Thought – And Maybe Even Habitable
Ancient Mars is believed to have been a wet world. Possibly it was a cold world, with frosts and floods, rather than a tropical paradise. It might have had a denser carbon dioxide atmosphere too, and the composition of that atmosphere is now being called into question. That’s because chemical elements suggest that it could […]
US House Passes Bill To Take Gray Wolves Off The Endangered Species List
In the latest turn of a political rollercoaster over the protection of gray wolves, the US House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to pass a bill that would see the animals removed from the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Advertisement The bill, dubbed the “Trust the Science Act”, was passed by a vote of 209-205. Introduced […]
Animation Shows Project Lyra’s Ridiculous Maneuver To Catch Interstellar Asteroid
In 2017, astronomers at the Pan-STARRS observatory looking for near-Earth asteroids spotted an object as it hurtled past our Sun at 38.3 kilometers per second (23.8 miles per second, or 85,700 miles per hour). Advertisement Soon, telescopes around the world pointed in the unusual object’s direction, trying to capture as much data as they could […]
Ancient Chacoans Used Conch Shell Trumpets Like Church Bells For Announcements
Long before governments had the power to ping citizens on their smartphones, the pre-Hispanic inhabitants of New Mexico’s Chaco Canyon used conch shell trumpets to send out population-wide notifications. According to new research, the ancient Chacoans may even have deliberately designed their settlements to ensure that everyone was within earshot of a sea-snail toot at […]
Watch Mars Experiencing A Never-Before-Seen “Hat Trick” Of Global Aurorae
Aurorae on Mars are a whole other affair compared to the ones we have on Earth. The Red Planet doesn’t have a magnetic field, so part of the solar wind just slams into the thin Martian atmosphere, creating an ultraviolet light show. At least that’s what NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) can see. […]
Earth’s Magnetic Field’s “Near-Collapse” 590 Million Years Ago May Have Helped Complex Life
The Earth’s magnetic field has changed direction many times over millions of years, sometimes accompanied by temporary weakening. A much longer period in which the field diminished took place between 591 and 565 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the first fossils of complex animals appear in the geologic record. A new study suggests it might […]
Which Species Has The Biggest Brain Of Any Animal Ever To Exist?
Animal smarts can be pretty impressive. From the frankly terrifying hunting strategies of orcas, to cats clever enough to solve cognitive puzzles, and even fish able to count, the creatures of planet Earth can surely give some humans a run for their money. But which species has the biggest brain – and is a big […]