There are many impressive things about birds. Some soar for miles without ever flapping their wings; some live for over half a century; and some are literal rainbows. But when you look at a bird gliding high up in the distance, have you ever wondered just how high they can go? The species that holds […]
Meet A Megaraptor: New Dinosaur Footprints Reveal Raptors Grew Scarily Big
A remarkable coincidence has seen a late Cretaceous mudflat preserve the footprints of two different types of raptors. More astonishingly still, one of these prints comes from a previously unknown species larger than any raptor we have previously found. Until we find the bones, there is a lot we can’t know about the creatures named […]
NASA Deploys New Solar Sail Technology As 80-Square-Meter Sail Unfurls In Space
Propulsion is always a big deal when it comes to space missions. Every gram counts when going up into space, so the more energy-dense your fuel is the better. You also usually can’t refuel once you are out there. An alternative solution, which doesn’t have this problem, is using a solar sail. By taking advantage […]
Giant 2.7-Meter-Long Prehistoric Salmon Had Tusk-Like Teeth Rather Than Massive Fangs
Around five million years ago, the rivers of North America were home to an enormous salmon that would make today’s largest specimens look like minnows. It may have grown up to 8.9 feet (2.7 meters) long and was thought to have incredibly long fangs like a saber-toothed tiger. However, new research has found that this […]
Neolithic Monuments In Ireland May Mark Out The Path To Heaven
A cluster of five enormous Stone Age structures in County Wicklow, Ireland, may have been built as a means of delineating the path taken by the souls of the dead as they ascend to the eternal realm. Known as cursus monuments, the constructions are extremely rare in Ireland but relatively common in Britain, although archaeologists […]
Starless Rogue Planet As Heavy As 10 Earths Found By NASA Telescope
NASA’s planet-hunting telescope Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has discovered its first free-floating, or rogue, planet. It is a terrestrial object, likely bigger than Earth but not by too much. This candidate object was discovered within the analysis of 1.3 million light curves collected by the space observatories over its years in orbit. Rogue planets […]
World-First mRNA Vaccine For Skin Cancer Commences Landmark Phase 3 Trial
A UK man has become one of the first to receive an experimental mRNA vaccine designed to prevent recurrence of melanoma skin cancer. Steve Young, a 52-year-old musician, had a stage II melanoma removed previously, and said the shot is his “best chance” at stopping the cancer coming back. “I feel lucky to be part […]
Groundbreaking “Lunar Farm” Shows Plants Can Grow On the Moon
Plants are not just able to survive in low gravity such as on the Moon, two new papers suggest – they may prefer it, at least based on the only species to sprout. When Chang’e 4 landed on the Moon in January 2019 it carried with it a payload that could dictate the future of […]
Two Creators Filmed The Speed Of Light At 10 Trillion Frames Per Second
If you’ve been on the Internet you’ve probably heard of the Slow Mo Guys, the YouTubers dedicated to filming everything from guns firing bullets at other bullets to Will Smith wielding a big flamethrower in slow motion. After doing it for over a decade, the team wondered whether they could attempt to film “the fastest […]
Synthetic Diamonds Made In Minutes Not Days Could Upend Gemstone Economics
A new method for making diamonds bypasses the high temperatures and pressures, opening the door to making them at a fraction of the existing cost. The world of fine crystal control called The Diamond Age in science fiction may be closer than we think. Although we have known how to make synthetic diamonds since the […]
The Pharaoh’s Curse: Does Opening A Tomb Really Lead To An Untimely Death?
In addition to being one of the most significant archaeological finds of the 20th century, the tomb of Tutankhamun also turned out to be a glorified can of worms, the opening of which has inspired countless myths, movies, and pseudo-archaeological theories. In particular, the so-called “Pharaoh’s Curse” became a globally recognized phenomenon when Lord Carnarvon […]
First-Of-Its-Kind Image Shows Single Lithium Atoms Turning Into Quantum Waves
Particles and waves are one and the same in our universe. This challenge to the expected binary is everywhere, but it becomes crucial at the quantum level. The wave-particle duality has been studied for over a century with a myriad of experiments, but researchers have now done something different: They have captured it on camera. […]
Scientists Just Discovered The First-Ever Fractal Molecule In Nature
Fractals – those self-similar shapes which can be endlessly zoomed in on without losing detail – are weirdly ubiquitous in nature. You’ve got snowflakes, famously; cauliflowers and coastlines; even rabbits, with a bit of work, can be shown to conform to fractal patterns. Of course, none of these examples can truly be said to be […]
What Caused Our First Interstellar Visitor’s Non-Gravitational Acceleration?
In 2017, astronomers at the Pan-STARRS1 observatory looking for near-Earth asteroids spotted an object as it hurtled past our Sun at 38.3 kilometers per second (23.8 miles per second). Soon, telescopes around the world pointed in the unusual object’s direction, trying to capture as much data as they could before it moved away from the […]
Exceptional Fossils Spill The Secrets Of “Enigmatic” 10-Meter Sharks Found In Mexico
Exquisitely preserved fossils belonging to an extinct group of giant sharks have been discovered in Mexico, and may help solve some centuries-old mysteries surrounding what these enigmas looked like, what they hunted, and how they fit into the shark evolutionary tree. Ptychodus is a genus of extinct sharks from the Albian–Campanian stage of the Cretaceous period […]
Plato’s Exact Burial Place Revealed By Charred Papyrus Near Pompeii
The carbonized remains of an ancient papyrus scroll from Herculaneum have yielded long-lost information concerning Plato, including his exact burial place as well as details about his demise into slavery. Located near the iconic site of Pompeii, Herculaneum was obliterated by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE, leaving the town – and its […]
Flash Of Gamma Rays In Nearby Galaxy Came From Stupendously Magnetic Dead Star
Last November, astronomers saw a quick gamma-ray explosion lasting one-tenth of a second. Then, 13 seconds later, they knew it came from galaxy M82, which is just 12 million light-years away. Basically next door, as galaxies go. This suggested they had witnessed something quite rare, a flare from a magnetar. A magnetar is a special […]
If The Sun Turned Into A Black Hole, Earth Would Continue Its Orbit
Our Sun is currently around the mid-point of its existence, constantly creating energy (and helium) by fusing hydrogen atoms within its core. As the supply of hydrogen in their cores are depleted, stars like our Sun begin their red giant phase. Advertisement “In about 5 billion years, the Sun will start to run out of […]
Bioluminescent Animals Have Been Glowing For At Least 540 Million Years
Evidence has been found for bioluminescence having existed among animals 540 million years ago, more than doubling the previous record. Besides altering how we picture the oceans of the world in the Ediacaran era and thereafter, the finding could shed light (sorry) on the reasons bioluminescence evolved and is so widely used today. The capacity […]
New Species Of Extinct Kangaroo Was Twice The Weight Of Today’s Big Boys
Aussie scientists have uncovered three new species of giant extinct kangaroo that once skipped around the outback of Australia as well as the forested mountains of Tasmania and New Guinea. The three new species are members of the extinct genus Protemnodon, which lived from around 5 million to 40,000 years ago. Advertisement The biggest of […]