Bramble sharks are incredibly camera-shy. Typically found lurking at the bottom of the seafloor, this elusive species is scarcely ever seen alive in its natural habitat. So, you can imagine the surprise when researchers from OceanX managed to stumble across an individual while exploring the deep waters off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, […]
A Giant’s Skeleton Unearthed In Ecuador? Don’t Believe The Hype
It’s the 21st century, but conspiracy theories about a “long-lost race of giants” still live strong (honestly, you wouldn’t believe how many messages we receive about it). Rumors about one such colossus have recently emerged in South America where it’s said a huge humanoid skeleton has been uncovered. However, armchair archaeologists should take this wild […]
Eat Fish But Not Meat? You’re Probably Suffering From The Pescatarian’s Paradox
Regardless of your own personal views on the morality of eating meat and fish, the facts are clear: humanity’s current habits are not great for the environment, our health, or animal welfare. And if you know all this, it can be hard to justify continuing with a meat-based diet, rather than switching to full veganism. […]
New Creature Discovered Living In Utah’s Great Salt Lake Suggests Whole Web Of Hidden Life
Scientists researching the complex habitats of Utah’s Great Salt Lake sediments had a hunch that the nematodes also known as roundworms lived in these spaces but no one had ever found them – until now. This new discovery suggests there could be a whole web of hidden life within the Great Lake. A professor and a […]
A CRISPR-Edited Pig Kidney Has Been Transplanted Into A Living Person For The First Time
In a world first, doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig kidney into a living human recipient. The patient, 62-year-old Richard “Rick” Slayman, had been living with end-stage kidney disease, relying on dialysis to survive after a previously transplanted human kidney had begun to fail. The medical team praised […]
A Single Ice Crystal Might Be Enough To Find Life On Europa Or Enceladus
We suspect that many icy moons in the Solar System host a liquid ocean buried deep within their crusts. Plans to get to those oceans with drilling robots have been put forward, but new research suggests something even simpler could provide information about the possibility of life in those oceans. All you need is a […]
The Caspian Sea: Is It Really A Sea Or A Lake Or None Of The Above?
The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world, but due to certain peculiarities, there is not agreement on whether it is really a sea or actually a bloody large lake. But while it may appear to be a trivial problem, the answer has significant geopolitical implications which make it a […]
Russia’s Soyuz Crewed Space Launch Aborted Just 21 Seconds Before Liftoff
When you are about to launch into space, you want to make sure everything is GO – all the more so if you have people on that rocket. Yesterday’s Soyuz launch toward the International Space Station was scrubbed just 21 seconds before lift-off. The abort was triggered by an automated system, the cause being a […]
NASA Needs You To Help Map The Shape Of The Sun During April’s Eclipse
NASA needs you! Or, more precisely, they need your phone to help study the Sun during the coming eclipse on April 8, 2024. Now we’re sure conspiracy cranks are poised at their keyboards to claim that this is some large takeover effort, or whatever, but there is actually good reason for the initiative. NASA are […]
Who Were The Ancient Amazons – The First Gender Nonconformists?
The Amazons of ancient Greece made their first appearance in classical literature almost 3,000 years ago, yet continue to inspire feminist, lesbian, and transgender movements to this day. However, a lack of solid archaeological evidence means that historians still understand very little about these legendary warrior women, with some scholars arguing that they were purely […]
Intense Seismic Shakes Off Canada’s Coast May Be Forming New Seafloor
The deep sea off the coast of Canada was rocked by hundreds of earthquakes per hour – yep, per hour – at the beginning of March 2024, leading seismologists to believe that a new ocean crust could be forming deep below the waves. The spike in activity occurred near the Endeavour segment of the Juan […]
Does Every Face Look Demonic To You? Then You Might Have This Super Rare Condition
We often take it for granted that how we see other people’s faces matches up with what they really look like, but for a small group of people with a rare neurological disorder, their perceptions are distorted. Known as prosopometamorphopsia (PMO), for the first time, researchers have now been able to visualize how people with […]
Shortly Before His Death, Carl Sagan Left A Message For The First Humans On Mars
Much beloved astronomer and science communicator Carl Sagan once recorded a message, for future astronauts setting foot on the planet Mars. Sagan was a big advocate for exploration of the Red Planet. Co-founder of The Planetary Society, he believed we should go to the planet to study it as an analog for our own planet, […]
New Species Of “Ghost Shark” With Shiny Green Eyes Discovered Deep In Thai Waters
There’s a lot going on in the deep ocean that we don’t know about or haven’t discovered yet. From over 100 species recently discovered off the coast of New Zealand to vast areas of seamounts discovered on the ocean floor in the Pacific. Now, another new species has come to light and it’s something of […]
What Is Bed Rotting, And Is It Healthy?
If you’ve not heard the term “bed rotting” before, you could be forgiven for assuming it’s a description of a rather unfortunate décor mishap, or perhaps a detail from a particularly gruesome serial killer case. If you have heard of it, there’s a pretty good chance you think it has something to do with depression, […]
What Would Happen To A Magnetic Compass On Mars?
On Earth, we have an incredibly useful of navigating our way around: a magnetized needle (suspended in a liquid or inside a compass) will align itself with our planet’s magnetic field, and point you towards the magnetic north pole. References to magnetism, which occurs naturally in lodestone, go back to 600 BCE, when Greek philosopher […]
How Long Do Chickens Live?
Chickens might be the most universal animals in the world. Whether you’re keeping your feathered friends in the backyard, enjoying them as part of a Kentucky fried banquet, or simply enjoying sharing the planet with an animal that has a breed with all-black bones, chickens are both useful and fun. But how long do they […]
What Happens To Batteries In Hot And Cold Weather?
Batteries have allowed so many technological advances. It is likely that you are reading this on a battery-powered device. But did you know that batteries are a bit like Goldilocks? No, they do not commit housebreaking or harass a family of bears, but they certainly prefer conditions to be not too hot and not too […]
Should Death Be Taught In Schools? Study Calls For Death Education Overhaul
As adults, we know death is a part of life; but for children, learning about it often comes down to your first brush with loss, be that a pet or parent. Is there a better way to prepare children for grief than waiting for a death to happen? New research suggests so, proposing that all […]
New Species Of Punk Beetle Was Almost Mistaken For Bird Poop
In the bird-eat-bug world of Australia’s rainforests, a slightly better chance of survival is given to those who act tough or stay hidden. Alternatively, some opt to look so gross that even starving predators aren’t tempted to risk eating them. A brilliant example of this latter tactic has recently been found in the form of […]