As adults, we know death is a part of life; but for children, learning about it often comes down to your first brush with loss, be that a pet or parent. Is there a better way to prepare children for grief than waiting for a death to happen? New research suggests so, proposing that all […]
New Species Of Punk Beetle Was Almost Mistaken For Bird Poop
In the bird-eat-bug world of Australia’s rainforests, a slightly better chance of survival is given to those who act tough or stay hidden. Alternatively, some opt to look so gross that even starving predators aren’t tempted to risk eating them. A brilliant example of this latter tactic has recently been found in the form of […]
It’s Of-fish-ial: The Fish Doorbell Is Back For Another Year
If you’re looking for something wholesomely bonkers to learn about today, look no further than the fish doorbell. Now back for the fourth year in a row, this internet sensation might end up with you accidentally wasting your lunch break, but hopefully, you’ll feel less bad about that when you discover how you’ll be helping […]
Will Cloudy Weather Ruin Solar Eclipse Day? Historical Data Weighs In
On Monday April 8, the Great American Eclipse will grace a large strip of North America, providing sky-gawking observers with the last total solar eclipse in the contiguous US and Canada until 2044. If you’re gearing up to enjoy this spectacle, be wary that there is still one uncontrollable hurdle to overcome: cloudy weather. Oddly […]
“Like Using The Force”: Neuralink Brain Chip Patient Demonstrates “Telepathy” In Livestream
A man fitted with a Neuralink brain implant participated in a livestream on X (formerly known as Twitter) yesterday, using the device to play a game of chess online. In May 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) controversially gave permission for Neuralink to trial the company’s device in humans, following trials in monkeys, […]
Disgusting Memories Are Our Most Flavorful, Rich In Scent, Taste, And Touch
Stepping in poop, eating rotten food, standing downwind from a garbage truck: we’ve all been there, and it seems the disgusting memories stay with us with good reason. Research has shown how disgusting experiences are remembered with more details about smells, tastes, and touches compared to scary or morally questionable ones. While unpleasant on the […]
270-Million-Year-Old “Kermit The Frog” Fossil Found Hiding In Museum Collection
An early amphibian has been named after the greatest living (sort of) frog: Kermit. The species, given the scientific title Kermitops gratus, preceded true frogs and is considered by the scientists who described it as a proto-amphibian important to the development of this important animal order. K. gratus was described from a fossil skull held […]
What Is The Three-Body Problem?
With the release of Netflix’s 3 Body Problem, based on the acclaimed novel series by Liu Cixin, we have seen many people ask what exactly the three-body problem is. So join us on a trip into physics and math that started at the very beginning of modern science and continues to vex scientists and thinkers […]
The Toba Supervolcano Potentially Almost Destroyed Humanity – But May Have Also Helped Us Spread
The eruption of the Toba supervolcano is thought to have been the largest in our species’ existence. Inevitably, it changed the climate of the planet for a period. Findings from Ethiopia have now led some anthropologists to think Toba could also be key to one of the great mysteries of human evolution: what caused our […]
Turning A Human Corpse Into Black Gold: The Greenest Way To Go?
Human composting has joined burial and cremation as one of the ways in which we can now dispose of our dead, taking a corpse and turning it into the black gold known as compost. It doesn’t require fuel, returns us to the nutrient cycle, and produces comparatively little in the way of emissions. So, is […]
China Wants To Fire Astronauts Into Space Using An Electromagnetic Railgun
Getting astronauts into space requires an incredible amount of fuel. The Saturn V rocket that launched the Apollo missions into space, for instance, carried 770,000 liters (203,400 gallons) of kerosene fuel, as well as liquid oxygen to allow combustion to take place. Scientists have dreamed of alternative methods of escaping our atmosphere, including concepts such […]
New Slug-Inspired “Glue” Could Help Stick Brains Back Together After Surgery
If you want to perform surgery on the brain, first you need to get access to it. That means cutting through the protective membranes that surround it and keep all that watery stuff inside where it belongs. But how do you seal the membrane back up again? Scientists think they may have a solution that […]
This Is The Face Of A “Vampire” From 16th-Century Italy
A 16th-century “vampire” who was buried with a stone brick in her mouth has been resurrected thanks to the work of a facial reconstruction expert. Discovered in a mass grave for plague victims, the long-dead woman may have been suspected of spreading the disease through her bloodthirst, hence the need to bung up her evil […]
The World’s Rarest Fish Is Making A Comeback, One Ridiculous Baby At A Time
Behold, the rarest fish in the world! The red handfish, Thymichthys politus, is known from just two small patches of reef off the coast of Tasmania, thought to be home to around 100 adults. Habitat degradation and climate change have threatened them with extinction, but thanks to a breeding program, they welcomed 21 hatchlings in […]
Supercomputer Cracks How To Create Material Harder Than Diamond: The “Super Diamond”
Diamonds are famous as the hardest substances in existence, a status that has recently met with some challenge. In theory, a variation in the way carbon atoms are arranged should make for something harder still, but so far no one has achieved the pressures required to make a so-called “super diamond”. That could be about […]
Two Of The Oldest Building Blocks Of The Milky Way Have Just Been Found
Galaxies grow by snagging material from intergalactic space as well as just gobbling up other galaxies. We see that happening in the universe and we know that it must have happened in the past with our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Thanks to the Gaia observatory, astronomers have now found two of the oldest mergers […]
Study Claiming Humans Built A 25,000-Year-Old Pyramid In Indonesia Removed By Journal
The journal Archaeological Prospection has retracted a controversial study which claimed that humans had begun constructing a “pyramid” in Indonesia as far back as 25,000 years ago. In November 2023, the study garnered a lot of media attention (including from IFLScience) for its extraordinary claim that a mountain in Indonesia is actually the world’s oldest […]
97% Of Countries Won’t Have High Enough Fertility Rates To Sustain Population Size By 2100
The next few decades will see a dramatic drop in the number of children being born in most parts of the world, sparking a “staggering social change” to the planet. The slump in fertility rates will be so profound that over three-quarters of countries will not be able to sustain their population size by 2050. […]
Europa’s Ocean Is Covered By An Icy Shell At Least 20 Kilometers Thick
The icy crust that protects Europa’s ocean from the cold of space is at least 20 kilometers (12 miles) thick, an analysis of data from the Galileo mission suggests. The conclusion sheds no light on the question of whether that ocean contains life, but indicates how hard it will be to find a conclusive answer. […]
How Did Ancient People Gain Anatomical Knowledge?
When we think about anatomy today, various images come to mind. Perhaps you’re taken back to high school, when dissecting pig organs or a frog was your earliest window into the body’s interior. Or perhaps you envision a cold, sterile hospital environment where greying cadavers lay on chrome tables, waiting to be examined by eager […]