The clouds surrounding two protostars are rich in complex molecules including some that would not be out of place in your kitchen or behind a bar. Observations with JWST reveal the presence of ethanol, acetic acid, formic acid, and more around protostars IRAS 2A and IRAS 23385. Ethanol is the alcohol found in liquors; acetic […]
Why Non-Identical Twins Run In Some Families, According To Genetics
Why do some families see more than their fair share of twin births? Identical twins are a random surprise, but scientists know that non-identical (or fraternal) twins have a genetic link. Finding the specific genes involved, however, has been another story. Now, new research has picked up on seven genes, and a test for them […]
Olivia Munn Diagnosed With Luminal B Breast Cancer – What Is It?
Actress Olivia Munn has shared that she was diagnosed with luminal B breast cancer in April 2023 and has since undergone surgical removal of both of her breasts. “[Munn’s OBYGYN] looked at factors like my age, familial breast cancer history, and the fact that I had my first child after the age of 30. She […]
We’ve Been Overlooking A Giant Martian Volcano For 50 Years
A giant volcano taller than Mount Everest has been detected on Mars – but perhaps the most extraordinary thing is that it was sitting right there in images collected by Mariner 9 in 1972. A sheet of glacier ice is suspected of lying beneath it, and the likely combination of water and heat mean that […]
The Oldest Parental Split Of Any Animal, Plant, Or Fungi Hybrid Is A Fish
The big news recently broke that gars’ genetic history reveals they are “living fossils“, evolving significantly slower than any other jawed vertebrate. The breakthrough in our understanding of living fossils revealed why they’ve remained largely unchanged for tens of millions of years, and it means they can create viable hybrids with other species – even […]
Paul Alexander, “The Man In The Iron Lung”, Has Died
Paul Alexander, “The Man in the Iron Lung”, has passed away aged at age 78 after leading an incredible and inspiring life. Alexander, affectionately known as “Polio Paul”, died on March 11, 2024, according to an update on his GoFundMe page that was raising money for his healthcare. Advertisement “I am so grateful to everybody […]
SpaceX’s Third Attempt To Launch (And Not Blow Up) Starship Set For Tomorrow – Here’s How To Watch
Thursday, March 14 (Pi Day) has been set as the launch date for SpaceX Starship’s third attempt at safely launching, flying, and coming back down in one piece. A lot runs on this vehicle and this test being a success, given that Starship is going to be the landing system for the Artemis astronauts to […]
Stock Up On Food, Water, And Fuel Ahead Of The Eclipse, Emergency Officials Warn
Lorain County Emergency Management (EMA) in Ohio have issued a warning to eclipse watchers and locals to the path of totality to stock up on food, water, and fuel ahead of the total eclipse on April 8, with an influx of visitors to the area expected. The last total solar eclipse over the US was […]
Meet The Owl Monkey: The World’s Only Nocturnal Monkey Species
Just once in a while, zoologists like to combine the names of animals – something like the parrotfish or the dragonfly. This time, they’ve done it for good reason. Meet the owl monkey, also known as the night monkey, the world’s only nocturnal primate species. What is an owl monkey and where do they live? […]
NASA To End Chandra After 24 Years Due To New Budget, Hubble May Not Be Far Behind
We are used to space missions ending due to the challenging environments of exploration. They run out of fuel or coolant, they are covered in dust and lose power, or they are killed by the cold lunar night. But it feels almost sadder or, at least, less inevitable when the decision to end the mission […]
This Virus Infects Around 95 Percent Of Us – And Its Weak Spots Have Now Been Found
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) has no available vaccine or cure – but that may not be the case forever. New research has uncovered some of the virus’s vulnerabilities, opening the door to the possibility of targeted treatment. You are probably infected with EBV. It’s overwhelmingly prevalent in the human population, estimated to have infected around 95 […]
Dune: What The Climate Of Arrakis Can Tell Us About The Hunt For Habitable Exoplanets
Frank Herbert’s Dune is epic sci-fi storytelling with an environmental message at its heart. The novels and movies are set on the desert planet of Arrakis, which various characters dream of transforming into a greener world – much like some envision for Mars today. We investigated Arrakis using a climate model, a computer program similar […]
The “Blood Mirror Cult” That Inspired A Powerful Pre-Aztec Empire
The largest city state ever to exist in Mesoamerica may have drawn its power from a spine-chilling lust for shiny objects and human blood, both of which could be satisfied by the razor-sharp volcanic glass known as obsidian. According to a new analysis of a sacrificial temple within the pre-Columbian city of Teotihuacan, the populace’s […]
Fossil Tracks Reveal Dinosaurs Stomping Around Alaska 100 Million Years Ago
A huge hoard of dinosaur footprints, which could be up to 100 million years old, has been unearthed in northwestern Alaska. The tracks were discovered in the Coke Basin of Alaska’s Nanushuk Formation, which dates back roughly 94 million to 113 million years. Approximately 75 track sites were found there, alongside fossilized plants, tree stumps, […]
1755 Lisbon Earthquake: The First Modern Natural Disaster?
Imagine you’re in Lisbon, Portugal, on Saturday November 1, 1755. It’s early morning on All Saint’s Day, a feast day that celebrates all the saints of the Catholic Church. The day should have been one of solemn commemoration with church services and visits to cemeteries to offer flowers; a blend of older traditions with standard […]
How The Avoidable Flint Water Crisis Hugely Impacted Kids’ Educational Achievement
A decade ago, in April 2014, the source of the water for the town of Flint in Michigan was switched from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the Flint River. The move by local and state administration was made to save $5-7 million, but ended up exposing 100,000 people – including up to 12,000 […]
This Year Could Be A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity To See A Nova
Astronomers are running regular checks on a star system that currently requires a telescope to see because they expect it will soon be bright enough to view with the naked eye. According to one prediction, this could happen any time from now until September, although there’s reason to think we might need to wait another […]
In The Stone Age, Even Kissing Could Be A Dangerous Business
The Stone Age was a tough time to be alive. On top of dealing with ferocious predators, unforgiving weather, and the constant struggle for food, there was the ever-present deadly threat of bacterial poisoning from food, tainted water, and – oddly enough – kissing. In a new study, scientists at Stockholm University and the Swedish […]
Cave-Dwelling “Baby Dragons” Found Sneaking To The Surface, Surprising Scientists
Subterranean salamanders, once thought to dwell exclusively in their underwater caverns, spend a surprising amount of time aboveground, new research has revealed. The blind beasties, called olms, have been spotted venturing out of their underground caves in northern Italy and scoping things out at the surface. The olm (Proteus anguinus) are bizarre creatures, once thought […]
Trogloraptor Cave Spiders Evolved Rare Hooks For Hunting In The Dark
Spelunkers in Oregon risk encountering a group of cave robbers, famous for their hook-like legs used to snatch prey out of the air. Known as Trogloraptor, this genus of cave spiders has only been found deep within caves, where it lies in wait ready to pounce with two sets of teeth. Trogloraptor cave spiders were […]