The world has changed significantly since the HIV epidemic began. The development of new drugs has allowed people living with the virus to have a healthy life, and even to not pass on the infection. But for this disease to be removed from the list of the main public health threats, what is needed is […]
Watch Cutting-Edge Military Tech Sink A Ship From The Sky In Seconds
The US Air Force possesses a novel technology that can rapidly sink a ship before your eyes. Their research lab has even released footage of the cutting-edge weapon, aptly named QUICKSINK, showing it obliterate a vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. The Air Force Research Laboratory and Eglin’s Integrated Test Team first carried out the […]
Fishbowl Worlds: Aliens Could Be Highly Intelligent, But Unable To Contact The Outside
A new paper has outlined potential problems we may face in contacting advanced alien civilizations: the potential existence of “fishbowl worlds”. If you haven’t heard of the Fermi Paradox, it goes something like this: given the vastness of the universe, the sheer amount of time it has gone on for, and the septillion stars out […]
Abnormal Brain Scans In Children With COVID-19 Revealed In Data From 96 Studies
As we’ve learned more about the SARS-CoV-2 virus over the last four years, we’ve discovered that far from being just a respiratory illness, COVID-19 can affect many different body systems, including the brain. Despite the advances that have been made, we still have a lot to learn about the damage COVID-19 can cause, particularly in […]
Earth’s Atmosphere Is Missing Huge Amounts Of Xenon, And We Don’t Really Know Where It Went
Meteorites that have impacted our planet over the years have brought with them a mystery: Earth’s atmosphere appears to be missing large amounts of xenon. Meteorites – some of which are older than Earth – give us insights into the early Solar System and our own planet. Rocky planets formed from these smaller bodies clumping […]
First-Ever Photos Of Humpback Whale Sex Involve Two Males
For the first time, photographers have recorded two humpback whales copulating. When they showed their footage to a marine mammal expert, she confirmed both participants were males, confirming once again that same-sex sexual behavior is widespread among animals. There are, however, questions about whether in this case, both whales were happy about the situation. Whales […]
Incredibly Rare Pink Elephant Calf Seen Playing In South African National Park
Seeing wild elephants on safari might be high on the bucket list of many, but tour operator Theo Potgieter and his guests recently had a 1 in 10,000 experience when they witnessed an albino elephant calf playing in the water. Potgieter managed to capture video and images of the young bull, which he estimates to […]
Pythagoras’ Ideas About “Perfect” Musical Harmony Are Not Quite Right After All
Pythagoras is famed for the theorem that probably gave you a headache in high school, clever cup designs, and his… erm… unusual beliefs about legumes. But the “father of numbers” had his fingers in all sorts of pies, and one other area where he made great strides was in the world of music. All these centuries […]
Watch One Of The World’s Fastest Fish Change Color Before Going In For The Kill
Marlin and sailfish are some of the oceans’ top predators and some of the fastest fish on the planet. Marlin have been known to hunt in groups, taking it in turns to stun and then snatch sardines from the middle of a school. Now, using new drone technology, researchers have revealed a surprising insight into […]
China’s BYD Reveals Electric Supercar Capable Of 218 Miles Per Hour
Chinese carmaker BYD has unveiled its first all-electric supercar model, capable of accelerating from 0 to 100 kilometers (62 miles) per hour in just 2.36 seconds. With a top speed of 309.19 kilometers (218 miles) per hour, the vehicle can rack up speeds faster than some models of Ferrari and Lamborghini – but it runs […]
Red Shrouded Supermassive Black Hole Is Also Too Big For Its Galaxy
Astronomers have discovered a supermassive black hole of exceptional proportions in the early universe. Its light comes to us from when the cosmos was just over 764 million years old. And yet this black hole is a big one, estimated to weigh 40 million times the mass of our Sun. The team was able to […]
Dog With Autoimmune Skin Disorder Successfully Treated With Cannabis Oil
When it comes to the potential therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids, they’re often thought of in relation to how they can help out us humans. A new case report, however, suggests that these compounds could be used to treat our poorly pooches too, after cannabis oil was successfully used as a treatment in a dog with […]
Largest Fossil Crab Claw Ever Discovered Is 8 Million Years Old
A fossil claw belonging to a new-to-science species of crab that lived 8.8 million years ago has just snipped the ribbon on quite the crustacean certification: it’s the largest fossil crab claw ever found. The hefty specimen’s enormous size has scientists figuring it could well be the precursor to today’s Southern Giant Crab, which can […]
Drug Approved For Multiple Severe Food Allergies In FDA First
A drug designed to reduce allergic reactions to more than one type of food has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the first time, the organization announced on February 16. Plenty of treatments targeting individual food allergens have been trialed in the past – but this is the first drug […]
Was King Arthur A Real Historical Person?
King Arthur, the ruler of Camelot, champion of Britain, wielder of Excalibur, and seeker of the Holy Grail, is surely the stuff of legend. There are probably few in Western societies who have not encountered some aspect of his story through various media, from books to television shows, to video games and so on. But […]
New Potential Male Contraceptive Doesn’t Impact Libido Or Testosterone Levels
Scientists have a found new avenue that could lead to the development of a male contraceptive that’s both non-hormonal and reversible. Although only tested on mice so far, the researchers believe their “promising” approach could lead to human clinical trials soon. The discovery comes in the form of a protein complex that regulates gene expression […]
Why Does A Leap Year Have 366 Days?
Why does a leap year have 366 days? Does the Earth move slower every four years? – Aarush, age 8, Milpitas, California You may be used to hearing that it takes the Earth 365 days to make a full lap, but that journey actually lasts about 365 and a quarter days. Leap years help to […]
Newly Discovered Jurassic Vampire Squid Species Found “With Prey In Its Arms”
The discovery of a vampire squid specimen from the Early Jurassic could help reveal the poorly understood ancestry of this unique species. The fact it was buried holding prey adds unusual additional insight into its place in the ecosystem. Vampire squid are not true squid, being more closely related to octopuses than the creatures they […]
“Swarm Of One” Robot Is A Single Machine Made Up Of Independent Modules
My colleagues and I have built a robot composed of many building blocks like the cells of a multicellular organism. Without a “brain” or a central controller in the system, our robot, dubbed Loopy, relies on the collective behavior of all of its cells to interact with the world. In this sense, we call Loopy […]
Eclipse Cloud Study Has Worrying Implications For Attempts At Climate Engineering
A new study has found that certain types of clouds disappear during solar eclipses, and offered an explanation. The finding could have implications for attempts to engineer the climate. During solar eclipses, people have noticed that common cumulus clouds over land tend to dissipate almost instantly. Advertisement “From Earth, you can count the clouds and […]