This cluster of pink loveliness might have put you in mind of a sea of cherry blossom, or a juicy raspberry compote just waiting to ooze over your pancakes. Well, you can shelve these delightful images immediately, we’re afraid. What you’re looking at here are bacteria, and though these structures might be called “pink berries”, […]
Life Could Spread Across The Galaxy On Cosmic Dust, Wild New Paper Suggests
A new paper has taken a look at panspermia and the suggestion that dust particles could escape the gravity of host planets and make their way across the galaxy, seeding life on other planets. There are a number of ideas about how life began on Earth, with the most likely being that it emerged in […]
The Atlantic Ocean Could Be Developing Its Own “Ring Of Fire”
The dance of the continents could be about to take a new turn, with the Atlantic moving from a growth to a contraction phase. This, some geologists predict, will be caused by the breaking of tectonic plates, causing lines of volcanoes along the coastlines of Africa and Iberia. Over billions of years, the Earth’s continents […]
Rock Art Featuring Ice Age Giants Proves Humans Settled The Amazon 12,600 Years Ago
A new analysis of human activities at two prehistoric sites in the Colombian Amazon has revealed that people were well established in the region by around 13,000 years ago. By studying layers of soil, researchers were able to tease out the long-term history of both settlements, indicating that the ancient inhabitants began producing rock art […]
What Was Life Like For Female Neanderthals?
If someone says “Neanderthal” to you, what’s the first thing that pops up in your head? If it happens to be an image of a “caveman”-esque person, it wouldn’t be all that surprising. A quick image search brings up results mostly showing male Neanderthals – but what about the females of the species? What do […]
Skywalker Gibbons Found In Myanmar For First Time – By Listening For Their Love Songs
Previously only found in China, researchers have now discovered the world’s largest known population of endangered Skywalker gibbons in Myanmar – and they were led to them by the creatures’ love songs. Named after that bloke from the space films, Skywalker gibbons had only been confirmed as a distinct species in 2017 and only found […]
Is COVID-19 Seasonal? The Evidence Says No – So Far
It’s almost four years since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. As the specter of lockdowns loomed in the West, scientists had already been scrambling for weeks to learn as much as they could about the emerging threat. One key question centered around whether there could be a seasonal pattern to infections – […]
People Are Asking: Where Do Rivers Come From?
The majority of rivers start in lofty mountains before flowing down their slopes and ending up in the sea. While that simplistic story explains the route of most rivers, many others have more eccentric and elusive origin stories. The starting point of a river is referred to as the river source and headwater. Along with […]
Brightest Object In The Known Universe Is A Black Hole On Sun-A-Day Diet
The most luminous object ever observed is so far outside the range of its peers that the astronomers who discovered it think it might never be exceeded. Not surprisingly, there are big questions about how something like this could operate so far off the scale we are used to. Black holes famously have such strong […]
Oriental Hornbills Show Off Cognitive Skills That Rival Those Of Apes
Forget the term bird brain, many bird species are actually famous for their intelligence. And while parrots and corvids get all the credit, another group of birds is joining the ranks. The Oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris) is fascinating not just for its extraordinary mating and reproductive behaviors, but it’s also impressed scientists with its […]
Astronomers Narrow Down Where “Planet Nine” Could Be Hiding
Astronomers have looked back at potential places where the elusive, hypothetical Planet Nine could be hiding, if it exists at all, once again narrowing down where to look. Looking for planets in orbit around other stars is a relatively easy task, in comparison to hunting for Planet Nine, also known as Planet X. Essentially, when […]
Is Math Discovered Or Invented?
For most of us, our mathematical education involved a lot of names. There’s Pythagoras’s Theorem; the Riemann Hypothesis; Hilbert’s Hotel, and so many more concepts and theorems intrinsically linked to the scholars who first discovered them. Or should we say invented them? It’s a serious question. We’re so used to math being this indispensable tool, […]
Vitamin B12 Deficiency: What Is Pernicious Anaemia, And Why Can It Be So Dangerous?
An estimated 6% of people in the US and UK suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. The condition is recognised by the World Health Organisation as a global health problem that could impact millions of lives. B12 deficiency is typically characterised by symptoms such as extreme tiredness, lack of energy, muscle weakness, and even problems with […]
Natural Selection Has Changed The European Genome In The Last 3,000 Years
Natural selection shapes all life on Earth. As the world around them changes, organisms that can adapt have a better chance of reproducing. Humans are no exception – and while a few examples of recent evolution are known, we lack a deeper understanding of how the human genome is being shaped by natural selection. The findings are a […]
Your Unique Smell Can Provide Clues About How Healthy You Are
Hundreds of chemicals stream from our bodies into the air every second. These chemicals release into the air easily as they have high vapour pressures, meaning they boil and turn into gases at room temperature. They give clues about who we are, and how healthy we are. Since ancient Greek times, we’ve known that we […]
Luke Skywalker’s Lightsaber Has Really Been To Space
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away – well, actually it was pretty close by in galactic terms – George Lucas came up with the idea of an epic space-age weapon. He dubbed it the “lightsaber”, and bestowed it upon only his noblest heroes – or his most fearsome villains. Thirty years […]
The Common Cold: What’s The Latest On Preventing And Treating It?
There’s no two ways about it: having a cold sucks. A lot of the time, it’s expected that we’ll simply power through it – but a stuffy nose, aches in places you didn’t know could ache, and fatigue can be a lot to contend with. But does science have a way we can avoid the […]
Amazon Rainforest Could Face “Large-Scale Collapse” As Soon As 2050
The Amazon rainforest could soon be reaching a tipping point, according to a new study, with a combination of human-induced pressures such as global warming and deforestation pushing it towards either partial or, in the worst-case scenario, total collapse, by 2050. “We are approaching a potential large-scale tipping point, and we may be closer (both […]
Ringwoodite: A Unique Mineral That Can “Store Water” And Reveal Secrets Of Inner Earth
The minerals that lie deep beneath our feet hold all sorts of secrets about our planet, like the superdeep diamonds that tell us about the formation of continents. But there’s one particularly rare, buried mineral you may well have never heard of, and it too has uncovered some mysteries. Its name? Ringwoodite. What is ringwoodite? […]
This Supplement Reverses Hallmarks Of Old Age And Promotes Healthier Aging
Research has found that supplementing older people with GlyNAC – a combination of glycine and N-acetylcysteine – wards off several key indicators of aging and keeps people healthier as they age. Not only that, but older people also appeared to be fitter and stronger with slimmer waistlines after taking the GlyNAC supplement. As reported in the study, […]