Sit down and brace yourself, for we have disturbing news. Blueberries – the fruits that dedicate 36-44 percent of their name to telling you they are blue – don’t actually contain any blue pigment. “Blueberries are observably blue; however, the pigments found in blueberries are not,” as a team from the University of Bristol put […]
Meet The World-Record “Paradoxical Frog” And Its Incredibly Large Babies
While the offspring of various animal species can look like mini versions of their parents, or even resemble something completely different before they start turning into the adult version, there’s one species that has got something else going on. Paradoxical frogs (Pseudis paradoxa) have tadpoles three to four times larger than the final adult form. […]
Polar Bear Clinging To A Small Iceberg For A Snooze Scoops Photography Prize
An award-winning photograph of a polar bear’s unusual napping spot has captured global attention following the announcement of the Wildlife Photographer Of The Year People’s Choice Award. Ice Bed by Nima Sarikhani shows a polar bear that’s carved out a place to sleep from a small iceberg off Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, and it’s really got […]
Young Mars Might Have Had More Earth-Like Volcanic Activity Than We Thought
Mars and Earth are dramatically different planets. The complex and wildly different environments of our world are not comparable to the sandy frigid desert that is Mars today – but billions of years ago, the two worlds were a lot more similar. New research suggests that it was not just a superficial likeness but rather […]
Why You Shouldn’t Open Your Windows During A Tornado
If you live in areas where tornadoes can whirl their way into existence, you likely are aware that the advice is to take shelter in a basement, or other rooms away from windows. This is because an exploding window could seriously injure or kill anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby. The advice on windows has […]
Sunken Ruins Of A 10,000-Year-Old Megastructure Found In The Baltic Sea
Along the murky coast of the Baltic Sea, archaeologists have found the submerged ruins of a megastructure that was built over 10,000 years ago. Measuring almost 1 kilometer (0.6 miles) in length, the immense structure was likely created by hungry Stone Age hunters with a taste for reindeer. If workings are correct, it would make […]
What Is A “Couplepause” And What Can You Do If You’re In One?
There’s a persistent myth that sex is a young person’s game – a myth that has been roundly debunked, we hasten to add. In fact, we know that age alone need present no barrier to a fulfilling and adventurous sex life, although some of the side-effects of aging can put a dampener on things in […]
First Underwater Tidal Kite Starts Delivering Electricity To Power Grid
A peculiar new approach to extracting renewable energy from the oceans has been deployed successfully, and it uses a method that might be familiar to many people. It copies the movement of a kite to transfer energy from tidal and ocean currents efficiently. And, it is currently providing electricity to the grid in the Faroe […]
Snowball Earth: Our Planet’s Greatest Ice Age Probably Didn’t Have Single Cause
For the Earth to become as cold as it was during the “Snowball Earth” era, and stay there, required a combination of a reorganization of the Earth’s continents and the weathering of a vast volcanic province, scientists have argued. Another team, coincidentally publishing simultaneously, blames an asteroid instead. However, at this stage, they have less […]
NASA Thinks It Knows Why Voyager 1 Is Glitching – But No Fix Yet
NASA scientists claim to have identified the source of the trouble preventing humanity’s most distant emissary, Voyager 1, from sending back its scientific data. However, finding the problem’s exact location, let alone fixing it, is still proving frustrating. A 45-hour round-trip for messages to get through doesn’t help, nor the fact that only one radio […]
Alien Earthworms Are Already Here, And They’re Threatening Ecosystems
There’s an invader lurking beneath our feet. Slimy, slender, and faceless, they’ve colonized the soil of North America and have the potential to cause disruption. No, that’s not the plot of a low-budget sci-fi movie, but instead the story of non-native earthworms, which a new study suggests are an overlooked threat to native ecosystems. Though […]
Dragons: An (Un)natural History
Dragons are probably among the most recognizable and ubiquitous fantasy beasties in history. Across the world, from Europe to China, as well as the Americas and Australia, ancient and completely independent cultures have depicted and described similar creatures in their stories, art, folklore, and mythologies. Given the widespread appearance of these iconic creatures across enormous […]
Cosmic Kiss For V-Day As Asteroid The Size Of Two Love Boats To Fly By Earth
Valentine’s Day is almost upon us and this year, it comes with a potentially hazardous asteroid. Do not worry, it is not gonna ruin anyone’s plans with country destruction but if you need an excuse to get out of some plans, saying that you are watching an asteroid is a pretty good one in our […]
Plan For World’s First Octopus Farm Continues To Cook Up Controversy
After solving some of the scientific hurdles associated with commercial octopus aquaculture, a Spanish seafood company has set their sights on building the world’s first octopus farm. However, the plan is meeting waves and waves of resistance from animal rights groups that argue it will be a disaster for animal welfare. Nueva Pescanova plans to […]
Live Frog Plays Host To Tiny Mushroom In First Documented Case
If you thought humans were going to be the first species invaded by mushrooms (thanks to The Last of Us for that recurring nightmare), we’re sorry to tell you that our amphibious friends appear to have pipped us to the post. In what’s thought to be the first documented case, researchers have discovered a live frog with […]
How COVID-19 Could Impact Women’s Sex Lives, According To First-Of-Its-Kind Study
COVID-19 and long COVID could be detrimental to women’s sex lives. New research suggests that infection with coronavirus may be linked to sexual dysfunction in cisgender women – with levels of desire, arousal, lubrication, and satisfaction all appearing to be negatively affected. Plenty of studies have highlighted the impact that COVID can have on our […]
Why Is Fluoride In Our Water?
First introduced in 1945, the practice of adding fluoride to public water supplies has since become a common practice in many places around the world. It doesn’t come without controversy, however – and though unfounded, it’s not unusual to come across concerns about its safety. But why is it put into water in the first […]
Erections: What We Learned From Mice Could Help With Sexual Health In Men
Have you ever wondered how penile erection works but never dared to ask? Well, imagine a dry sponge in a condom. Now pour water on the sponge (that’s the blood flowing in). There you have it. This penis “sponge” is scientifically termed corpora cavernosa. Erections depend on the influx and trapping of blood. Smooth muscle […]
How Long Might Your Dog Live? New Study Calculates Life Expectancy For Different Breeds
The UK has long been considered to have some of the strongest animal welfare laws in the world. Beginning with Martin’s act on the cruel treatment of cattle, through to the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and then Finn’s law to protect service animals, UK animal welfare laws have sought to reduce harm and cruelty to […]
Exploring The Purpose Of Your Car Windshield’s Mysterious Black Dots
If living in the future has taught us anything, it’s this: that no matter how smart you think you are, you’re always just one well-placed social media post away from having your mind blown by some completely basic life skill or fact that has somehow passed you by. In the last year alone, for example, […]