Have you ever wanted to push your partner out of bed as their snoring was so loud that it seemed to rattle the windows? You are not alone, as a third of US-based people opt for a “sleep divorce” (sleeping in separate rooms at night), partly thanks to snoring. Alongside relationship woes, snorers can experience […]
New Deepsea Mountains Over 2,680 Meters Tall Discovered By Gravity Anomalies
Four underwater mountains have been discovered in the Pacific, one of which towers for 2,681 meters (8,796 feet) – that’s over three times the height of the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest skyscraper. The collection of seamounts was identified last month by Schmidt Ocean Institute’s research vessel Falkor (too) while making a voyage between Golfito […]
New Lithium Batteries Last Longer And Charge In Less Than 5 Minutes
Engineers have developed a new lithium battery with better electrodes that could change charging speed significantly. Their new battery charges in under five minutes, which is faster than any current battery available on the market, particularly when it comes to electric vehicles’ batteries. The researchers looked at a system that had an asymmetry between charging […]
Dust From 2.5-Million-Year-Old Meteorite May Be Oldest Evidence Of An Asteroid Airburst
Traces of dust particles in Antarctic ice are 2.3-2.7 million years old, analysis suggests. This would make them the oldest legacy of an airburst: an asteroid that exploded in the atmosphere, rather than hitting the ground while large enough to leave a mark. The discovery could be the first step on a path that enables […]
Seikan Tunnel: The World’s Longest Tunnel That Dips Underwater Links Japan’s Islands
The Seikan Tunnel in Japan is the longest tunnel with an underwater section in the world, measuring a total of 53.85 kilometers (33.4 miles) in length, around 23.3 kilometers (14.5 miles) of which is under the seabed. With the underwater section located 100 metres (328 feet) below the seabed of the Tsugaru Strait, the Seikan […]
To Contain Viral Spread, Should We Close The Toilet Lid Or Leave It Up? Nope, You’re Wrong
Nobody likes being sprayed with toilet juice (we assume) – and yet every time we flush away our waste, those miracles of modern engineering suddenly turn into raging sewage volcanoes. “No problem,” you might think, “my toilet comes with a fancy-pants lid, I can just close it!” Well, boy do we have bad news for […]
3D-Printed Brain Tissue Is Now A Reality Thanks To World-First Breakthrough
In a world first, scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have successfully 3D-printed human brain tissue that can grow and function like the real thing. “This could be a hugely powerful model to help us understand how brain cells and parts of the brain communicate in humans,” said professor of neuroscience and neurology at the […]
So What Would Happen If You Could Throw A Baseball At Near Light Speed?
A video from everyone’s favorite engineer and cartoonist Randall Munroe has pondered what would happen if you were able to throw a baseball towards a batter at 90 percent of the speed of light. The creator of the XKCD webcomic and author of several books pondering fun hypothetical questions ignored how it would be possible […]
People Are Just Now Learning That Pistachios Can Spontaneously Combust
Pistachios are so delicious that people are willing to suffer the indignity of breaking their shells apart, like a little squirrel. In fact, we love them so much we’re willing to risk them spontaneously combusting on their journey to our nut bowls. Before we go any further, pistachios are of course “drupes” rather than nuts, […]
Mysterious 2,300-Year-Old Giant Wood Coffins On Stilts Exist In Caves Across Thailand
The highlands of Northwestern Thailand are scattered with dozens of caves that house some extremely curious human burials from the ancient past. They consist of large wooden coffins – often several meters long and crafted from a single tree trunk – that are mounted above the floor on wooden stilts. The 40 or so burial […]
Who Invented Math?
“Mathematics,” Carl Friedrich Gauss is said to have claimed, “is the queen of the sciences.” Of course, as one of history’s most famous and influential mathematicians, he was a little biased; ask a physicist, and she may well reply with the famous observation that “physics is to mathematics what sex is to masturbation.” But whether […]
“Arcade” Of Ancient Gaming Boards Discovered In Kenya
A row of about 20 Mancala game boards has been discovered in a Kenyan wildlife conservancy, suggesting local herders may have whittled their days away playing the popular strategy game thousands of years ago. The boards were found carved into a rock ledge, and while it’s impossible to determine their age, researchers say the discovery […]
Chernobyl’s Mutant Wolves Have Evolved Anti-Cancer Abilities
New research is showing that the population of wolves living in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ) is genetically different from their counterparts outside of the region. Remarkably, the irradiated wolves appear to have developed protective mutations that increase their odds of surviving cancer. Populations of wolves, as well as other animals, have boomed in the […]
Death Star-Shaped Moon Of Saturn May Be Hiding A Young Ocean Inside
Oceans inside moons seem to be quite common among the satellites of the giant planets of the Solar System, and researchers believe they can add one more to the list: Mimas. The small Saturnian moon is popular for its cratered surface, one of which makes it look remarkably like Star Wars’ Death Star. But it […]
Enormous Next-Generation Particle-Smasher Proposed To Hunt The Dark Universe
In early February, CERN’s restricted council held a special meeting to discuss one important item in its future: the next particle accelerator that they are going to build. CERN is home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the most complex single machine in the world. The proposed design for the next-generation international collaboration particle smasher […]
Pacific Plate May Be Tearing At Its Core, Redefining Current Theories
Geologists have unearthed new evidence that the Pacific Ocean plate is wracked with colossal faults, caused by the plate slowly drifting westward and plunging into the Earth’s mantle. The researchers believe their findings, if accurate, have the potential to redefine what we previously understood about how our planet works. From our human perspective, Earth seems […]
Sending Neutrino Beams Through The Earth Could Find And Destroy Nuclear Weapons
Since the creation of nuclear weapons, we have lived in a world where an all-out war could destroy humanity many times over. Studies have found that just 100 or so warheads could plunge the world into nuclear winter, which could claim up to 1 billion lives. As of 2023, we have an approximated 12,500 nuclear […]
Chariklo’s Strange Ring System Might Be The Product Of A Shepherding Moon
The centaur Chariklo has two dense rings orbiting it. In attempting to explain their survival astronomers have proposed a yet-to-be-detected satellite, which they say may be keeping the rings in line. Saturn’s rings have been known for almost four centuries, but in the last 50 years we have learned they are only the most dramatic […]
Never-Before-Seen Mineral Found On The Moon By Chinese Mission
Back in December 2020, Chang’e-5 flew to the Moon, landed, collected rocks, and brought them back to Earth. This was the first collection of lunar material in 45 years and it is delivering fascinating insights into the composition and history of the Moon. The samples have once again confirmed the presence of water on the […]
Deep Abandoned Mine In Finland To Be Turned Into A Giant Gravity Battery
One of the deepest metal mines in Europe – the Pyhäsalmi Mine in central Finland – is to be turned into an enormous gravity battery capable of storing 2 megawatts of energy. As the planet moves towards renewable energy, we are faced with the problem of storage. The problem is that the wind doesn’t blow […]