Observing the most energetic events in the universe is not an easy task. They are so energetic that they are excellent at penetrating matter, so the traditional approach of telescopes – mirrors and detectors – has to be adapted to catch the powerful light of X-rays and gamma rays. Now, astronomers have revealed the most […]
Meet Alvin: The World’s Only Living Albino Giant Anteater
Down in the Três Lagoas municipality of Mato Grosso do Sul state, in Brazil lives a very special individual. Alvinho is the world’s only known living albino anteater and he is just as fascinating as he is downright adorable. Alvin was found on a ranch clinging to his mother’s back in 2022. He is a […]
World’s Largest Cruise Ship Sets Sail And Environmentalists Are Not Happy
The world’s largest cruise ship – the Icon of the Seas – set sail from Miami on its maiden voyage last weekend. Not everyone was celebrating the departure of the all-singing, all-dancing colossus, however. Although it’s been pitched as a climate-friendly vessel, numerous environmental groups have raised concerns about the huge amounts of methane that […]
Innovative New Vaccine Technology Uses DNA Particles That Pretend To Be Viruses
A new vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19, has been developed using an innovative DNA delivery system. Tests in mice have shown promising results so far, and the scientists behind it hope this could be the answer to developing vaccines against some of our trickier viral customers, such as flu and HIV. The vaccine […]
The Way You See Colors Changes As You Age, But Not All Colors Are Affected
As we age, the ways that we sense the world around us start to change with our bodies. Our senses of taste, smell, hearing, and sight become less sharp. Now, new research has shown that even our perception of color dims over time. Researchers from University College London (UCL) recently compared how the pupils of […]
Hybrid Hogs Are Raising Hell In Canada’s Southern Provinces
Hybrid hogs — a genetic blend of wild boars and domestic pigs — rocked up in Canadian farms around 30 years ago in an attempt to spice up the country’s livestock produce. Over the past three decades, countless numbers of them have escaped and bred like crazy, earning themselves the title of the most prolific […]
Over 6,000 Scans Reveal What ADHD Looks Like In The Brain
Using a new analytical technique, scientists have been able to study brain images from more than 6,000 children to identify connectivity patterns that are common to people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Most of our behaviors are controlled by coordinated communication between neurons in different areas of the brain. Neuroscientists can get a sense of how […]
The Arrow Of Time Can Go In Both Directions Inside Glass
The direction of time seems pretty obvious; it goes from the past towards the future, though the reason why that is the case is unclear. This arrow of time has been linked to entropy, the measurement of the disorder of a system. Over time, in an isolated system, entropy always increases. This process is irreversible. […]
Octopus Moms End Life In A Tragic Death Spiral, And We May Now Understand Why
It’s hard not to love octopuses – they’re bizarre-looking, hugely intelligent, and get up to plenty of shenanigans. That makes what happens to them all the more tragic; after the females of some octopus species lay their eggs, they stop eating, slowly withering away until they die. The trigger of this process, known as the […]
Galactic Search For Young Stars Discovers New Category Called “Old Smokers”
A study of almost a billion stars in infrared light has revealed many currently invisible to us at other wavelengths, including new categories of rapidly changing objects. One of these, dubbed “old smokers”, are aging red giants that can suddenly release clouds of dark material that prevent light from escaping. Dust blocks our view of […]
Is The Speed Of Sound On Mars The Same As On Earth?
The speed of light in a vacuum is the same wherever you measure it in the universe, according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity. Whether you’re sat on Earth, Mars, or Zoozve, if you measure the speed of light you’ll find it chugging along at a cool 299,792,458 meters per second (983,571,056.43 feet per second), […]
Watch A Hybrid Robot With Living Biological Muscles Wander Through Water
Forget nuts and bolts. Japanese scientists have created a two-legged “biohybrid robot” that combines living biological muscle with an artificial skeleton. To create the robot, researchers at the University of Tokyo grew skeletal muscle in molds to create strips. They then fashioned the lightweight skeleton out of styrene board, a flexible silicone-based body, acrylic resin […]
Nine Distinct Cultures Of Ice Age Europe Revealed By The Style Of Their Jewelry
Archaeologists from the Université Bordeaux have constructed a continent-wide database of personal ornaments worn by Europeans 34,000-24,000 years ago, a period known as the Gravettian technocomplex. Combining the locations at which these were found with genetic data revealed nine distinct cultures. “We demonstrate that Gravettian ornament variability cannot be explained solely by isolation-by-distance,” the authors […]
Spiral Galaxies Like You Have Never Seen Before In New JWST Images
Spiral galaxies, like our own Milky Way, are fairly common in the Universe. And – without showing too much favoritism – they are also insanely pretty. New observations from JWST on relatively near galaxies have provided even more insights into the spiral structures in images that are beyond spectacular. The observations were conducted as part […]
Professor Jim Al-Khalili On The Joy Of Science, Getting It Wrong, And Why The Truth Matters More Than Winning
When it comes to the information that we’re faced with every day – be that scientific or otherwise – it’s not always easy to know what information to trust, and which sources are reliable. Fortunately, some of the ideas and thought processes that underpin the scientific method can actually help us to navigate the news, […]
Why Is Pee Yellow? Thank Your Gut Bacteria
We’re often told to pay attention to the color of our urine as an indicator of factors like dehydration – but as you gaze into the toilet bowl, have you ever wondered how exactly pee gets its yellow color? A recent study has answered that long-standing question, pointing to a newly discovered enzyme produced by […]
Controversy As Egypt Begins Ancient Pyramid Renovation
A video showing the Menkaure pyramid at Giza in Egypt undergoing renovations has sparked criticism online, with people comparing it to straightening the Leaning Tower of Piza. The project, aimed at restoring the pyramid’s outer casing to the state it was originally built in, began work earlier this week. The Menkaure pyramid is located next […]
US Air Force Pilot Claims He’s Found Amelia Earhart’s Plane Using Sonar
On July 2, 1937, while attempting to become the first woman to circumnavigate the globe, Amelia Earhart’s plane disappeared somewhere between Lae, New Guinea, her last known location, and Howland Island where she was headed next. And thus started a mystery that has never properly been answered. Despite an initial 16-day search involving 66 aircraft […]
Robot Dog Controlled By Someone Not On Earth For The First Time In History
For the first time in the history of robot dogs and space travel, a four-legged robodog has been controlled by a human outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. Only robots with wheels have been controlled remotely from space before now. The “Surface Avatar” test carried out in January saw European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Marcus Wandt […]
Elon Musk’s Neuralink Implants First Brain Chip Into Human Subject
In a massive step forward for Elon Musk’s controversial Neuralink project, the tech billionaire announced yesterday that the startup has implanted a brain chip into a human subject for the first time. Revealing the news in a post on X (formerly Twitter), Musk gave little detail but did say that the recipient is “recovering well”. […]