Of the many alternative ways the universe might end, nothing is as scary as “false vacuum decay”. This scenario is based on the idea that a fundamental field in the universe is not at its lowest possible state. Under that “false” stable region, our own universe has grown. The field might spontaneously jump into a […]
Pets Snacked On Your Dead Body? Worry Not, Your Cause Of Death Can Still Be Determined
A dead body that’s been gnawed upon by cats and dogs might sound like a particularly grisly cold open to an episode of Bones, but pet-scavenged bodies aren’t just the stuff of police procedurals – your pets would probably eat you if you died. Thankfully, if that death happens to have occurred under criminal circumstances, […]
People Are Asking “If You Banged A Tuning Fork In Space, Would It Vibrate Forever?”
A reader has a question, which seems like it’ll be fun to discuss. “In space, an object in motion stays in motion right?” the IFLScience reader asked. “So if you banged a tuning fork in space would it produce the vibrations forever?” Without looking into it, you probably instinctively know that this shouldn’t be possible. […]
11-Year-Old Boy Hears For First Time Ever Thanks To Gene Therapy Breakthrough
An 11-year-old boy who was born with congenital hearing loss has become the first patient to receive a new gene therapy procedure, and it’s allowed him to hear sounds for the first time in his life. “Gene therapy for hearing loss is something that we physicians and scientists in the world of hearing loss have […]
NASA Is Exploring The First Fixed Wing Aircraft To Soar Over Mars
NASA has announced the winners of its 2024 funding for pioneering concepts in space exploration. Highlights include a fixed-wing plane to soar over Mars, a swarm of tiny probes to explore nearby star systems, and a set of telescopic dishes with a baseline the size of the Solar System. NASA Innovative Advanced Concept (NIAC) grants […]
More Evidence That A Daily Multivitamin Could Help Slow Cognitive Decline In Old Age
Okay. We’re all grownups here. We can admit when we’ve made a mistake. Despite previous headlines, it turns out multivitamins may not be useless after all. “Cognitive decline is among the top health concerns for most older adults,” said Chirag Vyas, an instructor in investigation at the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital and […]
Chickpeas Grown In Replica Lunar Soil With Help From Worms And Fungus
Chickpeas have been grown on the Moon. Well, not on the Moon exactly – not even in the sense that one couple had sex “on the Moon” – but they have been grown using simulated lunar dust, replicating samples brought back by the Apollo missions. Assuming this work can be extended to other plant species, […]
Dramatic Images Show How Turkey’s Giant 2023 Earthquake Broke The Earth
On February 6, 2023, one of the worst earthquake sequences of the 21st century rocked Turkey and Syria, killing over 59,000 people and displacing many more. It can be hard to imagine the colossal geological forces that produce these disasters, but a new collection of photography from the wake of the disaster manages to illustrate […]
How A 14-Year-Old Boy Convinced His Class To Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide
In 1997, a 14-year-old boy at Eagle Rock Junior High School in Idaho Falls began telling his classmates about the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide. “Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide […]
Where Was The Cradle Of Life? Perhaps It Was A Shallow Warm Soda Lake
Where did life begin? While musing over this question in 1871, Charles Darwin suggested that the origins of life may have emerged from a “warm little pond” on the surface of the primordial Earth. Since then, scientists have learned that the complex molecules of life can indeed emerge from inorganic materials found in certain bodies […]
People Are Asking Why Do We Feel Acceleration, But Not Constant Speed?
As a science website, it’s easy to get bogged down in questions like “Is there life on Enceladus?” and “Where are all the aliens?”, when people are struggling with more basic (but fun!) questions like “Why can’t we power our cars with magnets?” and “If you fell from a skyscraper on the Moon, would you […]
Heads Up, It’s Falling Iguana Season In Florida
If you thought aliens in a Miami strip mall would take the title for “weirdest thing to happen in Florida” this month, you might have to think again – it is Florida, after all. Thankfully extraterrestrial life isn’t falling from the sky and into GameStop for a quick browse, but with chilly temperatures hitting the […]
Jet-Black Eggs Found In The Pacific Abyss Reveal A New Wormy World Record
We just love a mystery egg story, and an absolute cracker was dredged up from the deep this week as researchers announced the deepest free-living flatworms ever found following the discovery of some jet-black eggs. The egg capsules, or cocoons, were found in the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench, northwestern Pacific, and mark the first time we’ve achieved […]
Experience Colors As Animals See Them In Astonishing New Videos
Animal vision comes in quite literally all the colors, from those that can see the ultraviolet spectrum to those that see the world in grayscale. As each animal perceives color differently, it is of immense value to ecologists and zoologists to be able to see the world in the same way as their study subject. […]
Nearest Young Earth-Sized Planet Is Half Lava And Metal As Hell
A newly discovered planet is a record-breaker in many ways, but the one for which it is likely to be remembered is heat so extreme that one hemisphere is lava. The HD 63433 system, also known as (TOI 1726), interests astronomers because it is a relatively close star (73 light years away) that resembles a […]
What Is Disease X? And Why Are People Talking About It?
“Disease X” is appearing all over social media and news feeds once again. So, what actually is Disease X? Why is everyone talking about it? And is it anything to be concerned about? What is Disease X? The term “Disease X” is used by some scientists and the World Health Organization (WHO) to refer to […]
Mysteries Behind “1-In-50-Million” Super Rare Lobster Colors May Soon Have An Answer
As far as rare colorations go, funky-looking lobsters seem to be pulled out of the ocean pretty regularly, and in the name of science, The University of New England (UNE) in Maine is building quite the collection of these beautiful beasts. While lobsters usually come in orange or red, they also have a peculiar tendency […]
Big Pharma Has Increased Hundreds Of Drug Prices In 2024 So Far
Pharmaceutical companies raised the list prices of hundreds and hundreds of drugs in January 2024. While that figure is down from previous years, the recent price hikes have caught the attention of the US Senate Health Committee, which wants to hear testimonies from big pharma CEOs about why Americans pay the highest prices in the […]
World-First Experiment Running Human Blood Through Pig Liver Could Be Vital “Bridge To Transplant”
Organ transplantation is one of the most incredible breakthroughs in 20th-century medicine. However, the sad truth is that there simply aren’t enough organs to meet demand. In the US alone, more than 10,000 patients are waiting for a liver transplant, and their doctors desperately search for ways to give them more time until the right […]
What Are Those Patterns You See When You Close Your Eyes?
A while back, we explained what those weird floating things are that you sometimes see in your vision; little blobs of tissue, protein clumps, and red blood cells. But eyes do not just reserve being little weirdos for when they are open. When you close your eyes or open them in a very dark room, […]