The US military has been left baffled by the repeated appearance of swarms of drones around one of its air bases, and a site used for nuclear-weapons experiments. In December 2023, US military personnel reported swarms of as yet unidentified aircraft flying over Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. The aircraft, estimated by US Air […]
There’s Good Reason To Be Wary Of Driving During A Full Moon
Not to sound superstitious, but take care if you’re driving under a full Moon. A recent study suggests that the risk of wildlife-vehicle collisions significantly increases on nights with a full Moon in the sky. Researchers at Texas A&M University closely looked at reports of nighttime wildlife-vehicle collisions in the state over 112 lunar cycles […]
“Flirting Paradox” Study Suggests People In Relationships Shouldn’t Engage In This Behavior
A new piece of research has investigated the “flirting paradox”, or what happens when somebody tries to flirt with your partner (and vice versa). It suggests you may not want to deliberately try and make your partner jealous in order to increase their desire, contrary to some very bad advice you may receive from friends. […]
Rare Bryde’s Whales Seen “Surfing” In Australian Waters Thanks To Citizen Science
Just because a creature is big, doesn’t mean we necessarily know a lot about it. In the case of the elusive, but still 16-meter-long (52-foot) Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera edeni), they are even considered the least known of all the large baleen whale species. Now, with the help of some citizen science, researchers have been able […]
Hidden Tomb Containing 12 Skeletons Found Under Petra’s Ancient Treasury Building
Researchers have uncovered a secret tomb containing 12 human skeletons at the Treasury building in Jordan’s Petra. The Treasury building, otherwise known as Al Khazneh, occupies the center of the ancient city that was carved into the walls of a desert canyon 2,000 years ago by the people of the Nabatean Kingdom. Now a UNESCO […]
This Year’s Brightest Supermoon Will Interrupt Some Great Dark Sky Observing
It’s a good month for astronomical observing, but over the next few nights, an unusually close full Moon will make most of the other sights very difficult to see. It’s just as well it will be so impressive itself. Our evening skies are currently graced by the best comet for many years and the opportunity […]
You Probably Didn’t Learn About The Deadliest Civil War In Human History At School
World War Two is the deadliest war in human history by a long shot (and hopefully it will remain that way). Estimates vary massively, but many agree up to 80 million people died in the global conflict as a result of armed battles, city-wide bombings, sieges, starvation, disease, genocide, massacres, and the only use of […]
High-THC Cannabis Leaves A Unique Signature On Users’ DNA
High-potency cannabis alters users’ DNA in ways that weaker strains don’t, new research has revealed. In particular, ultra-strong weed appears to interfere with genes related to immunity and cellular energy production, and leaves a distinct mark on the DNA of cannabis users who go on to develop psychosis. The study authors analyzed blood samples from […]
Expect Geomagnetic Storms And Aurora: The Sun Has Reached Solar Maximum, NASA Announces
NASA has announced that the Sun has reached its solar maximum period in the solar cycle, with more geomagnetic storms and aurora expected in the coming months. Solar activity increases and decreases over the 11-year solar cycle – also known as the Schwabe cycle, named after the astronomer who first noticed it. From 1826 to […]
Dog Seen On Top Of Great Pyramid Of Giza In Bizarre Viral Video
A dog has recently been spotted on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It’s unclear how the animal reached the top of the structure, nor whether it was rescued after the footage was taken. The footage, shown below, was captured by Alex Lang on October 14 while flying over the Giza pyramid complex using […]
Why Does It Take So Long To Get To Jupiter’s Moon, Europa?
On Monday, the Europa Clipper blasted off on its quest to study the smallest of Jupiter’s big four moons, and hopefully collect clues about the prospect of life inside. The launch was delayed four days by Hurricane Milton, but that wait is insignificant compared to the five and a half years it will be before the […]
Can People Smell Ants?
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Why Did Lake Urmia Suddenly Turn Blood Red?
Straddling the misleadingly named provinces of East and West Azerbaijan in Iran, Lake Urmia has been an icon of Middle Eastern geography since… well, pretty much since geography was a thing. It features in bronze artworks from the ninth century BCE Neo-Assyrian culture; Ptolemy talked about it in the second century CE, and today, it […]
Watch First-Ever Footage Of World’s Smallest Type Of Wild Cattle Giving Birth
Every now and then, we all need a little dose of something magical, and even better when that happens to be a world first. That’s the case with today’s treatment – the first-ever footage of an anoa, the world’s smallest type of wild cattle, giving birth. The footage was captured at Chester Zoo, UK, and […]
Neanderthals Never Adopted Advanced Spear Throwing Technology. Might Gravity Be To Blame?
Spears work better when thrown from a height, but a surprising study finds the same does not apply to weapons launched from an atlatl (spear thrower). This could explain the apparent non-adoption of throwing devices by Neanderthals. Although there is nowhere near enough evidence to adopt such a conclusion with confidence, it’s possible that such […]
Bear Meat Banquet Leads To Suspected Rare Parasitic Worm Outbreak In US
A gathering serving up bear meat in North Carolina turned grizzly last year after the undercooked meat led to what the CDC suspects was an outbreak of parasitic roundworms. As detailed in a new case study, 22 of 34 surveyed attendees reported eating undercooked bear meat at a gathering in November 2023 at an undisclosed […]
This Enormous Award-Winning Pumpkin Weighs The Same As 2 Grizzly Bears
In case you hadn’t noticed, fall is in full swing – and what could be more autumnal than a story about a really big pumpkin? The stupendous squash in question is named Rudy, and has just scooped the grand prize at Half Moon Bay’s 51st Safeway World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off – a contest we’re ashamed […]
Type 2 Diabetes More Likely After COVID-19 In Kids, But Exactly Why Remains Unclear
Scientists have long suspected a link between COVID-19 and diabetes, but it’s been unclear whether this association exists in children as well as adults. New research suggests that it does, by finding that kids who had COVID were consistently more likely to develop type 2 diabetes within the following six months than those who had […]
Something Weird Happens When You Try To Microwave Ice
Microwaves are a pretty difficult topic to get your head around, at least compared to traditional “fire hot” methods of cooking. It turns out people still have questions about them, such as why if you put ice in a microwave with rice, the rice gets hot and the ice cube doesn’t seem to. Let’s start […]
Saturn Finally Has A Trojan Asteroid, But Not For Long
An asteroid discovered in 2019’s orbit has been mapped, revealing it as a Trojan of Saturn, meaning an object with the same orbit, but traveling ahead or behind. The spacecraft Lucy has been sent to study the Trojan asteroids of Jupiter – bodies that follow the same orbit, but in the Lagrangian points 60 degrees […]