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Clinical Psychologist Shares Four Signs Your Relationship Is Going To Last

A clinical psychologist has shared four signs your relationship is going to last. The couples therapist Dr Kathy Nickerson gave out the advice to her followers on TikTok.

“Number one: It’s easy,” Nickerson begins the video. “It feels easy most of the time. It’s not a struggle, there’s not tonnes of drama, it’s not super complicated, it’s not very hard most of the time. Everybody has struggles, but most the time the relationship feels easy.”


“And number 5, you support your partner wearing ridiculous straw hats,” she added on TikTok.

One other red flag when it comes to doomed relationships, according to one study, is that previous infidelity is a risk factor for further infidelity. In a study that backed up the “once a cheater always a cheater” rule, researchers from the University of Denver asked 484 people in mixed-gender romantic relationships about their sexual activities outside of their current relationship (whether they had been cheating or not), and whether they were suspicious their partners were cheating.

They then followed these people through from this relationship to their next relationship, to measure whether people who said they’d cheated in the first relationship went on to cheat in the next one.


The study, which followed them over a five-year period, found that people who cheated in their first relationship were three times more likely to cheat on their next partner than those who stayed faithful. 

The study, published in Archives of Sexual Behavior, also found that those who suspected their first partner of cheating were four times more likely to have suspicions that their next partner was cheating.

The authors wrote that the study, aptly titled “Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater? Serial Infidelity Across Subsequent Relationships”, showed that previous cheating was an important risk factor for infidelity in the next relationships. Basically, if they have cheated before, there’s a much higher chance that they’ll do it again. 

Source Link: Clinical Psychologist Shares Four Signs Your Relationship Is Going To Last

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