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Conspiracy Theorists Think The Eclipse Will Begin A “Massive Human Sacrifice Event”

Some conspiracy theorists appear to believe that a “massive human sacrifice” event will take place during the total solar eclipse on April 8. Without anything even approaching evidence, a fairly popular post to the r/conspiracy subreddit “explains” that they are concerned that overlaying the path of totality of the 2017 total eclipse with the 2024 total solar eclipse forms an X near the New Madrid fault line.

“If something were to trigger that fault line, something man-made they could make look completely natural, it could mean a serious loss of life disaster for the US,” the conspiracy theorist wrote on Reddit. “An earthquake on the New Madrid Fault Line could be up to 20 times larger than an earthquake with a SoCal epicenter.”


This is of course all nonsense. The paths crossing (years apart) has no significance for the New Madrid fault line in the same way as finding an X on your Strava data will not reveal the location of hidden treasure. It seems especially nonsensical that whoever this “they” is would choose to launch a random attack on a fault line and do it during an eclipse (which are not linked to earthquakes) as some sort of cover. 

Diving further into the nonsense, the Reddit user then used the path of the Ring of Fire eclipse to find further arbitrary Xs, this time near a Tesla factory.

“Speaking of X, Elon Musk changes Twitter’s name to X. His baby’s mother, Grimes, posted a strange image on instagram before covid that literally told us covid was going to happen, all the way down to the 3 injections. In that same image, a few rows beneath the covid ‘prediction’ is a solar eclipse. Under it, a flower between two dragons. 2024 is the year of the dragon. The lotus flower begins blooming in China on April 8th. The eclipse is happening on April 8th,” the post continued.

“That is way too many coincidences for me to feel comfortable, along with the Deagel projection of a 225 Million person decrease in the US by 2025. It would appear some massive sacrifice could possibly be in the works.”


As with the earlier nonsense, this is all nonsense too, a result of humans trying to see patterns that are simply not there, or to fuel the chaos. The easiest way to test their claims is simply to wait until the eclipse, at which point the mass killing in the US will in all likelihood not take place – just like the 2017 conspiracy theory that the made-up planet Nibiru would destroy the planet shortly after the 2017 eclipse did not take place.

These celestial events tend to attract a lot of conspiracy talk, including an equally nonsensical claim pushed by InfoWars that the path of totality passes over seven US cities named Nineveh, which is deemed to be a bad omen. As Snopes points out, it actually only passes over two.

In reality, the eclipse is an awesome and interesting celestial event, with the main risks being to your retinas, as well as a potential increase in road traffic accidents. Try to enjoy it for what it is rather than looking for nonsensical signs, because it really should be spectacular.

[H/T: Atlas Obscura]

Source Link: Conspiracy Theorists Think The Eclipse Will Begin A "Massive Human Sacrifice Event"

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