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Everyone Is Clowning On Space Force’s Official Anthem

Space Force, the smallest branch of the US armed services, has been mocked by the Internet pretty much since its inception. Whether that’s by trekkies for their logo, or by everybody for the fact that their uniforms are the kind of camo that disguises you among trees, which are famously not that abundant in space, Space Force is the force that nobody seems to take all that seriously. 

Well, it really hasn’t helped itself with the release of its new official song. “Semper Supra” – Latin for “always above” – was shown to the public for the first time on Tuesday, and it received about the reaction you’d expect.


The song, set to a Pythonesque jaunty tune, calls members of the Space Force “guardians beyond the blue”, while also referencing “boldly reaching out into space”, surely referencing Star Trek‘s intro.

“We’re the mighty watchful eye,
Guardians beyond the blue,
The invisible front line,
Warfighters brave and true.
Boldly reaching into space,
There’s no limit to our sky.
Standing guard both night and day,
We’re the Space Force from on high.”

The Space Force also released a behind the scenes video of how the song was made.


“I wanted to adequately represent all the capabilities that our Space Force is involved with,” James Teachenor, a former member of the US Air Force band said of the lyrics he wrote, “and make sure I didn’t mess up on the mission, or the vision of what the Space Force does.”

Reactions to the song ranged from “as a guy who loves our military and plays trumpet I approve this new space force song” to “is this an SNL skit?”. Meanwhile on Twitter, a number of people mocked the video, and suggested there were similarities to the song “Jews in Space” by Mel Brooks.

The song was likened to Starship Troopers, a Starship Troopers sequel, and a straight to DVD sci-fi film that thinks it’s Starship Troopers. More approving comments likened it to “the music from Wall-E“, and praised its 1940s vibes.

Source Link: Everyone Is Clowning On Space Force's Official Anthem

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