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Motivosity Can Help Focus And Energize Your Workforce

For a management team trying to lead a company, keeping all those employees happy can often feel impossible. No matter what you do to improve the workplace for most people, it will likely still be met with a “yeah, but” from some. However, the facts show that the feelings of most workers are fairly straightforward. 

In a recent Gallup survey, many workers reported being as disengaged and unhappy as they’ve ever been, with 50 percent saying they feel stressed at their jobs daily. And 60 percent admit to being emotionally detached at work, while almost one in five call themselves downright miserable in their job. And, as it turns out, a manager or team leader is responsible for about 70 percent of the variation in their team’s overall feeling of engagement and job satisfaction.


Business leaders, you play a more prominent role in your team’s success than you might think. That’s where the Motivosity employee engagement platform can be an absolute homerun when it comes to creating the dynamic, energized, encouraging work environment we all want to enjoy.

Part of the ease of introducing the Motivosity environment to a new business is its simplicity. Easy enough for non-IT-savvy business leaders to integrate, it’s also basic enough for a company’s workforce to engage easily.

That starts with Motivosity’s Connect area, a company-specific web page that feels like a familiar social media profile. There, employees can post about themselves with personality profiles, family photos and ways to express all of their varied passions and hobbies. Co-workers visit each other’s profiles and engage with each other to connect over shared interests.


While Connect lets co-workers pat each other on the back for good work, Recognize helps drive participation and increase positive engagement between employees. With an emphasis on peer to peer recognition Motivosity delivers on behavior based psychology to fulfill core human motivators. Employees not only benefit from increased amount of thoughtful recognition, but in turn build connection through $1 appreciations. Those appreciations accrue and are redeemable on Motivosity’s ThanksMatters card or choose from multiple gift card options. 

Lead is where company leadership takes the reins, with all the tools for fostering better communication between employees and their managers. Supervisors can personally connect with each individual team member in one-on-one sessions as they talk about specific projects, share resources and set priorities with complete transparency. Lead also offers the opportunity to set up positive coaching experiences and ultimately improve the bond between a boss and their team members.

Finally, the Listen product uses tools like pulse surveys and turnover data to give workers a chance to make their true feelings about their employer known. With easy-to-follow reporting, managers can get an instant read on how employees feel about their workplace, then take steps to address any fears or worries.


If that all sounds innovative, that’s because it is. Motivosity’s take on improving company culture catapulted the system on G2’s list of the Top 50 Best HR Software Platforms for 2022. In addition, with a 95 percent adoption rate among workers, employees report job satisfaction increases of over 50 percent after engaging with Motivosity. 

Right now, businesses can check out Motivosity’s wealth of company-building tools for themselves with a free demo.

Prices subject to change.


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Source Link: Motivosity Can Help Focus And Energize Your Workforce

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