The truth is out there – and, for many, it is going to be disappointing and mundane. After much speculation and anticipation, the US Defence Department has released its report exploring whether the government has been covering up alien encounters, and whether they have access to extra-terrestrial technology that they are reverse engineering. And the findings can be summed up pretty succinctly: no.
The Pentagon report, which exceeds 60 pages, was released on Friday, March 8, and significantly wounds, if not kills, many claims that the US government have been involved in decades old cover-up efforts.
The report was originally mandated by Congress and investigation was carried out by the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), an office that was set up in 2022 to address “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) using a rigorous scientific framework and a data-driven approach”, so their website states.
“AARO assesses that alleged, hidden UAP programs either do not exist or were misidentified, authentic national security programs unrelated to extraterrestrial technology exploitation,” AARO acting Director Tim Phillips said during a briefing at the Pentagon.
It is easy to understand why this investigation was put together, given the sheer number of claims and conspiracies circulating about alien encounters. As the report states, a “consistent theme in popular culture involves a particularly persistent narrative that the [US Government]—or a secretive organization within it—recovered several off-world spacecraft and extraterrestrial biological remains, that it operates a program or programs to reverse engineer the recovered technology, and that it has conspired since the 1940s to keep this effort hidden from the United States Congress and the American public.”
In essence, the investigation hit at the heart of the alien belief framework held by many believers across the world, something that, the report added, has been bolstered by the “proliferation of television programs, books, movies, and the vast amount of internet and social media content [that has] most likely […] influenced the public conversation on this topic, and reinforced these beliefs within some sections of the population.”
During their investigation, the AARO found “no evidence” that any government investigation, academic research or official review has ever “confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology.”
Instead, they conclude that “at all levels of classification […] most sightings were ordinary objects and phenomena and the result of misidentification.”
“I wish to emphasize that we believe most of the individuals repeating these claims did so without malice or any effort to mislead the public,” Phillips said. “Many have sincerely misinterpreted real events or mistaken sensitive U.S. programs, for which they were not cleared, as having been related to UAP or extraterrestrial exploitation.”
They also found no “empirical evidence for claims that the [US government] and private companies have been reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology.”
So where have these ideas come from? According to the AARO, the claims around reverse-engineering alien tech are largely the products of “circular reporting” carried out by “a group of individuals who believe this to be the case, despite the lack of any evidence.”
The results come from careful examination of reports and US investigations carried out since the mid-1940s. The team examined classified and unclassified archive evidence, carried out around 30 interviews and “partnered with Intelligence Community (IC) and Department of Defense (DoD) officials responsible for controlled and special access program oversight, respectively.”
These results are bound to be met with disappointment and rejection by some believers, especially after last year’s apparent revelation from a former US intelligence official caused excitement. The “whistleblower”, David Grusch, claimed that the US government had been involved in a “multidecade” secret program to reverse-engineer alien technology.
Despite these claims, the AARO report found no evidence that the US government or other US companies “ever possessed off-world technology.”
Although it will have its critics, the AARO states that “The goal of this report is not to prove or disprove any particular belief set, but rather to use a rigorous analytic and scientific approach to investigate past [US government] -sponsored UAP investigation efforts and the claims made by interviewees that the [US government] and various contractors have recovered and are hiding off-world technology and biological material.”
“AARO has approached this project with the widest possible aperture, thoroughly investigating these assertions and claims without any particular pre-conceived conclusion or hypothesis. AARO is committed to reaching conclusions based on empirical evidence.”
“AARO, as designed by Congress, had unprecedented access to classified programs,” Phillips said. “Nobody blocked where we could go or the questions we asked. Nobody in the government influenced the findings in the report.”
“As a career intelligence officer, I am just amazed at the access we had to some of our nation’s most sensitive programs. Nobody said, ‘No.'”
Source Link: No Evidence Of US Hiding Alien Visits Or UFO Technology, Says Pentagon