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One Man’s Six-Month Journey For A $1,500 Homemade Sandwich Ends In Disappointment

How much would you spend on a chicken sandwich? $5? $10? What about $1,500? Sounds like a lot for a sandwich, and the deal gets even less sweet when you find out it takes six months to make it from scratch.

The sandwich was the passion project of Andy George, host of How To Make Everything, a YouTube channel that’s amassed 1.74 million subscribers. In an episode that went live in 2015, he learned the hard way how much effort can go into making a bang-average sandwich.


“I spent 6 months and $1500 to make a sandwich completely from scratch, including growing my own vegetables, making my own salt from ocean water, milking a cow to make cheese, grinding my own flour from wheat, collecting my own honey, and killing a chicken myself,” wrote George on YouTube.

It begins with growing a garden – after all, you need a place to grow those veggies. Next, George tackles the salt with a trip to the ocean. The seawater is boiled down and the suspicious white powder popped into a Ziploc – the same container that carried off a tomato for an eight-month joy ride in space – that made getting through airport security a little more eventful.  

It’s important to note that while ocean salt is perfectly suitable for seasoning your food, making salt from heavily polluted seawater can be problematic. Heavy metals, chemicals, and bacteria can be present and may linger if the salt isn’t prepared properly.

We later see George mechanically agitating some freshly squeezed cow’s milk, churning the fatty “cream” layer of the milk, which causes butterfat globules to stick together. Eventually, the fats are combined into a lump we know as butter, and the remaining liquid is what we call buttermilk. 


Six months and a lot of money later, George finally has his from-scratch sandwich. So, how did it taste? According to his friends and family, not good.


“It tastes like a corkboard dipped in lemon juice,” one person can be heard saying in the video. Damn.

As DIY projects go, it’s not even the weirdest we’ve seen this week. We beg you, behold the wonder that is a homemade toaster.


[H/T: The Verge]

Source Link: One Man’s Six-Month Journey For A $1,500 Homemade Sandwich Ends In Disappointment

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