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Opening The Vault: Uncovering A World Of Strange And Intriguing Science

For the past few months, a dedicated team at IFLScience has been quietly working behind the scenes, plunging into the weird, wacky, and unusual sides of science. Now, we’re thrilled to step forward and share the fascinating discoveries we’ve uncovered with our readers.


We have investigated the questions that have always been on our minds – but that, until now, we’ve been afraid to ask out loud. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you tossed your enemies into piranha-infested water? How cannibalism became the ultimate taboo? Or, how often people have visited the ER for a sex toy mishap?

Well, we most certainly have! And now, we are launching The Vault.

This new development is all part of IFLScience’s new membership model. Anyone with an all-access membership gains unlimited access to:

The new membership model is being introduced to ensure that we can keep delivering the content you love, free from external pressures. 

You can learn more about how you can support us with memberships here.

Source Link: Opening The Vault: Uncovering A World Of Strange And Intriguing Science

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