A Simpsons fan has used his audio-editing skillz to process an old Simpsons clip and reveal a lost joke. Video editor Andrew “Ewzzy” Rayburn found the hidden joke in season 3 episode “The Otto Show”.
In the episode, Bart is about to attend a Spinal Tap concert, when Marge declares “I hope The Spinal Taps don’t play too loud”. Homer assures her “oh Marge, I went to thousands of heavy metal concerts and it never hurt me.”
The camera then cuts to Homer’s point of view, revealing that all he can hear is a high-pitched whine with Marge, too muffled to comprehend, underneath.
But underneath the whine there is definitely a joke, which the creators alluded to in a DVD commentary, though they could not remember what it was. Rayburn was able to clean up the audio enough to hear the joke three decades after it was written by identifying and erasing the tones and boosting the remaining audio.
When cleaned up, Marge is saying:
“Well alright, but make sure they don’t pick up any of the band’s attitudes toward women, liquor, religion, politics, really anything.”
A pretty decent joke to deliberately bury so that nobody will hear it for 30 years.
Source Link: Simpsons Fan Discovers Lost Simpsons Joke Using Audio Editing