This week, the UK’s first meteorite in 30 years is found carrying compounds essential for life on Earth, giving up alcohol can see some negative effects reversed in as little as 18 days, and we explore the curious reasons archaeologists refuse to open the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, China’s first emperor.
Ancient Pompeii Villa Filled With Beautifully Raunchy Art Goes On Show
The remains of a luxurious home in the ancient Roman town of Pompeii have been opened up to the public after 20 years of refurbishment. Thought to be owned by two former slaves, the frescos and statues are spectacular and a little NSFW. Read the full story here
UK Meteorite That Fell To Earth Contains Building Blocks For Life
The importance of the UK’s first meteorite in 30 years, collected after being observed falling in 2021, has been confirmed with the discovery of amino acids – organic compounds essential for life on Earth. The concentration of amino acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is not as high as in some other asteroid remnants but that may make the discovery even more interesting. Read the full story here
The Six Worst Dealbreakers In Relationships, According To New Study
A new study has delivered some harsh truths about what men and women consider “dealbreakers” in relationships, and it does not mince its words. The research looked at previous cohorts involved in other studies but from another angle, and concluded there are six main dealbreakers across both long-term and short-term relationships. Read the full story here
JWST Confirms Its First Exoplanet – And It’s Earth-Sized!
JWST has confirmed the existence of an exoplanet for the first time. The space telescope has provided the definitive measurements of LHS 475 b, confirming that it is indeed a planet, and was able to establish its size and a bit about its atmosphere. The planet is almost the size of our planet, with a diameter 99 percent of Earth’s own. Read the full story here
Quitting Alcohol Can Improve Cognition In Just 18 Days, Study Finds
A new study has promised hope for severe alcoholics by showing that the majority of those that manage to go sober have significant cognitive improvements after just weeks. Deficits in cognition, such as memory loss and attention, were improved in 63 percent of the study sample after just 18 days of sobriety, showing that a marked improvement is possible in just a short time. Read the full story here
Feature of the week:
Why Archeologists Are Too Scared To Open The Tomb Of China’s First Emperor
Lying undisturbed for some 2,200 years, the tomb of China’s first emperor Qin Shi Huang threatens rivers of toxic liquid mercury and possibly booby traps on any foolish archaeologist who dares disturb the ancient treasures inside. Read the full story here
Source Link: TWIS: Raunchy Art Revealed In Pompeii Villa, JWST Spots Its First Earth-Sized Exoplanet, And Much More This Week