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What Does The Universe Smell Like? Find Out More In Issue 18 Of CURIOUS – Out Now

Issue 18 (January 2024) of CURIOUS is out now, bringing you science highlights for the month plus deep dives into intriguing topics, interviews, exclusives, diary dates, and explanations for some of Earth’s most perplexing natural phenomena and landscapes.

In This Issue


OUR COVER STORY: What Does The Universe Smell Like?

From cocktails to gunpowder, space has a surprisingly wide range of smells, but they’re not for everyone.

DEEP DIVE: Is There A Limit To Human Life?

Are we destined to expire after around a century, or could we theoretically live for much longer?

WE HAVE QUESTIONS: White Holes: Black Holes’ Destiny?

How are they different and how are they the same?

WHERE ON EARTH: A Hot Spring For Wolf Spiders

The hot springs of Iceland’s Fjallabak Nature Reserve are a dream for natural spa seekers, but you may not be the only visitor.

Exclusive: Meet Author Brenna Hassett and read an excerpt from her new book Growing Up Human.

Plus: News, diary dates, what to see, watch, and read this month, and much more.

Issue 19 (February 2023) drops on January 28 so subscribe to our newsletter and get it delivered directly to your inbox at the end of each month.

Are you CURIOUS? Well go on, take a look.

Source Link: What Does The Universe Smell Like? Find Out More In Issue 18 Of CURIOUS – Out Now

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