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Will We All Be Eating Insects In The Future? Find Out More In Issue 28 Of CURIOUS – Out Now

Issue 28 (November 2024) of CURIOUS is out now, bringing you science highlights for the month plus deep dives into intriguing topics, interviews, exclusives, diary dates, and explanations for some of Earth’s most perplexing natural phenomena and landscapes.

Read Issue 28 of our digital magazine now by clicking below! Use the arrows to navigate or download the PDF for easy access.

In This Issue…


OUR COVER STORY: Will We All Be Eating Insects In The Future?

The benefits of insect-based foods are stacking up, legs ‘n’ all. 

DEEP DIVE: Is Photographic Memory A Real Thing?

Many have claimed to have it, but does the science add up?

WE HAVE QUESTIONS: Why Don’t Animals Have To Brush Their Teeth?

And why decay isn’t really about brushing.

WHERE ON EARTH: A Volcano That Spews Gold Dust

Fire meets ice on the tallest active volcano in Antarctica, though that’s not its only talent.

Exclusive: Meet Dr Elsa Richardson and read an excerpt from her new book Rumbles: A Curious History of the Gut.

Plus: News, diary dates, what to see, watch, and read this month, and much more.

Source Link: Will We All Be Eating Insects In The Future? Find Out More In Issue 28 Of CURIOUS – Out Now

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