In the shadow of Mount Fuji, a new city is being built by Japanese car maker Toyota called “Woven City.” It’s been described as a “living laboratory” designed to investigate how urban inhabitants can live in tandem with autonomous vehicles, robots, clean energy, and artificial intelligence (AI). So-called smart cities, often surrounded by starry-eyed hype […]
Would You Try The World’s Most Dangerous Cheese?
Cheese is milk that’s been fermented and aged, but the process is a controlled one that strikes the right balance of bacterial activity to delicious cheesy goodness. Some traditional approaches to making cheese have pushed the boundaries of what’s safe for human consumption, and perhaps the most talked about is casu marzu. Advertisement Casu marzu […]
Cannabis Users With COVID-19 More Likely To Be Hospitalized Or Need ICU Treatment
There have been questions over how cannabis use might affect someone’s risk of severe disease if they catch COVID-19, but a new study claims to be able to address some of the confusion. It seems clear that cannabis use is as risky as smoking when it comes to COVID, with people who used the drug […]
FDA Authorizes Menthol Vapes, And Public Health Advocates Aren’t Happy
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized four menthol-flavored e-cigarette products, marking the first time a non-tobacco flavored vape product has been allowed to be marketed in the US. However, the decision has quickly drawn criticism from public health groups over concerns about the appeal of flavored vape products to young people. Advertisement The […]
Space Walk Postponed After Leaks Cause “Literally Water Everywhere” In Airlock
NASA astronauts Tracy C. Dyson and Mike Barratt were supposed to go on a spacewalk on Monday, June 24 – but a fault led to the expected 6-and-a-half-hour walk being cut down to just 31 minutes. There was a water leak from the service and cooling umbilical unit on Dyson’s spacesuit that was described on […]
Puzzlingly Young Stars Are Swarming Around Our Galaxy’s Black Hole
Two studies have taken a closer look at the mysterious stars surrounding our galaxy’s black hole, confirming that they are a lot younger than we expected, are highly organized, and are possibly “immortal” thanks to being continuously replenished by dark matter. Advertisement About 30 years ago, astronomers discovered stars moving around Sagittarius A*, the supermassive […]
What’s The Fastest Bird In The World?
The peregrine falcon is no slouch. Capable of achieving speeds of over 320 kilometers per hour (200 miles per hour), this rapid raptor is not just the fastest bird in the sky, but the speediest animal on the planet. Advertisement However, the peregrine falcon is only able to reach these dizzying speeds when performing a […]
Do Women Make Better Astronauts? They Might Be More Tolerant To Spaceflight
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: women make better astronauts (according to science). Now, thanks to a recent study on the effects of space travel on the human immune system, we have all the more reason to believe that female folk may be more tolerant to the stresses of space than men. […]
WHO Issues Warning On Fake Ozempic Amidst Increasing Reports Of Falsification
News stories about semaglutide, perhaps better known under brand names like Wegovy and Ozempic, aren’t exactly few and far between at the moment – but the latest story comes not about the drugs themselves, but as a warning of an uptick in fake versions of them. Advertisement On June 19, the World Health Organization (WHO) […]
The World Spent $250 Million On Nukes Every Day Last Year In Record Surge
Humanity is upping the stakes on its deadly game of nuclear poker once again. The world spent a combined total of $91,393,404,739 on nuclear weapons in 2023 – that’s around $250 million each year, $173,884 per minute, or $2,898 a second. Advertisement Nine countries possess nukes – the US, Russia, France, China, the UK, Pakistan, […]
Physicists Once Proposed The Tunguska Event Was Caused By A Black Hole Passing Through Earth
At around 7:14 am on June 30, 1908, a giant explosion occurred above the Podkamennaya Tunguska river in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. Advertisement The explosion flattened 2,150 square kilometers (830 square miles) with the force of an estimated 10-20 megatons, making it possibly thousands of times more powerful than the atomic bomb the […]
A Thick Layer Of Diamonds May Lurk Beneath Mercury’s Surface
Carbon on the planet Mercury could have been compressed to form a layer of diamond beneath the crust kilometers thick, modeling suggests. When the nursery rhyme compares a star to a “diamond in the sky”, it might be accurate for one planet frequently confused with a star. Advertisement Mercury can shine quite brightly, but that’s […]
Texas Saw 12.7 Percent More Infant Deaths Than Expected After Its Anti-Abortion Law Passed
A study published two years to the day since the overturning of Roe v Wade, which ended the constitutional right to abortion access in the USA, has found that infant deaths rose by much more than expected in the state of Texas in the months following the state’s 2021 ban on abortion in early pregnancy. […]
Chinese Lander Returns First Ever Samples From Far Side Of The Moon
China’s lunar probe has successfully returned the first ever samples taken from the far side of the Moon to Earth. Advertisement On June 1, Chang’e 6 touched down softly near the Lunar South Pole. This was the second time China achieved this feat, and they remain the only nation to have done so. Advertisement ⓘ IFLScience […]
Nearest Super-Earth In A Habitable Zone Orbit Announced
A relatively nearby K-type star called HD 48948 has been found to host three planets, each modestly larger than the Earth. The outermost of these is in the “habitable zone”, where temperatures are right for liquid water at the surface. More investigation is needed – particularly to confirm it is predominantly rock or water, not […]
New “Tipping Point” Found In Antarctica – And It’s As Bad As It Sounds
New research has uncovered a “worrying” way that large ice sheets can melt through warm seawater lapping against the underside of ground-based ice. The researchers believe the discovery might even be a new “climate tipping point” – a critical threshold that, when crossed, leads to runaway changes and totally upends an element in Earth’s system. […]
How Do Rockets Work? All You Need To Know
In June 1944, the German V-2 rocket became the first object to ever reach space. Over the last eight decades, humans have experimented with several different designs to get stuff into orbit and launch ever further into deep space. With revolutionary rockets having been tested recently or imminently taking flight, it is important to understand […]
Most Powerful Neutrino Ever Seen May Have Been Identified By Unfinished Deep-Sea Detector
It may sound like the lair of a Bond villain, but at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, an instrument is being built to detect neutrinos. Before the vast majority of the detector has been built, its construction has been vindicated with the announcement of an ultra-high-energy neutrino, probably the most energetic ever detected. Advertisement […]
People Are Asking If The Expansion Of The Universe Includes Them
The universe, already impressively big compared to say, a planet, is expanding. According to the cosmic microwave background (CMB), this expansion is happening at the rate of about 67.5 kilometers (41.9 miles) per second per megaparsec (3,260,000 light-years). Meanwhile, measuring the distance of Cepheids stars – by observing how their light has redshifted as it […]
How Can I Sleep Better During A Heatwave?
In the midst of all of the record-breaking heatwaves the world is seeing at the moment, people’s sleep can be one of the first things to suffer. Not only is that straight up unenjoyable when it’s happening, but a lack of sleep can make us feel pretty awful in the days after too. So how […]