The collision of the solar wind and the Earth’s magnetic field creates an obstacle known as the shock. On the Earthward side of this barrier, forces outside generate electromagnetic waves, known as PC3 waves, that sometimes reach the surface. Outside the shock is a region known as the foreshock that has waves of its own, […]
Is The 2,000 Year Old “Baghdad Battery” Actually A Battery?
In 1938, German archaeologist Wilhelm König found a clay jar in Khujut Rabu just outside Baghdad. The jar was covered with a stopper made of asphalt, and is believed to be around 2,000 years old. But the bit that interested a number of archaeologists and scientists was the contents: an iron rod inside a copper cylinder. […]
Thor The Masturbating Walrus Is Not Alone Among Self-Pleasuring Animals
Masturbation was once widely considered “unnatural” and is still labeled that way in some circles today. Yet if nature is what is done by non-humans then nothing could be further from the truth. Although presumably not the domain of plants or rocks, self-loving is widespread across the animal kingdom (and queendom for that matter). When […]
The “Living Rocks” Of Romania Appear To Grow, Move, and Spawn Others
The tiny Romanian town of Costești is home to a bunch of rocks like none other. Not content with the typical sedentary life of rocks, these bulging boulders slowly ooze their innards and can even appear to grow and move as if they were alive. Known as trovants, it’s no surprise the geological oddballs are […]
Atomic Hydrogen Detected In Most Distant Galaxy Yet
Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, and it comes in the form of a single atom or paired up in a molecule. Atomic hydrogen can emit a particular light as it changes quantum state, known as the 21-centimeter line – the particular wavelength of the radio emission (equivalent to 8.27 inches). New […]
“The Last Of Us” Fungus Is Real, Could It Cause A Pandemic?
The zombie fungus has exploded out of the parasitized corpses of insects and into the world of media, having now spread its spores from gaming into television as it got the HBO treatment in The Last Of Us, which launched yesterday. The original game of the same name was inspired by none other than Sir […]
What Are El Niño and La Niña? The Giant Forces That Shape Our World
What happens in the Pacific doesn’t stay in the Pacific. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle describes how a pattern of climate fluctuations in the Pacific Ocean has a global impact on the world – from wind, temperature, and rainfall patterns to the intensity of hurricane seasons and even the distribution of fish in the […]
A Newfound Brain Network Could Be A Missing Link Between Psychiatric Illnesses
A network of brain connections linked to a number of different psychiatric disorders has been discovered in a new study. The authors believe that the findings could help explain why so many patients being treated for one psychiatric illness also meet the criteria for another. In the past, technology has not allowed scientists to easily […]
Today’s Top Headlines
Deborah BloomfieldSource Link: Today’s Top Headlines
“Surprise” Magma Chamber Discovered Bubbling Under Active Mediterranean Volcano
A new magma chamber bubbling beneath an active submarine volcano off the coast of Greece has been discovered. While it doesn’t necessarily mean the volcano poses an immediate danger, the magma chamber’s discovery suggests the underwater volcano has the potential to reach “boiling point” within the next two centuries. An international team of researchers used […]
AI Creates Perfect Photos Of Parties That Never Happened, But For A Few Unsettling Details
Images generated by artificial intelligence (AI) have come a long way in recent years. In 2014, for instance, a top-of-the-range industry-leading AI could just about produce an image that looked like it was taken on a Game Boy color. Now it’s possible to type in a few words, and less than a few minutes later […]
Remarkable Surgery Removes Live Grenade From Next To Ukrainian Soldier’s Heart
Ukrainian doctors have successfully removed a live grenade from the inside of a soldier, where it was lodged just under the heart. The grenade, which “could have gone off at any moment”, was handled by the surgeons under the supervision of two sappers (servicepeople involved in landmine clearance) to minimize the risk of explosion. […]
The Mystery Of The Modern “London Hammer” Found Encased In Ancient Rock
While walking along Red Creek, London, Texas in June 1936, Emma Zadie Hahn and her husband Max Edmond Hahn made an unusual discovery: a piece of wood poking out of what appeared to be an ancient rock formation. The story goes that ten-ish years later, their son, who was clearly born with the merest hint […]
“Guest Star” Last Seen 840 Years Ago Finally Found Again, And It Looks Weird
In the year 1181 CE, astronomers in China and Japan observed a new bright object appearing in the constellation of Cassiopea. These observers called it a “Guest Star”. The most likely culprit was a supernova – but for 840 years, this object was lost. The object was seen again in 2013, but it was only […]
Redditors Share Their Messed Up Animal Facts
Nature is weird. One minute it’s producing the most adorable panda you’ve ever seen, the next it throws in a parasite that bites off the tongue of its host, then pretends to be that tongue. Yes, as beautiful as nature (and evolution) can be, sometimes it can produce some shockers. Redditors have been sharing some […]
Blue Monday Is Still All Capitalism And No Science
A version of this article was first published in 2018 and we are pretty much resharing it as it was because the whole corporate invention of “Blue Monday” continues to be peddled as “science”, and there are only a limited number of ways to say this is bullsh*t. It’s the third week of January and […]
Buddhist Monks Meditate Their Way To Healthier Gut Bacteria
Buddhist monks who practice deep meditation on a daily basis may have a healthier microbiome than non-meditators, according to a new small-scale study. After analyzing the gut bacteria of 37 monks from three temples in Tibet, the study authors found that the devotees had higher concentrations of several beneficial strains than their secular counterparts. “Tibetan […]
Ancient Greeks Often Married Their First Cousins, Scientists Surprised To Find
In Bronze Age Greece and Crete, marrying one’s first cousin was commonplace, new research suggests. The “unprecedented” finding marks the first time researchers have been able to peek behind the curtains of ancient marriages in Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Greece, using genetic material from human bones. In another first, the researchers were also able to […]
Visiting Urban Parks Linked To Reduced Use Of Prescription Medications
Evidence is building up fast that most people need time in nature to be healthy, both physically and mentally. Although it cannot prove causation, a Finnish study has shown that better health for regular users of nature may cover a broad range of conditions, at least based on the medications they consume. Those who visit […]
Parkinson’s Disease Could Be Treated With Cough Medicine If New Trial Is Successful
A common ingredient in cough syrup, ambroxol, is being tested as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Researchers led by a team at UCL will soon launch a Phase 3 clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of the drug in 330 people with the disease. “I am delighted to be leading this exciting project,” said study […]