When Elon Musk took over X (then known by the much more recognizable name of Twitter), he made a big deal out of getting rid of the bots. But nearly two years down the line, according to analysis by the Queensland University of Technology, bots are still very much active on the platform. X users […]
Beautiful Orange Bat Being Sold On Etsy and eBay Faces Uncertain Future
The animal kingdom is full of spectacularly colored creatures. From bright blue tarantulas to the stripes and spots on a tiger cat, just about every kind of pattern and hue can be found somewhere. Problems arise, however, when those who admire these bright colors want a closer look. Research has revealed that a bat species […]
This Backwards Orbiting Planet Is The Most Eccentric We Have Ever Seen
A new planet has been discovered that has the most elongated orbit of any of the 5,600 we have found. On top of that, it’s going the wrong way. Strange as this is, it could provide the missing link between planetary formation, and the category that made up most of our initial discoveries of planets […]
Have You Ever Seen Candle Ice? Prepare To Be Wowed
Springtime in Canada. Its large lakes have spent many many months completely frozen, but they are finally starting to thaw. From the shore it may not look like much, but a little prodding reveals that the ice is made up of tightly-packed, vertically floating candle-shaped ice sticks. Not something you see every day. Advertisement Candle […]
Spotting “Stars In Their Eyes” Lets Astronomers Detect Deep Fakes
AI images are now omnipresent online. While some are absolutely ridiculous, dubbed by Gen Z and Gen Alpha as “Boomer Art”, others can fool even people paying close attention. This is particularly important when it comes to deep fakes, the made-up images of real people. Advertisement Counteracting the spread of these images is extremely important […]
Butchered Giant Armadillo Shows Humans Were In South America 21,000 Years Ago
The chopped-up carcass of a giant armadillo shows that humans were in South America much earlier than previously realized. Dating to around 21,000 years old, the butchered remains also show some of the earliest archaeological evidence of people in the southern stretches of the continent. The fossilized bones were discovered along the banks of the […]
New Microcontinent Discovered Between Greenland And Canada
A microcontinent has been discovered in the Davis Strait between Canada’s southeastern Baffin Island and southwestern Greenland. In a new study, researchers from the UK and Sweden mapped the microcontinent using gravity data, and seismic reflection data to create a plate tectonic reconstruction of the region. Advertisement Though the geology of the region has been […]
Giant Millipede Lost For Over 120 Years Rediscovered In Madagascan Forest
You’d think it’d be hard to lose something as large and with as many legs as a giant millipede – but lo and behold, scientists managed to do so with one species for 126 years. Luckily, it’s been found again in Madagascar’s Makira Forest, joined by 20 other lost species ranging from ant-like flower beetles […]
Lab-Made Butter Created From CO2 Tastes Like The Real Thing, Says Bill Gates
A start-up is literally making butter out of thin air. Using a host of biochemical wizardry, the company is developing ways to make fats out of carbon dioxide taken from the air and hydrogen from water, all without the need for animals, plants, or farmland. Advertisement The brains behind the initiative are called Savor, a […]
New Detection Of Phosphine Deeper In Venus’s Atmosphere – And Possibly Ammonia Too
Astronomers have made new discoveries in the atmosphere of Venus, adding to the compelling complexity and debate over recent discoveries of the molecule phosphine there, and what it means. The unexpected presence of phosphine continues to perplex scientists, but the idea of life in the clouds of Venus continues to be a tantalizing possibility. Advertisement […]
Did The Romans Really Use Gladiator Sweat As An Aphrodisiac?
The new trailer for Gladiator II is an absolute riot of glistening flesh and spilled bodily fluids, and while the movie itself may be historically dubious, it’s certainly true that the combatants of the Colosseum would have spent much of their lives coated in blood and sweat. Exactly what the ancient Romans did with all […]
Sex And Gender Operate Differently In The Brain, Finds Study Of Nearly 5,000 Kids
Analysis of brain scan data from 4,757 children has revealed new insights into how sex and gender influence the human brain. The study team concluded that when it comes to how the brain is wired, sex and gender are two distinct things. In the past, there’s been too much of a focus on sex, they […]
NASA Explains What The “Daylight Fireball” Was Over New York
NASA has stepped in to explain after reports of a “daylight fireball” flying over the Statue of Liberty in New York, USA. Advertisement On Tuesday, residents of New York reported a large fireball and an associated loud boom between 11:16 and 11:30 am. “As I was driving down on Rte 100, I suddenly saw this […]
Caught In A “Dopamine Trap” – What Does That Mean?
Binge-watching TV shows, doom-scrolling on social media, excessive gaming. All these behaviors have been associated with being caught in a “dopamine trap”. But what does this mean and what is dopamine’s role in our compulsive behaviors? What is dopamine? Dopamine is one of the main signaling molecules in the brain. It is often sensationalized as […]
Something’s Been Making This Incredible Pattern For 500 Million Years And We Have No Idea What
From the sandstone cliffs of continental Europe to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, something has been leaving its dazzlingly geometric mark since the dawn of complex life. Despite finding thousands of these perfect honeycomb-shaped fossils, however, scientists are completely baffled as to what type of creature could possibly have been producing the patterns for […]
Shadows Can “Move” Across A Surface Faster Than The Speed Of Light
Traveling faster than the speed of light in a vacuum is impossible, according to Einstein’s theory of special relativity. Advertisement Particles without mass must travel at the speed of light, while any other object cursed with mass finds that it cannot approach 299,792,458 meters per second (983,571,056 feet per second) without expending infinite amounts of […]
Titan’s Not For Surfing, Even If You Could Stand The Cold
It’s just as well a mission to Saturn’s moon Titan was confirmed this year, because the observations we have reveal the most Earth-like world we know still contains many mysteries. Just a month after evidence that waves on Titan are eroding the shorelines of its biggest lakes, a new study reports that even on its […]
Winston, One Of The World’s Oldest Male Gorillas, Has Died Aged 52
Winston, a much beloved western lowland gorilla living at San Diego Zoo Safari Park, has died at the age of 52, park officials announced on Sunday. Advertisement Believed to be one of the oldest male gorillas in the world, Winston’s passing came around seven years after staff at the zoo noticed his health beginning to […]
Climate Change Is Making Days Longer And Could Soon Exceed The Moon’s Influence
It’s far from the most important effect of a hotter world, but rising temperatures are slowing the Earth’s rotation, making the days longer. The effect is certainly small, but new research predicts that in a high emissions scenario the knock-on consequences of human activity will exert a greater influence over the rate the Earth turns […]
This Small Organ Is Very Important, But You Might Not Know Much About It
Hidden within your neck, its two lobes sandwiching your trachea, is a gland that’s only a little longer than a paperclip but has an outsized impact on the whole of your body. It’s your thyroid, and chances are you’ve never really stopped to think about it – unless you’ve experienced it going wrong, that is. […]