A Bengal tiger and her cubs were spotted by tourists as they feasted on a crocodile in Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan, India. The 6-year-old tiger T-124, aka Riddhi, had been spotted pursuing these scaly targets previously. A video shared in February shows her approaching a crocodile from the water’s edge – although that particular […]
Four Regions Of The Sun Seen Exploding Simultaneously
NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) captured a rare phenomenon on Tuesday, April 23: four enormous regions of the Sun exploding simultaneously. Eruptions on the Sun are a common occurrence, especially as we are around the peak of the Sun’s activity cycle, known as the solar maximum. During this part of the Schwabe cycle, sunspots and […]
The Earth’s Magnetic Field Is At Least 3.7-Billion-Years Old, New Evidence Shows
The oldest clear evidence for the Earth’s magnetic field shows that it had formed well within the first billion years of the planet’s existence. The new finding takes us closer to answering the important question of whether the Earth’s magnetic field dates to its formation and if not, how soon afterward it appeared. The magnetic […]
Behold The Thermonator: World’s First Flame-Throwing Robot Dog Is For Sale
Finally – FINALLY! – the world’s first flame-throwing robot dog is available for the general public to purchase in the US. What could possibly go wrong? Ohio-based company Throwflame is selling the “Thermonator” on its website with a price tag of $9,420 (with free shipping in the US, by the way). Advertisement The remotely operated quadruped […]
Deepstaria: A Giant Deep Sea Jelly That Houses A Tiny Isopod Pal
Deepstaria looks like a cross between a ghost emoji and a floating plastic bag, but don’t be tempted to underestimate this shape-shifting jellyfish: it’s among the largest and strangest invertebrate predators of the deep sea. There are two recognized species of Deepstaria – D. enigmatica and D. reticulum – named after the US research sub Deepstar 4000 […]
Uranus May Be Filled With A Lot More Methane Than We Thought
Astronomers taking a closer look at Uranus believe it could be filled with a lot more methane than we previously thought. Uranus and Neptune are often referred to as ice giants, with scientists believing that they are mostly made up of “icy” materials such as water, methane, and ammonia, surrounding a hot, rocky core. One […]
Tesla Recalls Thousands Of Cybertrucks Due To “Unapproved” Introduction Of Lubricant
Tesla has recalled all Cybertrucks produced between November 13, 2023, to April 4, 2024 due to a fault with the accelerator pedals, increasing the risk of a crash. The firm, of which Elon Musk is CEO, recalled all 3,878 Cybertrucks sold during this period, estimating that 100 percent of these trucks were affected by the […]
Zabargad Island: A Land Made Of Green Gemstones In The Red Sea
An island made of gemstones may sound like the daydream of a rum-addled pirate, but if you sail around the Red Sea you might be lucky enough to find Zabargad Island. The small island is formed of a barren surface brimming in peridotite, a rock that’s laced with beautiful peridot gemstones. Zabargad Island is located […]
What Would Be The Scariest Message Humanity Could Receive From Space?
If there are alien civilizations out there close enough to pick up our stray signals, there’s a non-zero chance that amongst the first transmissions, they could receive the opening of the 1936 Olympic Games, meaning our first contact with another species (in the unlikely event that they picked them up) could include a speech by […]
Drunk Driving Charge Dropped Against Man Who Brews Alcohol In His Stomach
A Belgian man charged with drink driving has had the case against him dismissed after proving that he has auto-brewery syndrome (ABS), a rare condition that causes patients to brew alcohol inside their stomachs. In April 2022, the 40-year-old patient was charged after being breathalyzed by police, showing an alcohol level of 0.91 milligrams of […]
At What Age Do You Consider Somebody “Old”?
When would you say “old age” begins? It’s possible that the closer you think you are to that threshold, the later you’ll put it, but people’s general perceptions of old age have been changing over time. New research finds that nowadays, we think of old age starting later than we used to – but that […]
Watch The Sun Briefly Pull Off The Devil Comet’s Tail
NASA’s STEREO A spacecraft has spotted a powerful eruption on the Sun ripping the tail off comet Pons-Brooks, although it quickly regrew. This is far from the first time STEREO A has spotted the Sun toying with a dirty snowball like this, but the images are particularly dramatic. Comet tails are wispy things caused when […]
Black Swallower: A Deep-Sea Fish That Gulps Prey Bigger Than Itself
You never know when your next dinner is coming in the deep sea. To ensure it never misses a meal, the black swallower fish has evolved a formidable jaw and a balloon-like belly that allows it to swallow prey much larger than itself. The black swallower (Chiasmodon niger) measures just 25 centimeters (about 10 inches) […]
Bacteria On The ISS Have Mutated Into Something Not Seen On Earth Before
Movies and TV shows give the impression of space stations as aseptic and squeaky-clean environments. But wherever there are humans, there are all the bacteria that we bring with us. Bacteria have found niches in the International Space Station (ISS) and since they can evolve pretty quickly, a species was seen becoming distinct from its […]
Female Doctors May Offer Better Patient Outcomes, Especially To Women
A new study suggests that patients who are treated by female doctors have lower mortality rates and are readmitted less frequently when compared to their male colleagues. Although the study did not set out to explain this outcome, it is possibly because female doctors are better at communicating with patients. Is there a gender bias […]
Does Stone Age Cave Art Contain The World’s Earliest Writing And Lunar Calendars?
Breathtaking prehistoric paintings have been discovered on the walls of caves across Europe, Africa and Australasia, yet the meanings and functions of these Stone-Age masterpieces remain a topic of fierce debate. Recently, a team of researchers proposed that some of the most iconic examples of rupestral art are in fact lunar calendars, marked out by […]
Meet The Honduran White Bat: It’s Tiny, It’s Fluffy, And It Builds Tents
Sometimes the differences between related species are just as impressive as the animals themselves. Take the bats, for instance. From the truly enormous hammerhead bat that slurps up fruits, to bats found doing the deed without penetration, the world’s only flying mammals have enormous species breadth. In the rainforest of Honduras, for example, you’ll find […]
Voyager 1 Is Finally Making Sense Again
Over the last several months, the most distant human-made object has been in trouble: Voyager 1 was still in communication with Earth, but scientists were receiving nothing but binary gibberish. The situation looked extremely serious – so serious that might have spelled the end of the decade-long mission. But thanks to hard work, the team […]
This Feathery Seaweed Is Actually The World’s Largest Single-Celled Organism
When you think “cells” you generally also think “microscopic”, but sometimes evolution likes to take things in a different direction. It’s hard to believe from looking at it, but this green alga, Caulerpa taxifolia is an organism composed of one single cell – the biggest one on the planet. Also known by the sinister moniker […]
What To Do When Your “Banjo String” Breaks?
Imagine having fun in the bedroom, then one wrong move and the person with the penis may be crying out in pain rather than pleasure. Numerous injuries can occur during sexual activity and – one that is cringe-worthy is the snapping of the banjo string. What is a banjo string? The banjo string is another […]