It’s difficult enough keeping up with regular theories without having to keep up with their weird, paranoid cousin the conspiracy theory. For anyone wanting a quick update on the latter, there appears to be a new one emerging, stating that the Moon is not made of rock after all. The idea, if you are willing […]
Listen To These Wonderful New Sonifications Of Space
For several years, NASA has been translating some of the most iconic images taken by its fleet of telescopes into sound. The results are always pretty extraordinary, providing a different way to translate the data. NASA is releasing a documentary about the project on its free streaming platform NASA+ and to mark the occasion the […]
Weird Seismic Signals Identified In 2010 May Hint At Upside-Down Ocean Crust
In April 2010, an unusual magnitude 6.3 earthquake occurred below Granada, Spain, sending out weird seismic waves that were picked up by monitoring stations in Spain and Morocco. Now, researchers believe the unusual seismic signals were caused by a large piece of the ocean crust that sunk into the Earth’s mantle and completely flipped over […]
“Tumblemageddon” Hits Utah And Nevada After High Winds
Utah and Nevada, USA, have been hit by high winds this week, causing a ridiculous number of tumbleweeds to engulf the cars, buildings, and streets in what is being called “tumblemageddon”. Severe weather and 70 miles-per-hour wind sent tumbleweeds to Utah and Nevada, causing pileups of the plants in front of residents’ homes, with many […]
Colossal Squid: The World’s Largest Invertebrate Is A Gigantic Mystery
Welcome to the ocean, home of all manner of creatures: from the cutest dumbo octopus, to the predatory power of orcas, and everything in between. One creature has captured the imagination of many, from stories of ruined ships to giant tentacles emerging from the deep – but what’s really going on with the colossal squid? […]
Gas Spotted By The JWST Could Be Lit Up By The First Stars
The JWST’s observations of the galaxy GN-z11 have revealed a clump of helium in the galactic halo that may contain the much-sought first generation of stars. Stars like the Sun contain metals only forged in the last stages of stellar life. These elements come from previous generations of stars that produced these heavier elements as […]
Geologists Conclude We Are Not Living In The Anthropocene – For Now
A committee of scientists has voted down a proposal to introduce a new geological age known as the Anthropocene, defined by humanity’s growing influence on our environment. For over a decade, scientists have argued about whether or not we are living in a new geological epoch. Geologists separate time into geological eras based on distinct […]
Humans Have Messed Up The World’s Freshwater Cycle
The extinction of the Java stingaree, the changes to the seasons, record-breaking temperatures – there’s a long list of victims when it comes to the negative impacts of human activity on the planet. The latest member to join the group? The freshwater cycle, according to a new study. Freshwater is the not-so-salty type of water […]
So Long, Lake Manly: Death Valley’s Short-Lived Lake Is Disappearing Again
If you were hoping to catch a glimpse of Death Valley’s ephemeral Lake Manly, it appears you’ve missed the boat – quite literally, as it turns out. With the help of some strong winds, the lake is packing up its watery bags and spreading out, making it so shallow that it’s now closed to boating. […]
At 390 Million Years Old, England Just Usurped The US For Oldest Forest On Earth
We know it’s been mere months since we told you the world’s oldest forest is in New York state, but scratch that: it’s actually in southwest England. At 390 million years old, a bunch of fossilized trees on the other side of the Atlantic has supplanted the US’s record by several million years. Prior to […]
Incredible Photos Capture Star Systems Giving Birth To Planets In A Variety Of Ways
There is a lot that we do not know about how planets form. We get the gist of it. A disk of material forms around a very young star. Inside it, dust becomes pebbles, and pebbles, over time, accumulate into a planet. But what are the detailed processes at work? Recent observations are providing insights […]
Man Takes 217 COVID-19 Vaccines In 29 Months For “Private Reasons”, Is Fine
A team of medical professionals has outlined the unusual case of a man who received 217 COVID-19 vaccinations within the space of 29 months. Though it is a good idea to get COVID-19 vaccinations as the virus evolves and immunity wanes, there is no government on Earth that recommends taking over 200 vaccines in such […]
“Mini Organs” Grown From Human Amniotic Fluid In World First
For the first time, scientists have succeeded in creating organoids from cells shed by fetuses in the womb. The so-called “mini organs” were grown from lung, kidney, and small intestine cells found in amniotic fluid, and could pave the way toward better diagnostics and treatments for various congenital conditions. Organoids are 3D bundles of cells that […]
Dazzling Gold Treasures Found In 1,300-Year-Old Tomb In Panama
Archaeologists in Panama have uncovered the spectacular tomb of a pre-Hispanic chieftain whose funerary offerings include lavish gold items and earrings made of whale teeth, among other treasures. Dated to around 750 CE, the adult male buried within the grave is likely to have been a high-status member of the ancient Gran Coclé culture, which […]
Astronomers Just Updated The Chance Infamous “God Of Chaos” Asteroid Will Hit Earth
For many years, Apophis was considered the most dangerous known asteroid. Astronomers calculated it had a small chance of hitting our planet either in 2029 or, if that was a miss, in 2036. More precise observations of its orbit over the years have shown that it will actually come as close as 40,000 kilometers to […]
Do Bones Decay? Welcome To The Gaunt World Of Diagenesis
The decomposition of a corpse until there’s nothing left but bone is a process known as skeletonization, and it can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few years. The rate of decomposition depends heavily on the environmental conditions, but what about that skeleton that’s left behind? If bones don’t decompose, how come […]
How Do Fireflies Get Their Glowing Butts? Genetics Reveals The Answer
Attracting a mate, whether human or animal, comes with a certain level of courtship. While some people are impressed with fancy dinners or sunset beach walks, in the insect world, a firefly can win a partner with a well-controlled display of flashing butt lights, romantic hey? Now, researchers are taking a closer look at the […]
This US National Park Is The Only Place On Earth Where Crocodiles And Alligators Coexist
Despite looking similar and thriving in comparable habitats, crocodiles and alligators only coexist in one place on Earth: Everglades National Park in South Florida. Crocodiles and alligators have been around for a long time. There aren’t many species alive today that survived the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs. Scientists have traced Crocodylomorpha (the […]
Winter-Proof Lithium-Ion Battery Works At Minus 80 Degrees
A solution has been announced to the apparently contradictory requirements for a highly energy-dense battery that works at very low temperatures. The work is still a long way from mass production, but suggests a major obstacle to electrifying aviation is not as insuperable as many have thought, along with a host of other potential applications. […]
Giant “Sea Lizard” Ruled The Oceans 66 Milion Years Ago Thanks To Dagger-Like Teeth
There are few weird sea creatures we here at IFLScience can resist and new giant sea monsters from the Cretaceous period are not one of them. A new species of mosasaurid from the Maastrichtian age has been discovered in Morocco with dagger-like teeth and a bizarrely shaped skull and even scientists have called it “strange”. […]